Menu Diet number 7

Diet number 7 is one of the fifteen special treatment systems that were developed at one time by Dr. Pevzer. The testimony for the use of diet number 7 is chronic jade, which proceeds without exacerbation, and the acute form of diffuse glomerulonephritis during the recovery period. In the first three or four days of illness, the so-called contrast days are usually held.

The purpose of diet number 7 is to create with inflammatory defeat of the kidney of favorable conditions for their work. This diet also allows you to improve the main exchange processes in the kidneys and other organs, which highly increases the effectiveness of treatment. In addition, the diet improves the urination and has an anti-allergic effect. The goals of this father are also: reducing edema, Reduced arterial pressure, Self-leveling of kidney functions and normalization of water and electrolyte balance.

Basic moments

diet, diet 7, healing diet, food, diet

Passing this diet is dramatically limited or often completely eliminated by food, which contains substances that irritate kidney. In addition, the patient's harmful toxins and slags from the body increases. In the diet during this diet, the required amount of vitamins must be present, sufficiently proteins and Carbohydrates. A special role is played by food containing lipotropic substances. These products include milk and some fermented milk products. In this case, it is better to eliminate sour cream and cream.

In addition, under the observance of diet number 7, protein, carbohydrates and fats are limited. In particular, in the daily diet of each patient who complies with this diet contains about 80 grams of proteins, of which about 50-60% of animal proteins, and approximately 400-450 grams of carbohydrates. The number of fats per day is approximately 90-100 grams. The total calorie content of the diet is approximately 2700-2900 kilocalories. At the same time, most of the food is usually prepared without adding a cook salt. In general, the daily rate of the cooking salt is usually issued to the patient only in hand and is 3-6 grams per day. The daily rate of free drinking fluid at this state is usually limited to one liter. Food is accepted 4-5 times a day.

Permitted products

diet, diet 7, healing diet, food, diet

An indication for this diet is chronic jade, which proceeds with severe renal failure. The main goal of diet number 7 is the creation of conditions for the maximum gentity of the main functions of the kidneys. In addition, this diet allows you to reduce the symptoms of Uremia, to increase the removal of the patient toxins and slags from the body, as well as reach anti-inflammatory action. This is a small, resolving diet. Approximately 75% protein used during diet No. 7a is an animal protein that serves as a full source of essential amino acids. In order to improve the taste quality of food, use lemon, leafy greens and skewers. In addition, small-facing products are widely used. Including artificial fat and wasteless bread. The daily rate of the cooking salt in this case is the most minimum and is 0.5 grams per day. This is a salt that is contained in products. It is important that the patient takes food in bed. At the same time, the power of the power must be 4-5 times a day. The daily fluid norm is up to 0.5 liters per day.

Diet number 7b

diet, diet 7, healing diet, food, diet

Indication to this diet are chronic forms of kidney diseases that proceed with severe azotemia. This diet is usually assigned after a small-facing diet No. 7a. The goal of the diet is to create the conditions for the maximum gentity of the main functions of the kidneys, and the removal of various nitrogen slags from the body. Also this diet allows you to reduce blood pressure and reduce uremia. In addition, the purpose of this diet is to increase the amount of urine allocated and the decrease in anti-inflammatory action. All dishes during a diet are usually prepared without adding cooking salts. Food is recommended to take 5-6 times a day. The amount of fluid feeding with this diet is 0.6 liters.

Diet number 7V

This variant of the diet is used in chronic kidney disease, which proceeds with nephrotic syndrome. The main purpose of this diet is to fill protein loss, reduction of edema, as well as their liquidation. The goal is also a reduction in hypercholesterolemia. Food takes 5-6 times a day. All dishes that are in the diet with this diet are prepared without adding a cook salt and is prepared only in boiled form. Diet number 7B is characterized by increased content in the diet of protein, reduced amount of fat.

Diet number 7

diet, diet 7, healing diet, food, diet

The indication for this diet is the terminal renal failure, in which patients are in constant hemodialysis. The rate of free fluid with this diet is up to 0.7 liters, and the table of the table salt is usually limited to 2 grams per day. In this case, the diet during the diet should provide the body with a full set of vitamins. Under the observance of the diet, it is necessary to reduce the amount of products in the daily diet, which contains quite a lot of vegetable protein and products that are rich in potassium. Food is usually prepared in boiled form without adding salt. At the same time, nutrition is not less than 6 times a day.

Diet number 7r

An indication of this diet is the hyperuricemia and terminal renal failure, in which patients are on constant hemodialysis. Food during this diet is usually accepted by small uniform portions 6 times a day.

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