Dental implants

Dentists have long been alarming a long time - there are too little people with a complete set of teeth that do not require treatment. The complete absence of one or several teeth is no longer. Let's talk about a completely new and very promising direction in surgical dentistry - implantation by means of a titanium rod.

So the human body is arranged: not a single organ, no fabric or cell in it is aimless. So Nature ordered: an adult should have 32 permanent tooth, a child - 20 dairy. It is such a quantitative composition that provides the health of the digestive system, because the main function of the teeth is the primary processing of food - chewing.

Dentists have long been alarming a long time - there are too little people with a complete set of teeth that do not require treatment. The most frequent pathology - caries, Stomatitis or paradontitis. On the same stage, in a short time, it will be possible to put the complete absence of one or more teeth. There are a lot of reasons, the result is aesthetic defect together with the errors of chewing and learning.

Such problems until recently people preferred to solve by installing complex removable or non-removable designs. We will not consider all their pros and cons, and let's talk about a completely new and very promising direction in surgical dentistry - implantation through a titanium rod.

From the history

Dental implantation
The message that any discovery was preceded years of scrupulous and expensive research, no one seems to be new. It happens that scientists all their lives are devoted to a certain direction, which is subsequently used for appointment. But not in our case.

It is precisely the interaction of titanium and bone fabric of a living organism began to be interested in scientists in the middle of the last century. The object of research was rabbits having the greatest identity of bone tissue to human.

The results were not forced to wait, and later Titan was named the most inert material for the majority «Reconstructive work in the human body». Plates and screws were manufactured from it to fix fractures and reposition of bone fragments ..

Dentists are not less likely to use titanium for implantation of one or more teeth. If you describe the process in a nutshell, then the jaw screws the rod and put on it the crown. Tooth is ready.

In fact, it turns out that this primitive description is impossible to use. No, this does not mean that implantation is a dangerous, long and costly event and does not deserve positive feedback. Everything is almost the opposite.

Preparatory stage

Dental implantation
Implantation is carried out in several stages and is complexity, rather, for a doctor, rather than for a patient. So, at first, the dentist defines readings for this procedure. Namely: it makes an inspection of the oral cavity, paying special attention to the gums at the absence of one or more teeth. Such close attention is justified - some people have partial atrophy of the bone of the jaw or offset of the tooth row. In the first case, the titanium rod will either have nowhere to implant because it can get into Nasal sickness (if the upper jaw is prepared), or it will attend important anatomical education. The second case concerns, rather, patients needing several implants, and to correctly count on, a radiological picture is required.

Readers our site should be aware that the solution of the problem of bone deficiency has several directions. First, the dentist can try to bypass anatomical obstacles (nerves). Second, possibly artificial buildup of bone tissue - Sine lifting. And, thirdly, there are many types of implants with different lengths roots, the doctor may pick up suitable.

Naturally, for the subsequent manufacture of crowns, casts on both jaws will be needed.

Sine lifting or osteoplasty

We will pay special attention to this procedure, because in some cases it is the only possible option for increasing the bone mass and the installation of a full implant. The prevailing majority of patients sinus lifting is required on the upper jaw in view of the anatomical features of its structure and the nasal sinuses adjacent to it.

Most often dentists apply closed sine lifting. A special cutter (analogue of the drill) in the dice makes the channel for the future implant exactly of such depths so that a dense vessel, lining from the inside the nasal sinus, was not injured. It is neatly peeled, a special substance is introduced between it and the bone and the titanium root is installed. Osteoplastic material solidifies and is a reliable support for the implant.

Open Sine Lifting Differs the scale of the operation. For the introduction of substance and trampling of the periosteum make an additional hole in the upper jaw. Often, the open sine lifting and the implantation of the titanium root is not carried out simultaneously. First, the operation is carried out and the implant is installed after rehabilitation.

What to choose? The answer to this question should be sought together with the dentist and the consulting orthoped and surgeon. After listening to everything «per», «against», «possible consequences», «Question price», You accept the decision.

Dental implantation

Dental implantation
Stage First. So, having accepted all the recommendations and passing a thorough examination, you begin with a dentist to direct the reconstruction of the tooth (or teeth). Avoiding unnecessary and in rare cases of bloody details, we inform: Procedure «Mint» Intra view of the implant (relatively healthy tooth - its root) lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. Several drills form the channel of the required length and widths and introduce the implant and close it with a plug. Actually, all, on this first stage comes to an end. Next requires patience - average time «Surrounding» implant (as well as many other foreign, but very necessary organism tel) on the upper jaw 5-6 months, on the bottom - 2-4 months. This is due to the special density of bones. The density is higher, the faster the first stage of implantation passes.

Stage second and last. If you carefully comply with the recommendations of the dentist in months of waiting, then it's time for remuneration. The doctor sets the gum shaper and begins to prepare for prosthetics - the installation of abutment and crown.

Abutment - link link, «adapter» between «Korean» implant and crown - future full-fledged tooth. Then the required number of crowns is made. Last movement - fixation of crowns to abutment with special cement. And please smile without constraint and awkwardness, now you can not cover your mouth with your hand when you laugh at a friend's joke.

Price as an important aspect

A person who tries to contact the dentist as much as possible, the average price for the implant may seem very high. However, before you prefer treatment in one clinic, be sure to consult at least three other specialists. What will it give? You will form a variation of prices, learn about the services complex. Emotions and impressions of the clinic itself do not put on the last place. Often, in order to lure patients, dentists «sins»: Including its work for the installation of the implant and its own cost, they silent about the cost of a temporary plastic crown, the cost of prosthetics and «Forget» To warn that the preparatory stage may need sinus lifting.

Therefore, do not expect the doctor himself tells all the subnopt. Ask questions, ask the price list and do not be lazy to make independent counting.

In conclusion. MyMedinform.COM tried to consider the most frequent models and tactics of treatment. But this does not mean that any deviation from this path will not return to you healthy teeth and a wide smile. All testimony and reconstruction capabilities are determined by the dentist.

smile more often!

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