«Psychosis of horror» and post-tramatic stress syndrome


  • What «Psychosis of horror»
  • Post travery stress syndrome

  • What «Psychosis of horror»

    & laquo; horror psychosis & raquo; and post-tramatic stress syndromeSituations, life-threatening or well-being, natural disasters, ecological disasters, accidents, firewreckers, events of the combat situation (artillery shelling, attacks of the enemy), leading to great destruction, causing death, injured, the suffering of a large number of people often cause people painful States to describe which doctors use such terms as emotional shocks, acute affectogenic reactions, crisis reactions, extreme reactions. They relate to so-called psychogenic psychosis.

    Disorder, developing as a result of a disaster experience (unlike other psychogenic states), experts began to describe in the XIX century, a new direction was gradually developed - psychiatry disasters.

    And a comprehensive description of such states was given to the German scientific clay in 1917. He suggested the term «Psychosis of horror».

    In these cases, we are talking about, speaking by the language of experts, «Transient disorders of considerable gravity with sharp endocrine and vasomotor shifts developing in individuals without mental pathology in extreme conditions», T.E. We are talking about diseases that are directly at the time of the catastrophe or immediately after it.

    The acute reaction to stress can be characterized by confusion, fear, psychomotor excitation or stupor, panic reactions, narrowing of consciousness, as well as disorders reflecting the nature of the extreme impact (for example, the illusion of the oscillation of the Earth after the earthquake). Sometimes acute psychotic states with disorientation, scene-like visual hallucinations arise. Sensitivity to stressful impacts increases in people of old age and in somatic diseases.

    Post travery stress syndrome

    In the twentieth century, interest in this problem inevitably increased due to military conflicts, natural and technogenic catastrophes. For example, Vietnam war served as a powerful incentive for research of American psychiatrists and psychologists. Which by the end of the 1970s has accumulated significant material about psychopathological and personal disorders from the participants of the war. Simptomatics was also found in persons affected in other situations close to the severity of psychogenic impact.

    Then it became obvious that the disasters could cause not only different «Psychosis of horror», But also contribute to the development of another group of diseases that occur not immediately, and after some, sometimes significant, time, after exiting stressful state.

    The data of the psyche violations were called post-traumatic stress syndrome. They are characterized, in particular, anxious and depressive states with a sense of fear for their lives, a fussiness, nightmarish dreams; depressive reactions with conversion disorders; reactions of euphoric type with multiplicity, with a sharp underestimation of the severity of its somatic state; obsessive-phobic disorders (frightening figurative memories). The duration of such states is in the acute period of several weeks to several months. Especially persistent are depressive, obsessive-phobic disorders and sleep disorders.

    In most cases, especially with a favorable family atmosphere and good social conditions, there is a recovery. Perhaps a protracted flow with increasing psychopathization, episodes of antisocial behavior, alcohol and drug use.

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