Mirkets want to attract the attention of readers to the medical preparation, which has recently been very widely advertised in the media - this is Viagra. Its popularity is growing in geometric progression and almost every man considers his duty to experience his action on himself. According to pharmacies, working around the clock, one of the three sought-after goods in the night is Viagra.
Action Viagra
Let's figure it out what's the matter. The effect of Viagra is based on the relaxation of smooth muscles and strengthening blood flow in the cavernous body. This effect is achieved due to the oppression of the enzyme with a difficult name - type 5 phosphodiesterase. Simply put, the drug expands the blood vessels of the penis when sexy excitation. As a result, blood flow in the penis, which contributes to a normal erection.

Like many significant discoveries, this effect of the drug was found randomly: in 1992, a pharmaceutical company «Pfizer» Conducted clinical trials on volunteers of the new phase of Sildenafil for the treatment of heart disease. However, the necessary impact on the heart was not received, but paid attention to «side effect» Preparation in the form Increase potency In men, the latter did not even want to part with him. Since 1998, Viagra first appeared in the US pharmacies.
Viagra is Preparation for treatment Erectile dysfunction. That's just that nobody knows for the condition. The most frequent answer of specialists: «This is a pathological condition in which the quality of erections of men is reduced and as a result - the inability to carry out a full sexual intercourse».
More often these disorders arise in men after 40 years. However, they often take place in other age groups. Studies on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction a lot in Russia, and abroad. The most accurate is considered «The program for the study of aging men Massachusetts». According to the results of the survey of 1709 men between the ages of 40 and 70 years of the problem with the erection in one way or another were 52% of them.
Therefore, the problem of functional (transient) potency disorders actually exists and is quite widespread. In our country, alcoholism and smoking of low-quality tobacco varieties are promoted; Chronic fatigue of the male part of the population in the struggle for survival. Term «impotence» now began to be used rarely and it means (from Lat. Impotentia - weakness) complete absence of erection. Up to date medicines for treatment erectile dysfunction was not. Our site does not say that Viagra is a panacea, it provides only a temporary effect. But it is possible that more advanced drugs will be created on its basis.
Viagra produces a solid pharmaceutical firm PFIZER. These are pills covered with a shell of blue color, diamond-shaped with an inscription «VGR 25» «VGR 50» or «VGR 100» on one side and «Pfizer» another. The active substance Viagra is Sildenafil. Figures on tablets indicate how many milligrams of Sildenafil contains in 1 Tablet Viagra. The recommended dose is 50 mg for most patients, taking into account the individual tolerance of the dose can be increased to 100 mg or reduced to 25 mg. Viagra is applied no more than 1 time per day, about one hour before intercourse. Tablet needs to swallow the whole, drinking with a small amount of water.
It is very important, and therefore our site will once again emphasize this moment: the erection occurs only in the presence of sexual arousal. The presence of a beloved woman, intimate setting will help you in this. Alcohol is not recommended, especially in large quantities, as not only erection is lost, but also a human face. Yes, and it is desirable to remember who you spent the night. Abundant food, especially fatty food slows down the effect of Viagra and the effect may be delayed. In the elderly (65 years and older), the drug is extended slower and can be circulated in blood for a long time, so they recommend individual selection of doses, most often towards lowering.
In fact, Viagra is the only drug for its kind for Treating impotence, easy to use, affordable and fairly effective. However, there is a reverse side of the medal. All the following our site recommends reading with special attention to not harm your health in the future.
Everyone knows that before you start taking a new drug, you need to read the instructions for its use or annotation. It is best to consult with your doctor: discuss the dose, multiplicity and duration of application, as well as possible side effects. There should be no false shame. You need to know about contraindications for receiving Viagra:
- If you are taking constantly or with nitrate breaks for the treatment of angina (for example, nitrosorbide, cardicket, smell, etc.), nitrogen oxide donators, viagra contraindicated, as it enhances the hypotensive effect of nitrates and blood pressure can fall to critical figures. If you do not know whether the drug relates to the group of nitrates - Ask the doctor so that it does not happen.
- Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug - an allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash, itching the skin, swelling of the face or lips, shortness of breath.
With caution should be used by Viagra under the anatomical deformation of the penis; with diseases accompanied by bleeding; when aggravating the ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; In the first 6 months after myocardial infarction, stroke; With severe arrhythmias. If your blood pressure is more than 170/100 mm RT. Art. or less than 90/50 mm RT. Art. refrain from taking Viagra.
Side effects
The side effects of Viagra, you also need to know about them
- Blood tides to face - in 10.9% of cases;
- heartbeat - 1%;
- Strong headache - 10.8%;
- dizziness - 2.9%;
- Violation of color vision perception: the world appears mainly in the blue light, an increased eye sensitivity appears to bright light;
- nasal congestion - 2.1%, infringement of sense of smell - 5.5%;
- violation in the work of the stomach, vomiting - 3%;
- reduction of blood pressure, fainting, bleeding from the nose;
From the gender system, an excessively long-term painful erection of up to 4 hours, requiring emergency medical intervention.
Analysis of 1473 cases of the occurrence of side effects of Viagra (data for 1 year). Of these, 522 deaths: 94 Men died of a heart stop, 200 people from myocardial infarction. Most often death fell in the first 6 hours after the drug. The dead suffered from diseases of the cardiovascular system of varying severity. It is believed that the cause of death in this situation is not the medicine itself, but sexual activity in people with heart disease. The situation is obtained ambiguous: on the one hand, a man is sick and at any moment he can occur a heart attack, on the other hand he took Viagra, which is contraindicated in its illness. It is possible, nature is more wisely powdered by such patients, it takes care of the duration of their life. Prove «blame» Viagra is almost impossible, so Pfizer has not lost a single court case.
Consequently, «cores» It is necessary to weigh everything for and against and discuss the use of Viagra with your doctor. In the instructions for the drug, a separate line is written: «Preparations intended for the treatment of erection violations should not be prescribed to men for whom sexual activity is not desirable».
British scientists studied the action of Viagra on mice. It turned out that it lowers the probability Conception by 30%, spermatozoa cannot penetrate the egg, as all substances that they need for this are spent earlier. There is no data about the similar effect. The company itself argues that the drug does not affect the childbearing function and even improves it, contributing to the.
Viagra cannot be used for children and young men under 18. It is very important that this drug was designed to treat sufficiently pronounced sex disorders and is not intended for use by healthy men. In other words, Viagra does not act on healthy people. But if a person who considers himself healthy, after taking a tablet, the erection function has improved, then it can really suffer some «hidden» violation of erection.
Research has been conducted on volunteers - a single reception of Viagra up to 800 mg. Unwanted effects met more often and were heavier. No specific antidote. When overdose, symptomatic treatment is recommended, more often under the conditions of the resuscitation department. The case is complicated by the fact that dialysis (blood purification) is not effective in this case, since Sildenafil is firmly associated with proteins Plasma blood and not excreted with urine.
No negative impact on driving ability was not detected, but taking into account possible side effects, some time after taking Viagra should be attentive to refer to the management of vehicles and working with mechanisms.
P.S. Our site is still careful to be careful with Viagra, because the drug appeared on the pharmaceutical market relatively recently and, therefore, is not sufficiently studied. There are no reliable large randomized studies published in the press (mainly published or laudatory articles of the manufacturer itself, or crucial articles of competitors). Do not take Viagra for curiosity and enhance sexual sensations. Remember that in everything must be a measure and «golden mean»; If you constantly wear a body or a separate function, it will sooner or later deplete and will fail. It is possible that with a frequent use of Viagra, in the future you are purely at a psychological level can do without it, as the drug gives you more confidence in your abilities.
And the last. No one has canceled a healthy lifestyle: Learn Harmony from Nature, rejoice every day, be self-sufficient and then you will not need a blue tablet.