Love for sport, sun, sea air, walking barefoot on the beach sand sometimes leads to Mikosam. Undage this cunning, difficult and long is treated. With it there is a damage to the skin or nail in contagious fungi. In the initial stage to cope with fungi easier. But people most often missed this moment. And the disease spreads more and more. Drugs acting on the parasitic forms of fungi are produced quite a lot. Today, our site will introduce readers with the means that most often advertise on TV channels. His name - Lamizil.

As the drug acts?
Releases Lamizil Famous company «NOVARTIS» From Switzerland. The active substance of this drug is terbinafin. Include the drug to a large group of antifungal agents. When applying laminizila, the formation of the predecessor of vitamin D, referred to as Ergosterol. It is very necessary fungal structures for normal development and livelihoods. The second direction in which the drug lamizil is affected is the oppression of the activity of the squaleneepoxidase - a specific enzyme placing on the mushroom cell membrane. Because of this, gradually in the cells of fungi accumulates the spawn, which leads to their death.
When to expect the effect?
Hearing the promises of a commercial, a man suffering from Mikosami, believes that he will alert sick places with cream a couple of times, and the fungus will retreat. Unfortunately, this will not happen. The desired effect of this fungicidal means is developing gradually. The medicinal substance will slowly poison infectious fungi. For some time, these fungal cells can still exist on those reserves of vitamin D that were in their «bins». Toxic influence of the medicinal substance on fungi can not instantly manifest. Improve you notice on the skin only after a few days of the application of lamisil. The final result of therapeutic action can be expected only through the long week of use of laminisis, it all depends on which areas are the defeats, a disease has long developed, whether the patient has been carefully implementing all recommendations and hygiene rules. Not realizing the mechanism of action of the drug, many patients who hopped on magical healing come to the pharmacy or to the doctor and disappointed that the medicine is ineffective. Therefore, if you decide to get rid of the annoying fungus, please just a few packages of the drug, but also with patience, throughout. our site once again reminds that the treatment of this drug will be long. And some patients, anointing a week (or two) patients, chase treatment when notice improvements. With fungal lesions, it is impossible to do so! Even if there is no visible signs of the skin on the skin, and the course of treatment has not yet reached its final stage, it is necessary to continue lubrication (or the reception of the pills inside), following the discretion of the Doctor's advice. Otherwise, those fungi you do not see can gain strength, recover and continue your «black» business. This process is called recurrence. If ahead of time to throw a course of treatment, the fungi will again begin active reproduction. Some then justify the early completion of local procedures by the fact that they did not want to run their body with chemical compounds. These arguments are erroneous, the medicine acts locally, that is, the locally, if something penetrates into the bloodstream, then pharmacologists speak only about 5% of the total amount of active substance, which is completely safe for the human body. If the drug is prescribed in the form of tablets inside, it is purposefully sent in the horny layer of the skin, nail plates, hair follicles and accumulates there to have a fungicidal action, that is, destroy pathological fungi.
Indications for use
Lamizil shows its activity against dermatophytes, tricoes, epidermofites, microsporests, candids and other skin-parasitic and nails of fungi. The action spectrum is quite wide:
- Mycoses Stop, brushes;
- inguinal epidermofitilation;
- fungal infections of smooth skin on the body and the hairlet;
- microsporia (ringing deprived);
- Onychomykosis (so called the lesions of nail dermatophytes);
- Multicolored deprived;
- Itching and constant peeling of the skin of a feet caused by different fungi;
- nozzles, cracks, diallos;
- Settlement on the skin yeast-like fungi.
How to use medicine?

First of all, I will say that in the pharmacy you can see the lamisil in the form of several dosage forms:
- Tablets, used inward, each contains an active substance of terbinafine 250 mg. Used in more hard and running cases.
- 1% cream of 30 and 15 grams in tubes, which also has a softening effect on dry skin.
- Dermagel, prepared by 15 grams, recommended at itchy midcoses, accompanied by mocks. This tool is quickly and well absorbed, removes unbearable itching, dry and heals the skin.
- Spray of 30 and 15 ml. Does not leave any spots on clothes, in addition to therapeutic action, refreshes and drying, can be applied to the feet, body, the scalp with the mushrooms. More convenient to use if there are many foci of infection, they are distributed by body. A person who will be processed by sprays is already definitely not infected with fungi, because direct contact with skin sites will not happen.
- Fleet-forming solution (UNO), effective in the treatment of stop.
Dosage forms of laminisyl for outdoor use should be applied to peeled and pre-dry skin areas. In addition to the focus, it is necessary to process the skin surrounding areas. During the diallas, it is permissible to rub the drug or apply a gauze napkin on top. The procedure is done once or twice a day. But the duration of the course depends on the degree of defeat and other factors and is determined by the attending physician.
Lamizila tablets are usually prescribed by a dermatologist one per day. For the treatment of stops spending an average of 14 days. If the focus of the fungal infection on the hair site of the skin, then the treatment should be carried out for about a month. But on the destruction of nail fungus leaves some patients two, others - three months. This is because the fungi can be good to penetrate into different layers of nail plates, but it is difficult to get lazy to all the layers of the plate at once, because in it metabolic processes proceed very slowly, so it is necessary to wait until the nail will grow. The longest thing is the process of treating nails in the footsteps.
In the case of multicolored, damping pills are not used.
Precautionary measures
Mostly drugs are well tolerated. Very rarely arise unwanted effects. These are the effects that sometimes appeared in patients taking lamisyl tablets:
- Feeling of satiety, diarrhea, loss of appetite;
- allergic skin rashes;
- pain in muscles;
- dizziness;
- angioedema, anaphylactic shock;
- Changes in blood indicators.
Caution must be abide by those patients who have liver diseases, kidneys or tumors. Studies in pregnant women and children are very small, so during pregnancy women prescribe extremely rarely. And from breastfeeding in treating pills should be refused.
Little clinical trials were carried out in children of such dosage forms, as a solution, cream, spray. Therefore, children under 12, they are rarely appointed.
All side effects must be reported to a doctor who adjusts the dose or will cancel the medicine at all, if the patient has increased sensitivity to it.
Drug apply on the skin carefully so that it does not get into the eye, otherwise it will irritate the mucous membranes.
Lamizil is produced in comfortable dosage forms, good results are displayed. But before using it, I will certainly read the instructions to follow the recommendations described in it. And our website recalls that treatment must be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor so that he tracks the dynamics and controlled the duration of course therapy. And do not forget about the disinfection and rules of hygiene.