Diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer


  • Cancer cervical cancer
  • What's happening?
  • How to recognize?
  • Diagnosis of cervical cancer
  • Treatment
    cervical cancer

  • Every year this tumor detect more than 600 thousand patients. Although
    Usually, cervical cancer arises aged 40-60 years old, but unfortunately,
    Recently he has grown.

    Cancer cervical cancer

    As with other oncological diseases, risk factors
    The appearance of cervical cancer is an elderly age, impact
    Radiation and chemical carcinogens.

    In addition, scientists have proven that there is a cervical cancer and such
    viral infections like genital herpes and papillomavirus,
    There is direct communication. For example, human papilloma virus (Human
    Papilloma Virus - HPV) is detected in 95% of cancer patients. And in women,
    infected with both viruses, chance to get cervical cancer
    Increases 2-3 times compared to healthy. Thus,
    It turns out that cervical cancer tends to transmit sex
    by, and for these malicious viruses, even a condom is not a barrier.

    Doctors found that the presence of six and more sexual partners
    One woman increases the risk of developing cervical cancer in 11
    once. Especially high incidence of prostitutes, but
    virgins he is almost equal to zero.

    Most often, the tumor occurs in women who:

    • Early (up to 16 years) began to lead sexual life;
    • ended early pregnancy and early first childbirth (up to 16 years);
    • lead an erratic sex life;
    • made a lot of abortions;
    • suffer in inflammatory and venereal diseases;
    • smoke a lot;
    • long time take hormonal contraceptives;
    • suffer impaired immunity.

    What's happening?

    Cervical cancer rarely appears with no. Usually
    The tumor occurs against the background of the precancerous states, to which they include:
    Erosion, Flat Condylomas on the cervix, scar changes after
    childbirth and abortion, as well as changes in the properties of cervical cells,
    arising from long-term inflammatory processes. IN
    average transformation from the prejudice to the cancer tumor takes from 2 to
    15 years. Subsequent transition from the initial stage of cancer in the final
    lasts 1-2 years.

    First the tumor damages only the cervix, then gradually
    Begins to germinate surrounding organs and fabrics. During the disease
    Tumor cells can be transferred with Lymph current to
    nearby lymph nodes and to form new tumor nodes there

    How to recognize?

    Diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer
    A woman can hardly guess about the developing cervical cancer on
    initial stages of the disease. Usually everything proceeds asymptomatic. More often
    In total, the early stages of cancer randomly reveals a gynecologist on the plan
    examination of the patient.

    However, a woman must be alert if she had whitish
    With a small admixture of blood selection from the vagina. The larger the tumor
    and the longer it exists, the greater the probability that it will arise
    Blood selection from the vagina after sexual intercourse, raising
    weights, straightening, douching. These symptoms appear when
    The cervix already has ulcerations with a rupture of blood vessels.

    In the future, as cancer develops, nervous plexuses are squeezed
    Small pelvis, which is accompanied by the appearance of sacrum pain,
    Lans and at the bottom of the belly.

    When progressing the cervical cancer, and the spread of the tumor on
    Low pelvis organs appear such symptoms as pain in the back, legs,
    Foot swelling, urination and defecation. Sounds may occur,
    Connecting intestines and vagina.

    Diagnosis of cervical cancer

    The diagnosis of cervical cancer begins in the doctor's gynecologist office.

    During the inspection: the finger test of the vagina, the inspection of the cervix
    Uterus with gynecological mirrors and colposcopy (research,
    conducted with the help of a special optical device Colposcope)
    The doctor defines the state of the cervix, the presence of neoplasms on it.
    In the study, biopsy can be performed - taking a piece of fabrics for
    Subsequent histological research. If suspicion of gynecologist
    Requirmed, the patient is sent for advice to the oncologist.

    To detect cervical cancer in the early stages there is
    Special test. It is recommended regularly (at least once every 2 years)
    pass every woman after 40 years. With a small stick with
    The cervix takes the smear, then this smear is painted special
    dye and explored under the microscope. The method is called
    "Cytological Research Sailing from the surface of the cervix", in
    English-speaking countries - Papinicolau test, USA - PAP SMEAR.

    In some cases, the doctor may appoint an ultrasound. Through
    CT scan and magnetic resonant tomography of the abdominal cavity and
    pelvic organs can determine the size and localization of cancer
    lesions, as well as install whether local lymph nodes are affected.

    cervical cancer

    Treatment of cervical cancer combined and includes operation,
    Chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In each case, treatment
    it is assigned individually, it depends on the disease stage,
    concomitant diseases, cervical states and availability
    inflammatory diseases are currently.

    During the surgical operation, a tumor can be removed from
    part of the cervix, the removal of the tumor along with the cervix, and sometimes
    With the most uterus. Often the operation is complemented by the removal of lymphatic
    nodes of a small pelvis (if cancer cells have time to be buried). Question
    The removal of the ovaries is solved, as a rule, individually (on early
    Stages of cancer in young women ovaries can be saved).

    After the operation, if necessary, the patients assign radiation
    Therapy. Treatment of ionizing radiation can be complemented
    Surgical treatment and appointed separately. In the treatment of cervical cancer
    The uterus can be used chemotherapy, special medicines,
    Stopping and dividing cancer cells. Unfortunately opportunities
    Chemotherapy in this disease is strongly limited.

    The success of the treatment of cervical cancer depends on age
    Patients, the correctness of the selection of therapy, and, most importantly, from early
    Diagnosis of the disease. When cervical cancer detect on early
    stages, the forecast is very favorable and the disease can be cured by one
    Surgical methods.

    If the treatment has begun in the early stages of the disease, in 45-60%
    Patients have a chance to fully recover, and in 90% - to live even though
    Five years old. If the disease found too late when
    Metastases appeared, there are no guarantees.

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