How to quickly cure ORVI from a little baby?


How to quickly cure ORVI from a small child?Winter — The period of seasonal growth in the incidence of ARVI among children, which means that they do not need to remember the basic principles of treatment of sharp respiratory viral infections. Competent approach to therapy — The guidance of the lack of complications and the warranty of fast recovery of the kid.

  1. If your child has risen the temperature, the appetite gave appetite, there was a nasal congestion, heavy breathing, cough, began to get out eyes, the chair changed, for sure you are dealing with a sharp respiratory disease and the first thing you need to do — call pediatory. Even if in your opinion the condition of the child is satisfactory, it is not necessary to refer to a cold, a viral infection can develop lightning room, only a doctor can estimate its hazard. Treatment of ORVI in infants — very difficult business, so the help of the doctor will be extremely necessary for you.
  2. If the child rose the body temperature above 38 0C, should take measures to reduce it. Children's antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol are suitable for this purpose. Rectal candles are particularly effective because they provide a rapid effect of the drug and the absence of side effects on the part of the digestive system.
  3. If the child is temperature, it should not be baked. Contrary to the opinion of many parents, treatment of acute respiratory viral infections does not require thermal procedures. Carry out the room where the baby is 2-3 times a day, the room must be cool (20-22 0WITH). Blanket and child clothes should be light — The evaporation of sweat from the body surface will ensure the decrease in body temperature.
  4. To cure ARVI in a child quickly and without consequences, it is necessary to observe a strict drinking mode. MORE CONSTRUCTION Toddler with simple drinking water, acidic juices, diluted juices, caviar of medicinal herbs with antipyretic and coating effect (daisy flowers, lone lone, sheet and raspberry fruits).
  5. In vomiting and diarrhea, it is recommended to fill the loss of salts with special solutions that are sold in a pharmacy, for example, a regidron or citrothosolyan.
  6. In the treatment of ARVI in infants often, there is often the need to use vasoconstricting droplets in the nose. Macred nasal breathing becomes an obstacle to breastfeeding, the baby cannot suck with the nose, and in this case there is no droplets. They should be buried immediately before feeding, but it should be remembered that long-term treatment (more than 5-6 days) is unacceptable. Do not stop breastfeeding, maternal milk — Medicine for a baby, it strengthens his immunity and helps in the fight against the disease.
  7. With dry nasal congestion and a child's cough will help inhalation with mineral water. Household «Dedovsky» Methods with kettle often ends burns, so do not risk, it is better to buy a home inhaler. If the question is how to cure ARVI in the child became in your family traditional, if no colds are not rare and proceed with the phenomena of bronchitis, it will not prevent the nebulizer, it is capable «deliver» Medicines directly to the place of inflammation — in bronchi and lungs.
  8. Children over 6 months often recommended expectorant means in the form of syrups. They are prescribed with a wet cough and a difficult disbelief of sputum to quickly purify the respiratory tract, with dry cough there is no need.
  • The appearance of an adsadous dry cough in a child, whistling difficulty breathing may testify to the development of the cereals. Parents should know that the croup is dangerous and challenge the brigade «Ambulance» obligatory. Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to take a child in your arms, calm, make it in the bathroom, open a crane with hot water or make steam inhalation, drink a baby with warm mineral water — it will relax the muscles of the larynx, will expand her clearance and ease his breath.
  • In the first days of the disease, feed the child at least 5-6 times a day by half a trip, porridge, ohletes, vegetable purees, soups. Do not let candies, chips, eliminate roasted and sharp dishes.

Remember all the medicines that you give the baby must be appointed by a doctor! No self-identity can be, especially this applies to antibacterial agents. Antibiotics are used only in complicated ORVI cases When attaching a bacterial infection. Reception of antiviral drugs should also be consistent with the doctor.

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