Application of eucalyptus drugs

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus) - a huge beautiful tree that reaches a height of up to 100 meters. Eucalyptus leaves are widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in modern. Eucalyptus has an antiseptic effect, sometimes even more efficient than some antibiotics. Therefore, today we will introduce you to the eucalyptus and some means, which he includes.

Many of the readers our site is trying to treat yourself and close to drugs consisting of natural components. Therefore, today we will introduce you to the eucalyptus and some means, which he includes.

Application of tincture and eucalyptus oil

Nasal spray balsam from a cold and sinusitis. Chlorophyllipt

General information about the plant

Eucalyptus leaves are widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in modern. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus) - a huge beautiful tree that achieves height from 50 to 100 meters. Magnificent ball kroon, smooth bark with a bluish tint, leafy themselves most often heart-shaped or lanceal shape with fragrant peculiar smell. Sheet plate is always located edge to the Sun, protecting your face. Flowers are large, arranged on a short pedicle, fruits are quadrogenous boxes. Plant name occurred from two words «EU» and «Kalyptos», that translated from Greek means «Well closed». And indeed it is. There is one of the most interesting biological feature - a wooden pericher tightly closes a flower bouton. Medicine mainly use two types of this tree - ball-shaped (globulus) and rod (viminalis). The plant can create a healthy climate, change the landscape, to drain and transform the wetlands, save the terrain from mosquitoes and mosquitoes, for it «Wheel Miracles» and «Diamond forests». Australia is considered to be Motherland, then the tree spread in France, Africa, South America, Indonesia, in our territories, it first appeared in 1816 in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Crimea), and then wonderful passed on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Beekeepers noticed that the bees, collecting nectar with eucalyptus flower, are practically not ill, and the resulting fragrant honey is endowed with healing properties.

What is contained in the leaves of eucalyptus, therapeutic properties

Leaves are rich in essential oils, lots of phytoncides, resins, tanning and bitter substances. Eucalyptus has an antiseptic effect, sometimes even more efficient than some antibiotics. And here are other properties - anti-inflammatory, expectorant, wound-healing, antiparasitic, reduced blood sugar, painkiller, antimorrheal, and stimulating and stimulating immune processes. Used for Treating angina, Cold, tuberculosis, diseases of the joints, female genital organs, furunculese, abscesses, phlegmon, herpes ..

Medicinal shapes from eucalyptus

From the leaves of the eucalyptus are preparing infusions for internal and outdoor use, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, essential oil, complex drugs - ointments, sprays, balms.

For the preparation of Dif, you can take a kettle or thermos, pour 2 or 3 tablespoons of raw materials and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insistence to spend within an hour-two. Then proceeding. Inside to take hot on half a glass of 3 or 4 times a day. With the same hot drug you can rinse the throat. In gynecology and dermatology make a more concentrated solution. For it take 2-3 tablespoons on 250 ml boiling water. Such an infusion is used for scriptures, compresses and lotions.

Neucalyptus tincture

Latin name - Tinctura Eucalypti.

Buro-greenish color liquid with characteristic odor. In the process of storage, it is permissible to form a small sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

Application of tincture and eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus tincture

Prepared from leaves and 70% of ethyl alcohol in the ratio of 1: 5.

Refers to a group of biological preparations with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. In the pharmacy you can buy without a doctor's recipe.

The tincture is used in the complex treatment of angina, colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, Stomatitis, Pulda as a local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Definitely affects the growth of golden streptococcus, escherichi, trichomonade, mycobacteria Tuberculosis.

Dosage and methods of application:

  • For rinsing adults and children over 3 years old are taken by 200 ml of hot water and drip 15-20 droplets there, stirred and rinsing 2-3 times a day;
  • For steam inhalations, you can take a 200 ml of boiling water 15 drops of the eucalyptus tincture, placing the desired amount in the inhaler;
  • For rubbing the guns, the skin is used in pure form or in the dilute;
  • For compresses and bulls take 1 teaspoon and stir in 100 ml of warm water;
  • In the bath drip out undiluted tincture on hot stones.

Side effects - sometimes allergic reactions occur (usually manifest themselves in the form of ravis).

Contraindications - not prescribed to children up to 3 years of age, with an increased sensitivity of the body to the components of the tincture, it is impossible to do inhalation during bronchospasm, Bronchial asthma, Cocky.

If a woman wants to use a tincture during pregnancy or during lactation, it will first need to be advised by the attending physician.

The drug is produced in bottles of dark glass at 50, 30 and 25 ml.

Store different manufacturers are allowed from 2 to 5 years (shelf life indicates a label and packaging) under the correct conditions (in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C, even on the door shelf in the refrigerator). Bear from children!

Chlorophyllipt, properties, use method

Chlorophyllipt (lat. Chlorophyllipt) produced in the form of spray in bottles of 15 ml. It looks like a transparent greenish liquid.

Its active substance is chlorophyllipte thick extract, obtained from a mixture of chlorophylls of eucalyptus leaves.

As auxiliary substances are ethyl alcohol 95%, glycerin, nipagin, nipazole, twin-80, purified water.

Pharmacological group - antiseptic and disinfection.

Pharmacological action: The drug has pronounced antimicrobial properties, especially with respect to streptococcus, staphylococcus and other microbes resistant to penicillins. It is very appreciated by anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic drug properties.

Indications for use: acute respiratory diseases of bacterial and viral nature, angina, rhinitis, especially in the initial stages, Burning, erosion, trophic ulcers.

Dosage and methods of application. Before applying on a bottle, you need to wear a plastic nozzle for the irrigation of the nose and zea attached to it. With angina, ORZ, the appearance of the first signs of the disease is enough to produce 2 drug injection by pressing the container valve. Irrigation to spend from 3 to 4 times a day. If the disease was found in time, the treatment began, the symptoms will leave for 2-3 days, and if they launched the process, the time for treatment will go more.

Here in this position there should be a tip when irrigating the nasal moves.

Application of tincture and eucalyptus oil

Chlorophyllipt splashing in nose

But this should be the position of the tip when irrigating the throat.

Application of tincture and eucalyptus oil

Chlorophyllipte splashing in the throat

In erosions and trophic ulcers, burns with chlorophyllite sterile napkin or gauze, folded in 4 layers, leave on a damaged surface for 15-20 minutes. Treatment to spend 10 days or before healing.

Side effects. In some cases there are allergic manifestations.

Contraindications. With increased sensitivity to the eucalyptus, it is impossible to use. Treatment by this drug is canceled if allergic manifestations occur.

Required doctor consultation, if a woman is pregnant or breastfeed.

Doctors prescribe the drug and in the treatment of children.

The manufacturer guarantees the preservation of the medication for 3 years. Store the drug in a dark cool place at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Take care of children!

Balsam Spray from Ronya and Schimorite

Composition: Essential oils - eucalyptus, mint, tea tree and mustard oil.

Application of tincture and eucalyptus oil

Balm with rheore and sinusitis

Prescribed the drug at rinit, Gaymorite To facilitate the state, at the first manifestations of herpes. In order to prevent contact with patients with influenza or ARZ.

You can inject the oily liquid in the nose 3-4 times a day, I advise after the procedure to lie 2-3 minutes so that the active substances penetrate the nasophal. You can take turtles and soak them with balm, and then enter into nasal moves for 15 minutes. It is better to do it in the lying position. Manipulation exercise 2-3 times a day. Can be used for inhaler.

At the first manifestations Herpes Lubricate itchy places.

The drug cannot be used if the patient has an increased sensitivity of at least one of the components of Balzam.

No special conditions for storage required.

Essential oil from eucalyptus

Eucalyptus oil from leaves and young branches of the plant by the method of steam distillation.

Application of tincture and eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil

Oil is a colorless transparent liquid, sometimes with a slightly yellowish or greenish tinge. The smell is strong, peculiar, little resembles camphor.

Eucalyptus oil is used in medicine, aromatherapy and in cosmetology.

During the flu epidemic and with colds and other diseases of the respiratory system, add 2 drops in Aromamedal. Or use aromalamp (on a room with an area of ​​17 square meters 5 drops of oil) and inhale the healing aroma. In the same way, if the mosquitoes are replicated in the summer.

In gynecological practice is prescribed. To do this, take 200 ml of hot boiled water and placed there half a teaspoon of soda, on which 5 drops of eucalyptus oil drunk.

It is part of pharmaceutical ointments for the treatment of joints, for example, in Thailand make green balm, which MPsovets already told earlier in the article «What to bring from Thailand».

Even in the composition of the Balzam famous «Golden Star» You also discover eucalyptus oil.

Essential oil It is recommended to apply speakers several times a day with skin infections (furunculaes, acne and herpes). In these cases, Eucalyptus struggles with different types of microbes, sometimes even better than Antibiotics, Removes inflammation, heals the wounds. To improve the condition of problem leather and normalizing the production of sebum, can drip oil in masks and lotions. It is useful to add to the shampoo when washing the head. In addition, eucalyptus oil will help Get rid of wedge, Save komarov.

Sometimes you can meet in pharmacies Eucalyptus oil for internal use, it passes special cleaning and is issued by foreign firms. This oil is useful to take inside, dripping 1-2 droplets on a tea spoon with honey, drinking with sour juice, water or tea, receiving 2 or 3 times a day. It is useful for bronchitis, tuberculosis, migraines, reduces blood sugar concentration when Diabetes, It has an anti-parasitic and antipyretic effect.

It is not recommended to use this oil inside children up to 2 years, during pregnancy, severe diseases of the kidneys and liver and at high blood pressure.

Acquire chlorophyllip, balm from the runny nose and Eucalyptus essential oil better in the Crimea, if you are there on vacation. Our site reminds that eucalyptus can cause allergic reactions in some people, so the first time apply it with caution. Observe the recommendations, and natural medicines will help you be healthy!

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