Types of the nervous system of children


nervous system in children (higher nervous activity) remotely resemble such
Characteristic in adults. But in fact she has its own characteristics in
childhood, which are known to neuropathologists, pediatricians and some
Parents. An immature nervous system in a child can cause disease development, lead to problems in communication,
Anomalies of behavior. A huge role in the consolidation and formation of types of nervous activities of children is given
Education and the environment that has a great influence on them.

Types of the nervous system of children

Types of the nervous system of children

Select several types of higher nervous activity of children:

  • Choleric;
  • Sanguinistic;
  • Phlegmatic;
  • Melancholic;

Type is characterized by increased activity and excitability. Children have rich
Vocabulary, living speech, active, often use facial expressions, gestures. But
activity does not affect the educational process, as such children are usually
behave well and do not deliver trouble to teachers and parents.

Choleric type
Higher nervous activity is characterized by active subcortical activities
brain, low rate of conditional bonds, compared to
phlegmatic and saguinistic varieties. Their speech is fast, nervous,
Fucking. In children, a bright feature
nervous system is hot temper. They are quite difficult
Adapt to new living conditions and may have difficulties in education.

Phlegmatic type
characterized by low rate of formal reflexes and slow
Restoration of fastened connections. Speech slow down, but correct, without
emotional surges and excessive facial expressions. Emotions and unconditional reflexes
are under the control of the cerebral cortex.

Melancholic type
Differed reduced excitability of the crust and the subcortical zone of the brain.
Low speed and instability of conditional reflexes. Location to development
neuroses and mental deviations, especially with long-term loads,
negative surroundings and cardinal changes in life. Due to weakness
Internal braking Children of this type are quickly tired and bad
adapt to any changes.

Neuropathologists I
parents should understand that features
The nervous system in children affect not only their behavior, but also on the flow
important internal processes of the body. Type of higher nervous activity
imposes its mark on the pulse indicators, blood pressure,
Temperatures of the body, the rate of reaction to those or other stimuli. Especially
expressed dependence on the type of nervous system from schoolchildren. With organization
working day and leisure costs should certainly take into account the peculiarities of the nervous
Activities of children.

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