Tubulinistial jade in children


Tubulinistial jade in children
Tubula interstal
nephritis — Aseptic inflammation of kidney tissues with the involvement of the tubules,
blood and lymphatic vessels. It is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about the pathogenesis
Diseases, it is known that the disease may arise in any age period,
Even in babies. Most often, the risk of risk of tubul interlassical jade in children is
Humidated history, kidney dysplasia, allergic diathesis, medicinal or
Infectious intoxication. Separately, it should be noted a disease developing on
The background of dysmetabolic and immunoallergic disorders, scientists are also not
eliminate the origin of the illness in children with genetic predisposition.
The reasons for the occurrence of the disease is considered:

  • intoxication
    salts of heavy metals;
  • Long
    The uncontrolled use of drugs, among them antibiotics,
    Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, analgesics;
  • Impact
    Serums, Vaccines and Chemicals.

Variants of tubuline interlassical nephritis
In kids

Acute jade
It has a clearly defined start and usually occurs when contact with protein,
viral and other agents with the formation of severe renal reaction. Development
Diseases associated with the admission of a toxic child in the blood or
Bacterial toxin, resulting in the body develops immuno-allergic
Edema and inflammation in the intertaries of the kidney, which leads to the compression of vessels, tubules
and increase pressure in the clusters. Reducing renal blood flow occurs in
Connection with spasm of arteries and tissue ischemia. Like a state in most
cases occur after taking the drug over an angina, ORVI or after
infectious disease.

Tubulinistial jade in children
Start nephritis
accompanied by pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, sometimes fever,
considerable weakness and noticeable fatigue. The child decreases the number
urine allocated, while its color changes sharply, it can be pink, color
meat lesions or even burgundy. Medical statistics notes that 10%
Cases in cases of illness disease occurs in the form of acute renal
insufficiency and requires immediate reference to a nephrologist or
urologist for the premises of the child to the hospital under the supervision of the doctor. Shown
Bed regime, cancellation of the drug, served as the cause of renal inflammation,
Treatment aimed at reducing edema polishes and improving exchange
Processes in the kidney.

Chronic jade
It is more common than sharp, distinguished by a long latent flow and
the initial stage does not have bright manifestations, red blood cells are determined in the urine,
Small quantity of protein and leukocytes. The disease progresses gradually,
Reducing the glomerular function with the development of anemia. The exacerbation of chronic
tubul interstal nephritis is accompanied by signs of intoxication, pain in
abdomen and in the lumbar region, blood pressure change,
Allergic reactions, weakness, fatigue and pallor appear.

Diagnosis and treatment of tubula interstal nephritis

Diagnostic usually randomly after transferring infection or when designing
child in kindergarten or school. Diagnostics is difficult and sometimes difficult
the hidden course of the disease until the urinary syndrome is detected, but at the same time,
Nephrologist will notice polyuria, indication of allergic reactions,
excess body weight, dysuric disorders characteristic repeating
Episodes of renal colic, a slight decrease in the size of the kidneys.

Nephd treatment
involves identifying and eliminating the cause of the disease, the use of short
Currencies glucocorticoid therapy, compulsory correction
water and electrolyte balance, courses for improving microcirculation in renal
Fabrics and decrease in blood pressure.

Therapy is aimed at reducing inflammation and recovery of kidney function.
Recommended diet and therapy and vitaminization of the body for warning
sclerotic process. Parents need to understand that in case of development
Such a disease is unacceptable self-treatment and very important strict performance
All appointments of the doctor.

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