Children «indigo»: Who are they? Part 1


  • Children magnets
  • «Children's schizophrenia» or Odarity?
  • Indigo plantation
  • But, it seems, no one has heard a scientist…
  • IQ is higher than George Bush
  • They understand the language of birds
  • They have another skull!

  • Children magnets

    About years ago, strange information began to come from different parts of Russia
    — then there they were declared «Magnetic» children. So, 14-year-old Masha
    Epifanova from Nizhny Novgorod anything strange in his ability
    It does not see metal objects on the body. She can clock
    walk, having wielded spoons and forks (if friends are asked).

    Even K
    The girl sticks coins. But her girlfriend, 13-year-old Tanya Svirina,
    can hold not only coins and spoons on itself, but also the covers from
    Castre. And the magnetic boy Kolya Tenkayev from Saratov is capable of carrying
    on your body irons. 12-year-old Anna Zvereva from Novosibirsk has
    ability to attract objects of various gravity not only palms,
    but also feet feet. Ten-year-old Christina Gularyan from near Moscow
    Queen «suspended» To your palms not only metallic
    objects, but also fat magazines.

    According to scientists,
    engaged in the problem of biomagnetism, the number of children possessing
    «Magnetic» abilities have recently increased at times. If
    previous cases were known, now they are already hundreds. Most
    real «Magnetic children's boom» Children & laquo; Indigo & Raquo ;: Who are they? Part 1happened in the mid-90s. Scientists this
    phenomenon explain unable, as, however, much more,
    What happens to modern children. And doctors can also appeal
    Diagnosis to put.

    «Children's schizophrenia» or Odarity?

    Miracle boy
    Bulat Husaines was born in Kazan. At ten months he was already able to count
    up to one. In two years, Bulat considered to a hundred in three languages — Russian,
    Tatar and English. Loved to flip the dictionary of Ozhegov. To a kindergarten
    Bulat went to 1 year 10 months.

    The teachers were shocked,
    Finding a baby who in a quiet hour in his cradle sneezed songs
    Shainsky. And this kid with a serious leacion arranged to everyone
    educators interrogation with addiction: taking a handle, he somehow wrote
    on paper: «No meat» (It happened shortly after lunch).

    The memory of Bulat was discovered when he was only 1 year 8 months.
    Mom read the son of the poems of Agnia Barto. After the break, they opened the same
    book, but the child himself began to reclaim the poems of Barto. IN
    first grade parents advised to put a gifted boy on
    Psychiatric records, they say, the child is not quite normal… Because the
    Modern psychiatry in our country uses terminology
    Soviet psychiatry in which there is no concept «autism», That bully
    diagnosed… Children's schizophrenia.

    In western psychiatry autism —
    This is not so much a disease, how much the state of the soul (Bill Gates has
    Talented autographers programmers working in the highest
    information technologies). Bulat studied perfectly at school. He composes
    poems and loves to listen «Talk» Fish in aquarium.

    One very unusual child — Boris Kipilinovich — lives in
    Volgograd region. In 3 years, the baby showed strange astronomical
    knowledge. He fully described how Planet Mars looks like. And now
    predicts the future. Only two catastrophes are expected in the world: in 2009 and
    2013. Both they will be associated with water. So says the juvenile boara

    Today, almost everything forgot about Nick
    Turbine, ingenious little girl who started writing «Wise»
    poems at 4 years. At 9 years old, the girl became famous for the whole Soviet
    Union: She published a book of poems «Draft» (in publishing house «Young
    Guard»). Glory collapsed on her: nickname patronized
    celebrities, her collection of verses transferred to 12 languages, was handed over
    Prestigious Prize «Golden Lion» (from Russian poets this premium
    Obtained only Anna Akhmatova). Refilled unusual girl
    brilliant future, but the 27-year-old Nick broke — She jumped out
    windows in 2002.

    Indigo plantation

    extraordinary children with magnetic attraction in our country
    Store another quarter a century ago. Over time, they began to call them
    «indigo». Why they were so dubbed?Children & laquo; Indigo & Raquo ;: Who are they? Part 1

    — Exactly like this
    Color has aura «New» man — She is purple, — told
    «Arguments of the week» Psychologist Irina Gryaznova. — Indigo Children Immunity
    25 times higher than those of ordinary children. And it has already been proven. There are interesting
    figures of this kind: today among 50-year-old indigo — 1%, among 30-year-old
    — 10, and among 12-year-old — 25%. But high giftedness, genius —
    It is always a deviation and in the structure of the brain, and in mental development. So
    Consider authoritative scientists. According to the outstanding Russian genetics
    Vladimir Efroimson, such a gift drops about one of the thousands,
    develops as much as much from one of the millions, and really genius
    becomes one of ten million.

    studied the biographies of many outstanding people. And revealed not only whole
    Talented families, but also the correlation of genius with a number of congenital
    Deviations in metabolism. He believed that the task of upbringing — Find I
    Remove sequins of talent in children — «Stigma». Scientist many years ago
    I saw the existing pyramid of education overturned: Main attention
    should not be given universities, but kindergartens.

    But, it seems, no one has heard a scientist…

    Usually by the four years, the child detects 50% of those intelligent
    abilities who are destined to manifest, — Explained Irina Gryaznov, —
    to six — 70%, and to eight — 90%. But at the current kids abilities
    manifest almost with diaper. And here the main thing — do not be late.
    Intellect, creative abilities — Our national wealth. This is
    long understood the Japanese who would value their gifted children and not
    regret funds on their training. In Israel, there is its own effective
    System of gifted children. In the US, an effective system has been created
    Promotion and development of gifting.

    IQ is higher than George Bush

    they are, these launderkinds color violets? Unusually gifted boy
    Pavel Konoplev was born and grew up in Moscow. Pasha was 6 years old when
    Specialists revealed an unusually high intelligence — IQ 169 (y
    43rd US President Bush IQ — 91). Boy called «Overtime
    Wunderkind». Then the word «indigo» in our country was not in honor.
    Pasha was only 3 years old when he learned to do complex in mind
    Calculations and fluent read. Read with pleasure and fairy tales and
    University textbooks.

    At 6 years old baby saw a periodic table
    Mendeleev and figured out her intricate. The boy studied in
    individual program, because in the secondary school Pasha
    It turned out «White Voronev»: The first mark he brought, was…

    But from the first class of hemp immediately
    switched to the fourth and became a round excellent student. At 9 years old, he decided to task
    about the illumination of the planet Pluto when the sun in the zenith. The solution of the problem
    was highly appreciated by Academician Andrei Kolmogorov (Looks like known
    The scientist himself was from the race of Indigo — He became an academician at 39 years old). In 14 years
    Pasha Konoplev participated in creating mathematical support for
    the first domestic personal computer BK0010, published his
    Work in the journal «Science and life». At the age of 15 he entered MChildren & laquo; Indigo & Raquo ;: Who are they? Part 1G. Studied at
    graduate school at Professor Mathematics. Pavlovsky, engaged
    mathematical modeling of the future.

    nature, giving a person with high mental abilities, as if
    Includes it in a risk group: such people are more likely to sick. First Paul
    got into a psychiatric hospital for a long time. He died in September 2000
    G., He was only 27 years old. Today they say that Pasha Konoplev was from
    races indigo.

    They understand the language of birds

    The number of street children increases in our country with each
    year. Among them are indigo. What awaits us in the near future?

    Project «Nonlinear communications» Vladimir Rabit, who has long
    Tracks out «Indigo» the topic commented «Arguments of the week»
    Situation from the position of a new scientific approach:

    Ingenious personalities were at all times in all civilizations. Mozart,
    Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh — they are counted to the race of typical
    indigo. But the concept «Superintellect» often mix with ideas about
    paranormal abilities. Indigo has manifestations as
    outstanding mental abilities and such abilities as
    psychic, telecinez and even teleportation. Unfortunately, not yet
    clear presentation, all of all people with such talents,
    can be attributed to indigo.

    In case if
    really open some genetic differences, it will be possible with
    confidently say that we are dealing with a new race of people.

    And those children who today replenished the army of the streets should be under constant supervision: what will happen when they grow?

    That is, there will not be candid monsters among us?

    They have another skull!

    You need to treat such children? Since 1989. in Moscow
    Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education works
    Laboratory engaged in gifted children. Schools began to appear for
    Gifted children. Here lead five-year-old kids. But the most important thing —
    Customized programs are already created for the development of each unusual

    Physiologists meanwhile fix significant changes in
    Psychophysical Development «New» children paying attention to the increase
    Among them, the shares of asthenics, that is, children with increased fatigue,
    Exposure, sleep disorders, lengthening the timing of the offensive of Pubertata
    — Transient adolescence. Another scientists fix the change
    Forms of the skull in children of the current generation.

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