Leukoplakia outdoor genital organs


  • The concept of leucoplakia of external genital organs
  • Methods for the treatment of leukoplakia external genital organs

  • The concept of leucoplakia of external genital organs

    For many years, leukoplakia has been referred to by the number of precancerous diseases. The leukoplakia of the outer genital organs is determined by persistent symptoms, the therapy with it is ineffective and in a certain percentage of cases of leukoplakia can go into cancer.

    The leukoplakia of female outdoor genital organs usually occurs during the menopause (termination of menstruation), when the proofreading processes are performed in the sexual system. These physiological changes found on the outdoor genital organs of a woman, with microscopic studies, are very much reminded in the initial stage of their development, those with which you have to meet with leukoplakia. As the female body and age restructuring agrees in the tissues of female external genital organs, the processes of atrophy are beginning to prevail, which are manifested by dry skin, hair loss, loss of skin elasticity and light trauma of skin.

    Typically, the disease develops gradually and littleness. Initial sign - itching in the field of external genital organs. Itching more often appears at night and weakens during the daytime.

    With leukoplakia, typical bleashed color plaques appear on the outdoor genital organs, surrounded by roller. Sizes of plaques can be from the seed grain to a five-supported coin. Leukoplakia can be isolated or widespread.

    The visible picture of the leukoplakia of the external female genital organs changes significantly when the secondary infection is attached, penetrating the surface layers of the skin during calculations. In these cases, there is a pronounced redness, hollows and curls after removal, which cotton swabbing erosion surface is exposed.

    Leukoplakia is typical chronic, long flow with numerous repetitions.

    Methods for the treatment of leukoplakia external genital organs

    Leukoplakia outdoor genital organsTreatment should be started with common effects that are widely combined with local procedures. Of great importance is psychotherapy, aimed primarily on the development of confidence in the possibility of cure from this long and durability. It is recommended to comply with the mode, the use of gymnastic exercises, outdoor walking. Normalize sleep if there is insomnia. Power should be full, sufficient on calorie content and content of vitamins. It should be limited to carbohydrate consumption, as well as eliminate spicy and just sharp and salty dishes.

    It is necessary to observe hygiene. Lingerie should not feel tightly to the body so as not to cause even more itching. Excluding the wearing of underwear from synthetic materials. It is recommended to regularly arrange the external genital organs with solutions infusion of daisy or drinking soda.

    Medical treatment includes the appointment of funds in general and local exposure, it is advisable to combine with a novocaine blockade and physiotherapy. In some extremely heavy cases, in the unsuccessfulness of conservative therapy, surgical treatment is shown.

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