Influenza vaccinations and pneumococcus steel mandatory


Influenza vaccinations and pneumococcus steel mandatory
According to the forecasts of physicians, in the next hundred years vaccination
will remain a priority method of prophylaxis that allows you to control
infection. Thanks to vaccines, we managed to defeat many diseases that carried out
Human Lives. And even today, when medicine is on enough
high level, it can be argued: no matter how effective doctors have been treated
infectious diseases, without vaccination programs, they will remain at best
fight complications, and in worst — Register lethal outcomes.

The control
morbidity and work on the creation of new vaccines are kept constantly and
organized by the forces of scientists planets. Changes in the calendar vaccinations are not
make yourself wait long, because the prevention should keep up with the times and
take into account the emergence of new diseases. So this spring in the calendar
Preventive vaccination has appeared changes: now vaccinations from pneumococcal and influenza have become mandatory and free.
To whom they are shown and for what you need?

Why do you need vaccination from pneumococcal infection?

Pneumococcal infection — Plague of this time. She
Differs the most difficult
Among all human bacterial infections. According to statistics due to
Pneumococcus every year 40 thousand people die in the world, and doctors are confident that half
deaths can be prevented by vaccine.

Pneumococci cause diseases such as:

  • inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia);
  • inflammation of the shells of the brain (meningitis);
  • inflammation of the middle ear (otitis);
  • inflammation of the apparent sinuses of the nose (sinusitis);
  • blood infection (sepsis);
  • Inflammation of the inner shell of the heart
  • Inflammation of the joints (arthritis).

All these diseases occur extremely hard and lead to
Heavy complications and death.

Most often occurs pneumococcal pneumonia. Why,
having so many antibiotics in arsenal, doctors are afraid of her and recommend doing
Grafs? The fact is that the widespread use of antibiotics led to the fact that half of the pneumococci is resistant to
Antibacterial therapy. They do not have the most powerful
Antibacterial drugs. Nevertheless, time for scrupulous selection
Doctors do not have medicines
develops rapidly for 2-3 days, quickly leads to severe
respiratory failure and death of the patient. Since effective means
There is no fight against pneumococci, the only
True exit — Make vaccinations from this infection.

Who will protect against pneumococcus?

Influenza vaccinations and pneumococcus steel mandatory
In 70% of cases, victims of pneumococcal infection are becoming
Small children. That is why in Russia from this year the mandatory
Vaccination against pneumococcus children under the age of 2 months, with revaccination in 4.five
And 15 months. Of course, no one will instill a child and parents, familiar with the recommendations
doctors, can in writing to abandon the introduction of the vaccine, but the disease
Child will be at their conscience. Moreover, during epidemics
The baby will be prohibited to appear in the children's clinic due to danger

Which of the kids strongly
Recommend to instill?

  • Often and long-friendly children under 5 years.
  • Chronicles with chronic diseases.
  • Children with immunodeficiency states.
  • Sugar diabetes children.
  • Those who attend children's institutions.

Vaccination OT
Pneumococcus is recommended and adults:

  • over 60 years;
  • with chronic respiratory diseases and
    cordially — vascular system;
  • sick diabetes;
  • with chronic alcoholic and tobacco
  • People with a weakened immune system.

Who is contraindicated

Pneumococcal vaccination has common contraindications as
In the case of any other vaccine: acute infections and allergic conditions.

Influenza vaccinations will do everything?

Second Novice Calendar Vaccinoprophilax — Planned
Grafs from influenza. Now vaccination OT
Influenza will be mandatory and free for many categories of persons.

  • Children from 6 month old and up to
    graduation schools, medium and higher educational institutions. Previously, children too
    instilled free with parents' permission, now they will be vaccinated,
    If parents have not issued a refusal to vaccinate officially.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Conscripts and servicemen.
  • People over 60 years old.
  • Patients with chronic pathology respiratory and
    cordially — Vascular system, metabolic diseases.

Influenza vaccination has common contraindications except
this, vaccinations are contraindicated to those who suffer allergies on chicken protein.

Changes in grafting legislation

Influenza vaccinations and pneumococcus steel mandatory
To immunize the population in Russia, any
Vaccines of domestic or imported production available in
medical institution. But how to be if the quality of the vaccine does not suit you,
If instead of our drug, I want foreign?

Important moment: vaccination
The vaccine brought from the outside is possible only if everything is attached to it
Special regulatory documents. If parents want to choose a different vaccine
For a child, you need to look for another medical insurance where this vaccine has.

Oh neither cool, the introduction of the vaccine — This intervention B
human organism. Post-specific complications, though rare, but possible. New
Legislation provides for one-time
Compensation in the amount of 10 thousand rubles in case of severe complications
from vaccinations, such as anaphylactic shock, polio, meningitis, arthritis and
other. In the event of the death of a child, the parents are paid in the amount of 30
thousand rubles. If the vaccination led to a disability, a person receives a monthly allowance of 1 thousand

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