Feeling coma in the throat, causes and treatment

In stressful situations, with an angina disease, as well as in other cases, each of us may have a feeling of coma in the throat. It happens that the feeling occurs periodically «something extra» In the throat, it becomes difficult to breathe. If this state turns into an annoying, then you will unwind about the causes of this phenomenon, and how to get rid of it.

For the first time the feeling of coma in the throat was documented by Hippocrat of about two and a half thousand years ago. Some time comes in the throat called «Globus Hystericus» (hysterical globe) - the name hinted on the hysterical nature of this symptom, mostly in women. In the later years, namely in 1968, the name Globus Pharyngeus was proposed (literally - the ball of the pharynx) due to the fact that according to statistics most of the patients with this symptom not inherent in the hysterical type of personality.

Symptoms coma in the throat

throat, com in throat, neurology, cold, suffocation

Patients can describe unpleasant symptoms as follows:

  • Sensation in the throat «something extra»;
  • It's hard to breathe and swallow;
  • fear for their lives (fear of stifling or suffocating, in particular in a dream);
  • discomfort in the throat, witness, soreness;
  • voting weight;
  • dry throat, thirst;
  • a wish «swallow» whom, flick;
  • «Dummy» feeling.

Discomfort may occur under certain circumstances (strong chagrin, excitement and fear, after eating together with the advent of gravity in the stomach and belching, in the position lying or with the unsuccessful slope of the head).

The sensations of the coma in the throat can wear a periodic, temporary character, and it is also annoying to remind themselves than to seriously disrupt the human well-being and complicate life.

Possible causes of appearance

throat, com in throat, neurology, cold, suffocation

Not tormenting yourself with assumptions, where he came from in the throat, sign up for reception to the doctor to establish the causes of this violation. First of all, MyMedinform.COM recommends contacting the therapist.

To clarify the diagnosis, various diagnostic studies may be needed:

  • general urine analysis and blood as well blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasonic study of the thyroid gland, when identifying large nodes - a thin game biopsy;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • Computer-resonant and magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray spine x-ray.

After examining the therapist, you may need to consult the following specialists:

  1. Otolaryngologist (ENT): quite often the feeling of coma in the throat is caused by chronic inflammatory diseases of the throat and nasopharynk. In the presence of an infectious pathogen on the nasopharynx mucosa, almonds, the spread of pathological microflora on the rear wall of the pharynx - except for traditional patient complaints for irritation, an allocation, pain in the throat, there are complaints about the feeling of the so-called lump. Otolaryngologists in their practice resort to physiotherapeutic treatment to eliminate this symptom, in particular, effectively mineral irrigation of the mucous throat followed by reducing therapy.
  2. Sometimes the feeling of coma in the throat, provoked by inflammatory processes of throat and larynx, may indicate serious diseases. For example, the abscess of the nastestrian - a dangerous state, fragmented by overlapping breathing in the development of an allergic or inflammatory edema. Therefore, when it is diagnosed, urgent measures are needed. Also known pathology «Moved half-duty» - Due to its contact with the basis of the language or the rear wall of the pharynx, the feeling may occur «Coma in the throat».
  3. Endocrinologist: makes an inspection for pathological changes of the thyroid gland, accompanied by the growth or change of its squeezing structure. It is important to know that when a coma in the throat associated with pathological changes in the thyroid gland, swallowing disorders is usually not observed.
  4. throat, com in throat, neurology, cold, suffocation

  5. Gastroenterologist: If the appearance of a coma in the throat can be correlated with food intake, it is possible that the reason lies in the failures of the digestive system, violating the motility of the esophagus. For example, with such a disease, like a gastroesophageal reflux, there is a cast in the esophagus of the intestinal contents, there is a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, an acidic taste in the mouth, a unpleasant lump rolling to the throat. Irritation of the esophagus (acute food, alcohol, probe swallowing with endoscopic examination), as well as the hernia of the diaphragm esophageal hole, can also manifest themselves in a similar way.
  6. Vertebrologist: If the feeling of coma in the throat is accompanied by painful sensations when turning, the movements of the neck and back, Head pains, there is a need to visit this specialist. The vertebrologist specializes specializes in the treatment of spinal diseases and will inspect for disorders in the field of the cervical.
  7. Neurologist: if the lump in the throat is combined with dizziness, Nausea and apathy, painful reaction to weather drops, then it may be about violations in the work of the nervous system. Perhaps these are manifestations of vegetative dysfunction.
  8. Oncologist: The reason for the sensation of the lump in the throat in rare cases may be the brand of pharynx, larynx, cervical part of the esophagus. In the early stages of the disease detection, the forecast is favorable.
  9. Psychotherapist: If the symptom suddenly appears when the mood drops, disappears after receiving soothing funds, when delivering from the traumatic situation, the nature of the impaired emotional nature. Sedative preparations are prescribed, antidepressants, short-term neurosis therapy is carried out, Panic attacks. Effective relaxation methods, including complexes of exercises for neck and shoulder belt, phonopedic classes to relieve vocal discomfort and tension removal. The doctor will appoint a comprehensive treatment with drugs and (or) psychotherapeutic methods.

Thus, comes in the throat may be due to the presence of diseases and serious pathologies in the body, as well as violations of psycho-emotional state.

For the prevention of coma in the throat, our site recommends maintaining a healthy lifestyle, timely appeal to the doctor in the presence of painful symptoms, a regular examination of the health status and treatment of chronic diseases.

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