Even the most severe and purposeful woman who is accustomed to independently defeat any life difficulties can knock out health problems. We are talking about the human papilloma virus (HPV) - infections, which in recent years has become very common. Fortunately, science is not on the spot, and now effective exemption schemes from HPV have been developed.

Even the most severe and purposeful woman who is accustomed to independently defeat any life difficulties can knock out health problems. Especially if these problems concern the intimate sphere, cause cosmetic damage and can lead to fatal consequences. We are talking about the human papilloma virus (HPV) - infections, which in recent years has become very common.
According to various HPV data in the world, 70-90% of people of reproductive age are infected.
Fortunately, not always infection of HPV leads to the development of the disease.
There are more than 100 types of various viruses, And only some of them do not harm health. Some Types of HPV lead to the formation of warts on the skin. Warts - benign education, and except for a cosmetic defect, other inconveniences do not bring.
Great troubles are caused by viruses of human papillomas, affecting the organs of the urogenital system. Under the influence of the virus on the skin and the mucous membranes Pointed Condylomas appear - the formation of gentle-bodily color on the leg, which is raging, become similar in shape on «Color cabbage» or «cockscomb».
Analogue Condylomes are rarely discharged, but they cause substantial discomfort, are easily damaged, bleeding and contribute to the attachment of a bacterial infection.
Cervical cancer and HPV: Is there a connection?
Cervical cancer in 93% of cases develops as a result of HPV High Oncogenic Risk infection. The most dangerous of them: Types 16, 18, 45 and 56.
A tiny viral particle consisting of only 8-10 proteins, embedded in the cervical mucosa cells, launches specific processes, leading to the development of dysplasia - precancerous state. The transition of dysplasia in cancer occurs under the action of female sex hormones, namely one of the products of the chemical transformation of estrogen.
That's why, Papillomaviral infection leads to the development of malignant neoplasms mainly in women, And men proceed more often asymptomatic, sometimes manifesting themselves warts or pointed warts.
According to WHO, about 1,300 women in the world are sick of cervical cancer caused by HPV. Increasingly the victims of this dangerous disease are young girls of 15-20 years. More than 240,000 women die from cervical cancer annually.
For the prevention of development of cervical cancer, timely treatment of HPV. All women who are infected with HPV must at half a year to visit the gynecologist and undergo an analysis on oncocytology.
What is the prevention of HPV?
For the prevention of HPV, unprotected sex contacts should be avoided. The condom significantly reduces the likelihood of infection, but does not provide 100% security. Viral particles can be located not only on the skin of the genitals, but also in the perineum, therefore infection is possible even with a condom, through micro-damage on the skin.
In case of unprotected intercourse It is necessary to contact the medical institution as soon as possible to conduct emergency prevention using special antiseptics and drugs.
remember, that The only reliable way to protect against HPV is to preserve loyalty within one pair throughout life.
Is it possible to cure HPV?
It has been proven that a healthy and strong immune system in some cases can independently cope with HPV. In people under 30 years old, spontaneous cure from the virus often occurs within 2 years from the moment of infection.
Otherwise, things are with people with weakened immunity. They can have a virus for a long time in the body, becoming invulnerable to the immune system and traditional treatment. The poor prognostic feature is considered to preserve the virus in the body of more than 2 years. In this case, talk about chronic media of HPV.
For many years it was believed that it is impossible to fully cure from HPV in this stage. All the efforts of doctors were aimed at braking the process and get rid of clinical manifestations of infection. However, the carrier of the virus persisted, which forced people for many years to live in «Expectancy» Rezidiva.
Fortunately, science is not on the spot, and now effective exemption schemes from HPV have been developed
New in the treatment of HPV
As a result of five-year studies of the MMA molecular medicine. AND.M. Sechenova Domestic scientists created the drug Indinol®, Possessing antitumor activity. The main active ingredient of Indolin - indole-3-carbinol is highlighted from the plants of the family of cruciferous.
Manufacturers stated that the drug has a double action on HPV:
- Stops cell division, affected by the virus, thereby stopping the growth of anogenital royal warts and warts.
- In comprehensive use with immunomodulators The drug increases the effectiveness of treatment by 2 times and reduces the frequency of recurrences of 3-4 times.
In practice, it turned out that in a complex with immunomodulators Indinol® really leads to effective removal of HPV - infected cells from the body. Indinol is especially effective® In the initial stages of the development of papillomavirus infection in people with high risk of process chronicization.