Treatment of pinching nerve

It happens that with an awkward or sharp movement there is severe pain in the spine, the neck area or some other places. These sensations are familiar to many - in this way, the nerve can occur. To eliminate this problem, you will need to start as quickly as possible.

Causes of pinching nerve

pinching nerve, neuralgia, neurology, nerve, injury

Pumping the nerve is a fairly common disease, in which the nerve damage occurs and its functioning is disturbed.

The causes and factors of this violation can be:

  • traumatic impacts and their consequences;
  • Excessive physical exertion;
  • «sedentary» lifestyle accompanied by a disadvantage of physical activity;
  • Some forms of illnesses affecting joints - osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Violation of posture, exacerbation Osteochondrosis, Radiculitis, hernia of intervertebral disks, Prudrunza, Muscle hypertonus, salt deposition;
  • damage to peripheral nerves in diabetics;
  • supercooling, as well as infectious diseases that cause inflammation of the nerve of the tissues around the nerve;
  • obesity - due to the additional burden on the joints due to excess weight;
  • increase and redistribution of weight with the appearance of swelling during pregnancy;
  • so-called Tunnel syndrome Brushes and elbows - arises due to long static load, uncomfortable hand position. For example, at a continuous work at a computer, a nerve pinch may occur;
  • Genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of pinching nerve

pinching nerve, neuralgia, neurology, nerve, injury

To identify the reason for pinching the nerve, the doctor conducts inspection and primary examination. For diagnosis of the disease, a survey is prescribed by the method of radiography, as well as in some cases magnetic resonance imaging, myelography (in order to diagnose the pathologies of the spinal column, as well as spinal cord). After clarifying the diagnosis, a complex of medical procedures and activities are prescribed for the treatment of a specific disease that caused the problem. Depending on the cause of pinching, preparations can be applied to improve blood circulation, To normalize the metabolic processes of the body - vitamins of group B, as well as drugs for the recovery of cartilage and bone tissue.

Treatment of the pinched nerve includes the following steps:

  1. Anesthesia - Medical agents are used to remove pain syndrome in the form of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, with strong pains - analgesics, and in some cases corticosteroids. In addition, prescribed drugs for removing muscle spasms (muscle relaxants), as well as Novocaine blockades. It should be borne in mind that muscle relaxants act directly on the nervous system and have many side effects - therefore they can be taken only in conditions that do not require the concentration of attention and rapid response.
  2. The main stage of treatment is the impact on the cause of the disease in order to eliminate the causes of pinching and restoring nerve functions. Depending on the intensity of symptoms, the degree of damage and duration of the disease, treatment is assigned to the treatment of drug therapy, as well as the use of a complex of physiotherapy procedures and manual influences.

In some cases, in serious damage to the nerve tissues, surgery can be applied.

If the intensity of pain is somewhat reduced and the patient is able to confidently move, a complex of measures of physical and manual therapy is prescribed. Physiotherapy When pincing the nerve is to apply the following techniques:

  • Electrophoresis, phophoresis (method of exposure to electric current or ultrasound directly on the pathology zone), using various drugs;
  • paraffin applications - thermal procedures in the inflammation zone help improve blood circulation and lymph drainage, remove muscle and swelling spasms;
  • UHF therapy (by impact on the focus of the lesion using the high and ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field) - these procedures have a powerful antparageous effect;
  • Magnetotherapy - Produces a powerful painkillers and anti-ethnic effect, improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, normalizes metabolic processes in the affected area.

As additional methods for the treatment of a pinched nerve after removing acute symptoms, the following procedures are assigned:

  • acupuncture and reflexotherapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.

Massage is one of the most effective methods for eliminating pain when pinching the nerve. It is important to note that in the period of exacerbation of the disease Massage contraindicated! The procedure is recommended to entrust the professional with medical education. Therapeutic massage is carried out by courses, not less than 10-15 procedures. It will help to relieve the tension, reduce pain manifestations and effectively relax muscles, including in the area of ​​affected nerve.

Therapeutic gymnastics - like massage, effective after the exacerbation period. The set of exercises is selected individually and is aimed at restoring the functions of the nerve and muscles.

In the remission of this disease, sanatorium-resort treatment may be shown. Especially effective will be the procedures of mud and watering.

Treatment at home

pinching nerve, neuralgia, neurology, nerve, injury

It must be borne in mind that the treatment of the pinched nerve at home requires a preliminary accurate establishment of the cause of pain. Timely diagnostics helps to assign appropriate treatment.

At home to remove pain from the pinched nerve, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations:

  • If suddenly overtook a sharp pain with violation of mobility, you should not try to change the position and eliminate the cause of the spasm. It is necessary to enhance in a horizontal position on a flat and rigid surface or fasten the affected area at rest. It is recommended whenever possible to lie or sit as possible;
  • Try to immobilize the affected area - fix it with dressings, bandages or tires supporting corsets. Lift gravity, moving with an active load - contraindicated;
  • recommended bed mode and sleep to give the body the opportunity to recover.

At home to reduce inflammation and removal Edeys, In chronic pains, it is possible to use thermal procedures (warm heating, compresses), as well as light massage.

It is recommended to use hot and cold compresses (especially with the use of alternation) - they will help reduce swelling and normalize blood circulation. Ice compress must be applied several times a day to the affected area for 10-15 minutes, you can alternate with hot.

In order to relax muscles and stimulate blood circulation, it will be useful to take a hot bath. Hot shower or boards will also make it easier for pain. It should be noted that with acute pain, only light dry heat is shown.

After the aggravation stage passes, the use of massage and therapeutic gymnastics will be effective.

In addition, with many types of pinching the nerve, sailing (in warm water, with small loads).

Folk treatments for pinched nerve

pinching nerve, neuralgia, neurology, nerve, injury

As a means for outdoor use, compresses or rubbing with the use of tinctures and weathered ointments, as well as the local irritant:

  1. Take half a cup of grated root Khrena (can be replaced with black radish) and raw potatoes, add two tablespoons of honey. The resulting cleaner must be wrapped in a dense fabric. Lay out a layer of 1.5-2 cm and put on the affected place, withstand within an hour.
  2. Effective compresses with fir oil - when exposed to heat (you can use the electric facility or to warm up with a sack with salt). In order to avoid irritation, the skin under the compression is recommended to lubricate vegetable oil.
  3. Can be used for rubbing tincture of red pepper, garlic, laurel sheet. In order to make a tincture with a laurel sheet, it is necessary to take 15-20 leaves, add them to 250 ml of vodka, put in a dark place and insist three days.

Tincture with Barbaris berries: Fill the glass container with fresh berries of Barbaris and pretend to top medical alcohol, insist two weeks in a dry and warm room. Apply for rubbing several times a day, then wrap a sore place.

In addition to the means of external use, the treatment of the pinched nerve will be effective in the healing infusion (leaves of strawberries, field horsetail, dispatch, as well as leaf and berries of Barbaris). These components need to be mixed in equal amounts. Two tablespoons of the collection to fall asleep into the thermos, pour two glasses of boiling water and insist for several hours. Next, strain and take inside by half a compartment several times a day.

As the prevention of pinching the nerve, our site recommends refraining from overvoltage, avoid hypothermia and stressful situations, normalize your motor activity mode. Timely treatment of the pinched nerve, the prevention of relapses and the further healthy lifestyle will retain your health and quality of life for many years.

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