The Russian government increased funding for the country's vaccination program. 10.2 billion rubles will be spent on vaccine refractum, which is 4 billion rubles more than last year. What awaits us and our children? What changes are made to the national vaccination calendar?
Infections of time impact were the main enemies of a person and were frequent satellites of various social shocks. In the period of epidemics from infectious diseases, more people died than during hostilities. One epidemic «Spanish» In 1918–1920 claimed the lives of more than 4 million people. For example: Human losses during the First World War amounted to about 8.5 million people.
Searches for an effective way to combat infections have been started long ago, but only the invention of the first vaccine made it possible to make a real coup in medicine. The first was the vaccine from genuine smallpox, then vaccines from rabies, plague, cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria, cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis and flu were obtained — Development of new vaccines continues until now. For many years of struggle with infections, humanity managed to completely defeat the plague, natural OSPA, abdominal typhoid, poliomyelitis, many infections were taken under control, limited the distribution of severe infectious diseases.
Mandatory vaccinations in Russia
Today, binding in Russia are vaccinations from hepatitis B, tuberculosis, diphtheria, cough, tetanus, hemophilic infection, poliomyelitis, measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis.
According to epidemic testimony, and children before admission to kindergarten are vaccinated against hepatitis A, pneumococcal and meningococcal infection. To prevent the development of tick-borne encephalitis, there is a vaccination of children traveling to children's camps, at the cottages visiting the forest parents and park areas. In addition, flu vaccine influences is carried out annually.
Changes in the National Calendar Grafs
In Russia, vaccinations have always paid special attention, but experts believe that the national calendar vaccinations requires addition and some change.
In 2015, vaccination against chickenpox will be required. Chickenpox in children usually flows in a light form, but in 5–6 cases out of 100, secondary skin infections, pneumonia, middle otitis, meningitis and meningoencephalitis, which is why vaccination is necessary.
- Expansion of the vaccination calendar is planned not due to the increase in vaccinations, but through the introduction of combined vaccines. She will be able to defend from 5–6 infections — This practice exists in the world, now it will be applied in Russia.
- Surely changes will be made to the method of vaccination against poliomyelitis. Until now, the vaccination was three-time, and the last revaccination was conducted by a living vaccine. Now putting off will only be inactivated, inanimate vaccine, which will reduce the number of complications.
- The national calendar of vaccinations in the near future is planning to expand due to the introduction of mass vaccinations against rotavirus infection, extremely dangerous for small children due to rapid dehydration, against meningococcal infection, causing severe brain and leather damage, against hepatitis A, which leads to a violation of the liver function. These vaccinations are recommended WHO for the first year of life, but have not yet been mandatory in Russia.
- Changes will affect not only children, but also adults. This year it is planned to form calendars vaccinations for people of different ages and health status.
Modernization of the national vaccination plan will be held within 10 years. To ensure it, it is planned to conclude state contracts for the purchase of vaccines abroad, as well as the expansion and development of production of combined vaccines in Russia.
During the years of vaccinefilax, they managed to significantly reduce the mortality of children and increase the average life expectancy of people. Approximate estimates of WHO, vaccinations do not just reduce the incidence rate, they annually prevent up to 3 million deaths. To date, vaccination remains the most efficient and safe way to protect against infections.