Therapeutic dinge of soda

Despite the fact that in modern medicine there are quite a lot of efficient drugs for the treatment of diseases of the female sexual system, soda solutions sinking and to this day holds its own plank of popularity. In addition, this affordable manipulation is easy to perform at home.

Medicine drinking soda

Gynecology, soda, soda, soda, soda food, dying, drew soda

Finding the first signs thrush, Many girls and women immediately flee the kitchen for soda, considering it an indispensable product in the fight against the infections of the urogenital system. Sodium bicarbonate is practically in every home. One pack of soda is enough for a long time, it is mainly consumed for cooking, washing dishes (soda is well laundered fat stains and even scale). Use it in cosmetology to eliminate skin problems, in medicine, as an antacid tool to eliminate symptoms heartburn and ulcerative disease gastrointestinal diseases, as well as in gynecology as an excellent antibacterial agent.

As part of the complex therapy of irrigation of the vagina, soda helps when concerned Vaginit, thrush or symptoms of other infectious diseases appeared. Soda can increase chances of becoming pregnant and, on the contrary, make sure that the spermatozoa fell in the vagina will die immediately after sexual act. To get pregnant, the dumping is carried out for half an hour before intercourse. The microflora in the vagina will acquire an alkaline environment in which the survivability of spermatozoa rises.

In order not to overtake the unpleasant consequences of regular soda scripts, it is important to comply with several elementary rules:

  • Pre-consultation with a gynecologist. Your doctor must know that you are crumbling soda, since not all women show the infusion procedure in the uterus of different liquids;
  • Control of the temperature of the solution used. For this purpose, an ordinary thermometer will be useful, thanks to which you can do how to do sharpening;
  • It is not recommended to exceed the course of scourgeing more than 7 days. In addition, the duration of one irrigation should not exceed 10 minutes.

Drawing soda

Gynecology, soda, soda, soda, soda food, dying, drew soda

Contraindications for the use of soda for dots:

  • Do not do washing when menstruation, Erosion cervix, acute inflammatory processes immediately after childbirth or abortion;
  • A woman should not smoke and drink alcohol against the background of the scriptures to conceive a child;
  • It is undesirable to take hot baths and walk to the sauna during the period of sinking;
  • It is important to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene, keep the genitals clean and always rinse the fringe;
  • Self-treatment is not allowed, since there is a risk of entering another infection with which it will be much more difficult to cope. Soda drew to soda must be coordinated with the attending gynecologist;
  • Before going to women's consultation, it is impossible to paint, because the results of the smear on the flora will be distorted;
  • This manipulation is contraindicated in the period of tooling the child, since the alkaline liquid can disrupt the natural vaginal microflora;
  • Soda drew must be carried out in the complex with the main antifungal therapy.

Useful tips when dying soda

Gynecology, soda, soda, soda, soda food, dying, drew soda

Useful tips:

  1. No need to make a solution too concentrated, it is important to adhere to the allowable dosage. Perfect ratio - 0.5 h. L. soda per 1 liter of water.
  2. Pre-yield the soda with a small amount of boiling water and use exceptionally boiled water.
  3. Main tool for douching - Sprintsov. Vagina washing can be done in any convenient position, the main thing is that the liquid is evenly moving from top to bottom and flowed out of the vagina. It is impossible to pressed on the pear, the manipulation should be performed very smoothly.
  4. A scripture or a mug of esmark must be personal use, and after each operation, the plastic tip must be boiled in water.

Precautionary measures:

  • Frequently sprinkles contribute to the washing of protective lubricant, which is available in the vagina. The pH changes, the microflora is disturbed and a favorable medium is created for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Allergy may develop;
  • Risk risk to get injured bladder, vagina or uterus;
  • In some cases, frequent dysfunctions caused the development of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, such as endometritis, as well as Endometriosis. This happens due to the fact that under the influence of soda mortar in the cervix, a protective plug washed. As numerous medical studies have shown, about 70% of women with chronic genital diseases have a habit every week to draw dicks.

Before applying soda for the medicinal purposes of MPsovtsov, it recommends consulting with a gynecologist, and practicing soda douching only if you do not have contraindications to it.

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