Application of teaching

When the adult or the child rises, the threesome comes to the rescue. In essence, the drug is an indispensable medicine for colds and diseases of infectious origin. What represents a triple and whether it is suitable, we will tell in the article.

On the issue of the effectiveness of this drug, there are a large number of opinions: someone doubts someone considers a three-dimensional and useful medicine, and someone thinks at all that it is too harmful to health.

When you need to shoot down the temperature

antipyretic, folk remedies, temperature rise, temperature, triple

Raising Temperature, Like alarm, tells us: near the danger! Thus, the body responds to pathogenic microorganisms, which cause the development of one or another disease. Temperature value is a litmus paper piece of health for us.

The immune system of the human body operates quickly and uncompromising: high temperature creates a hot medium in the body, which comes from the taste of pathogenic microorganisms. It turns out that it is not worth afraid of high temperatures. By the way, many antibacterial drugs begin to act in full force at the moment when the temperature in the patient is raised. While the thermometer's column will not reach the mark of 38.5 degrees, it is not worth drinking the antipyretic. Follow this recommendation for two reasons:

  1. At high temperatures (up to 38.5) cease to multiply and malicious bacteria die, regardless of whether viral or infectious.
  2. High temperature increases the efficiency of drugs.

Connect to the treatment of medicines, removing the heat, it is possible when the temperature continues to grow steadily. In this case, the body's protective forces are practically exhausted, and the heart works at the limit of its capabilities, so the treasure will be very by the way.

MirSoveto in a hurry to draw your attention to the states in which it is necessary to take the antipyretic at 38 degrees:

  1. Congenital and acquired heart defects, arrhythmia.
  2. Causes, fainting (individual reaction of the body on the heat).
  3. Mental and neurotic disorders (for example, epilepsy).

The composition of the drug

antipyretic, folk remedies, temperature rise, temperature, triple

Threesome - a rather serious agent, so it is necessary to apply it with great care and only in emergency cases. The most effective recognized intramuscular injections of drugs.

Injection done in the case when the patient's condition is very difficult, but there is no possibility to immediately show his doctor or deliver to the hospital. Threesome for a quarter of an hour stabilizes the temperature, relieve from accompanying pains and will not allow the development of an allergic reaction. If the disease is serious, the temperature, of course, can rise again after 1-2 hours, but «Trochoe» The remedy in any case will help win the precious time to wait for qualified medical care (for example, deliver a person to the hospital).

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the introduction of the triple:

  1. The sick person claps in the palm of the ampoules of the drugs to warm them.
  2. In front of the ampoule hoist, you need to disinfect the abspired cotton swab.
  3. Analgin (2 ml) is first dialed in a disposable syringe, and after it is papaverine or but-shu (2 ml) and an auxiliary antihistamine (1 ml).
  4. The place for intramuscular injection is an external top square on the buttock. Skin in this place needs to be treated with alcohol.
  5. The needle is introduced strictly perpendicular to the surface of the buttock.
  6. The mixture begins to slowly enter when the needle enters the skin on 2/3 lengths. If a seal is formed later in the injection area later (the so-called «cone»), on the skin you need to impose iodine mesh.

Features of the use of analgin as part of a triple

antipyretic, folk remedies, temperature rise, temperature, triple

Analgin manifests its antipyretic properties in a tablet form, so it is infrequent in the form of a solution of temperature. Analgin's injection is made only in the muscle, carefully and slowly pressing on the piston of the syringe. The daily maximum dose of the drug is 2 ml, and if you enter the medicine too fast, you can cause a rapid decrease in blood pressure.

The injection of the substance, which includes analgin, can not be done:

  • If the patient is pregnant or breastfeed feeds;
  • If a person has an individual intolerance of the analgin;
  • If a person has problems relating to the hematopoietic system.

Is there an alternative to the three? Undoubtedly. In the case when the patient should do a certain or to «Troychay» Mixtures in the form of a solution He has contraindications, you can use a combination of three types of preparations in tablets. Their joint effect will be similar to the action of a lithic mixture for injection. To improve its condition at high temperatures, the adult is at the same time to take 1 tablet Baralgin, but shts (papaverine) and suprastin (diazoline).

High temperatures for several degrees will help. So, for an adult patient a person, a vodka and acetic wovers will be out of the difficult situation, cold compresses on whiskey and wrists, wrapping with wet sheets.

Threesome for children

antipyretic, folk remedies, temperature rise, temperature, triple

Lithic mixture for a small patient can only assign a doctor! Danger lies in the improper calculation of the dosage of components. Correctly select the components, if necessary, replace them with analogues and correctly calculate doses depending on the age of the child, only by a qualified specialist. Doctors strongly advise parents not to engage in self-medication and even more so not to introduce a tender to its discretion.

When the child rose a high temperature, you need to immediately call a doctor to the house, and before the specialist coming to try to help the patient yourself - to provide it with abundant drink, make a wiping of water and vinegar mixture.

In exceptional cases, when there is no possibility to call a doctor, you need to knock down a high temperature at the kid by anything! Otherwise the convulsions are not excluded, which in very little children can cause fatal outcome. For such emergency situations in the home first aid kit there should be an ampoules of drugs for the preparation of a lithic mixture, and about the dosages can be consulted by the doctor in the telephone mode.

Know how to knock down a high temperature in various ways (for example, with the help of a triple), each of us. This skill will help when the growing heat can significantly complicate the patient's condition in the case of serious pathologies of vascular and hematopoietic systems, heart defects, pregnancy.

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