Bruxism, treatment


  • Treatment of Bruxism

  • Treatment of Bruxism

    Treatment of Bruxism to the present remains a difficult problem.
    To a large extent, it depends on the development time, reasons and
    The nature of the course of the disease. Bruxism, developing in infancy,
    As a rule, does not require treatment and independently stops to 6-7

    If Brooksism suddenly appeared in an adult, then
    It is necessary to exclude night epilepsy and brain disease. If the bruxism persists in an adult, then,
    First, it is necessary, if possible, eliminate all available
    Dental problems or bite defects, and, secondly,
    consider the feasibility of the use of intrarocratic protective
    Applicators from rubber or soft plastic, which are fixed between
    teeth and prevent their injury. As an additional treatment
    It is possible to use drugs of magnesium, calcium and vitamins of groups in.
    Saturation of the body by these microelements and vitamins can
    reduce the convulsive activity of chewing muscles in a dream.

    Let the leisure of the jaws. If your child does not chew, does not swallow
    and not talking, the upper and lower teeth should not come into contact. If
    teeth come into contact, they are compressed, and this is just one step to
    Crosshead. Explain this to the child and ask him to try
    teeth slightly spread when the jaws are relaxed.

    Bruxism, treatment
    Encourage exercise. Regular exercises can help
    your child to remove stress and muscle tension that
    This people can cause the night grinding tooth.

    Calm lessons before going to bed. The child should not
    take part in the struggle, pulling and other rustling games before
    Waste to sleep. Tense muscles take time to relax,
    Before the child falls. Make so that one hour before
    go to bed, the child was in a fairly calm
    Settlement. At this time you can read the book or give it the opportunity
    read or browse a book with pictures.

    Try to lay a child early. Maybe yours
    The child was overwhelmed, and this could push it to the brine of the teeth in
    time to sleep. In this case, an earlier departure can help. If
    Your child usually goes to sleep at nine in the evening, try
    put it on eight.

    Avoid food before bedtime. If digestive juices
    work in a night shift, it can lead to extra tension
    child during sleep. Do not let the child eat or drink anything but
    water, an hour before the departure to sleep.

    Talk to your child about his problems. If your child
    concerned about the difficult homework or coming soon by the premiere
    School play, it may be the reason for making it to gripe
    teeth at night. If something bothers the child, do not let him
    go to bed with this concern in the head. Talk to him before
    Sleep to leave all the concerns, it often helps to remove
    voltage. Let five or ten-minute conversation be with you
    daily soothing procedure before the child falls.

    Apply warm, wet compresses. If the jaw
    your child hurts in the morning, wet a terry napkin in warm
    water, squeeze it and attach to a sore jaw until the child
    It does not feel better. It will help calm pain.

    Bruxism has not only medical consequences - it
    The state actively and unceremoniously creates communication problems
    Adults. It is unlikely that someone from the surrounding will like to accommodate with
    Such poor things in one hotel room, hostel room or coupe
    Trains. Often a man suffering from bruxism is even experiencing
    Serious difficulties in creating a family (or maintaining it). All this
    suggests that the subjects are maliciously crushing
    need medical care.

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