What is removing? What are the symptoms and the course of dislocation? How to carry out treatment? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
What is removing
Dislocation is a persistent abnormal displacement of the joint surfaces relative to each other. If they stop touching, dislocate called complete, with partial contact - incomplete or sublink. Dislocation is usually accompanied by a breakdown of the joint capsule and the exhaustment of one articular surface through the gap.
Considering which bone came out (dislocated), they talk about the removal of the shoulder, hips or bones of the forearm and T.D. It is believed that the dislocation of the bone is considered, the articular surface of which is distal than (further) in relation to other bones participating in the formation of this joint. The exception is the spine, the upper vertebra is shifted relative to the underlying.
congenital dislocations - developed during the intrauterine life of the fetus;
- Acquired - as a result of injury (traumatic dislocation) or pathological process in the joint area (pathological dislocation).
- The overwhelming majority of congenital dislocations happens in the hip joint with one or, more often, on both sides. As a rule, they are noticed when the child begins to walk. Chromoty, sore break, soreness in it, shortening legs. For bilateral dislocation characteristic of the march in turning (duck). The diagnosis is specified by X-ray.
Acquired (traumatic) dislocations are found in 80-90% of cases and therefore have the greatest practical importance. Some individual anatomy-physiological features of a person (the inconsistency of the magnitude of the articular surfaces, a wide joint capsule, the fraudity of the ligament apparatus, etc.) are predisposing factors. With an indiscriminate application, the outflows are developing more often than from direct impact on the joint.
Its capsule at traumatic dislocations is broken in the form of a gap or in the form of a significant defect fabric. Dislocation in block-shaped joints (knee, elbow, ankle) are always accompanied by a gap of a ligament. Also, the tendons are also gaps in places of attaching them to the bone, hemorrhage into the surrounding tissues and in the joints. The simultaneous fracture of the bones close to it, damage to large vessels, nerves complicates the treatment of dislocation (complicated dislocation).
Symptoms and reversing
The circumstances of injury and the damage mechanism are clarified when the victim is asked. Typical complaints of pain in the joint and the impossibility of movement in it due to gaining pain. Sometimes numbness is noted, which is associated with the squeezing of the nerve trunks and the fixation of the disguised fragment by spastically abbreviated muscles. There is a forced irregular position of the limb and deformation of the joint area. For example, when dislocate in the shoulder joint, the shoulder is left at 15-30 and the impression of the elongated, in the area of the deltoid muscle there is.
The displaced articular end of the bone with feeling is often able to determine in an unusual place. So, when the shoulder dislocation, he is torn in the armpit or under the big thoracic muscle. Attempts to determine the possibility of passive movements in the joint give a feeling of spring fixation: the dislocated bone during a violent displacement again returns to the previous position that is explained by the action of spastically abbreviated muscles, tensioned ligaments and capsules. This symptom is characteristic of dislocation.
The diagnosis of dislocation is confirmed by a radiological study, it also confirms or eliminates the associated bone fractures near the joints, which is of great importance for the choice of the treatment method.
Treatment of Ovvykhov
The patient must be immediately sent to the Medical Institution. Wound closed aseptic bandage. Removing the removal is easier and better in the first hours of injury. The dislocations of two five days ago to go very difficult, and after 3-4 weeks often requires operational intervention, which gives much worse results.
Prerequisite for successful in return - complete relaxation of the muscles, which is achieved by good anesthesia. Unacceptable use of rough physical strength, t.To. This leads to additional damage to the joint capsule, bone and subsequent relapses - T.N. «usual dislocation», They are most often found in the shoulder and the mandibular joints.
Methods of refueling are based on the tension of the muscle of the joint with the use of a number of manipulations, which seem to be repeated in the reverse order of movement that caused dislocation. Therefore, it is very important to imagine a development mechanism and a sequence of movements that led to dislocation.
After ordering, they make a control x-ray, which confirms the correctness of its implementation. The limb is fixed by 6-10 days in a functionally advantageous position with a dressing or stretching. In the future, a complex of medical and physical exercises is regularly carried out.