Qi-Klim, instructions for use

During the period of menopause (menopause) in the body of a woman there is a multistage series of changes, closely associated with a decrease in the production of genital hormones. Often the completion of the reproductive period is accompanied by a set of unpleasant «Popyechnikov».

Statistics show that the unpleasant sensations, worsening the quality of life, interfering with working, leading to serious illnesses, are disturbed by 85% of women after 40-50 years. Our site offers readers to draw attention to the drug Qi-Klim, which will facilitate the symptoms Klimaksa, will help to stay attractive, energetic, cheerful. About the composition, indications for use and dosage will be discussed in this article.

Preservation of youth directly depends on the level of estrogen produced in the female organism. It is he who provides elegance of shapes, a slim waist, flexibility, grace of movements, beauty, blooming species. But closer to 40 years (or a little later) gradually the level of estrogen decreases. And then the woman begins to notice the first signs of aging, withering his skin. And then the signs of menopause are added:

  • sweating, tides and spires at night;
  • sharp mood swings, depression, irritability over trifles, plasticity, syradiability;
  • dizziness, Violations of sleep, Frequent headaches;
  • severe heartbeat;
  • sense of lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • forgetfulness, fast fatigue;
  • Strengthening urination, dryness of the vagina, weight gain;
  • Periodic tingling in the limbs, their numbness.

Improve the state of a woman in such cases helps phytoestrogens - substances contained in some plants, in their structure having similarities with estrogen. The body may not notice the substitutions, then it will continue to work in its usual mode. Phytoestrogens launch the mechanism of cell renewal, re-synthesized elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. The skin becomes much better - elasticity, elasticity, minor wrinkles disappear. Yes, and the internal condition of the body stabilizes.

In Europe, phytoestrogens for receiving inside and in cosmetic agents have long been used. And in Russia the company «Evalir» from Biysk produces several funds from the series «Qi-Klim»: Tablets, body creams and face, vitamin complex ...

General information about Qi-Klim

Gynecology, female organism, climax, qi-klim

The active component of the Tablets of Qi-Klim, coated with a shell, is the resulting dry extract from cimicifuga. The role of auxiliary substances perform starch potato, calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose. The shell includes polyethylene glycol, hypimlory, dyes.

Tablets have a pink or pink-brown color, a biconvex round shape and a specific smell. Packaging them 60, 90 or 30 pieces.

Cyminicifuga is the Latin name of a long-term plant having white brushes when flowering, very unpleasant smelling roots belonging to the family of iloko. Plants have other names - Kushoid or branching, Indian root, black snake root. In the plant, an impressive chemical composition, including essential oils of sharp smell, phytoestrogens, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, phytosterol, formonucleop, tanning substances ..

Thanks to the components of the composition of cymicifuga, the following properties were revealed at the Qi-Climate:

  • Estrogen-like effect, smoothing explicit symptoms, testifying to the shortage of estrogen's female organism;
  • sedative, relaxing effect, removal of increased nervousness, irritability, tension, anxiety, anxiety, plasticity;
  • Improves psycho-emotional state, relieves apathy, fatigue, driers, depressive thoughts;
  • Positive affects the vegetative nervous system, reducing the manifestations of vegetative and vascular disorders.

Therapeutic effect should not be expected on the first day of reception, it will develop gradually, he will manifest itself only after two or four weeks from the beginning of the reception.

When prescribed drug?

Gynecologists recommend their patients who do not want to apply synthetic hormones with many side effects, try the vegetative drug by Qi-Klim in such cases as psycho-emotional and vegetual disorders in the pre- and post-locking period. This is a pretty sprinkling life of tides, heat, neck, limbs, excessive sweating, mood changes, despondency, comprehension problems, heartbeat, and the like.

How to apply this tool?

Twice a day should be swallowed 1 tablet, entirely, without having fluttering, drinking half the glass of water. It is desirable that the reception was in the same clock, for example, at seven in the morning and seven in the evening. You can install other receiving hours convenient for you. The duration of the course determines the doctor, it can be three months, and then a monthly break and renewal of acceptance. It all depends on the state of the health of women.

There is a side effect?

First, MirSesites want to reassure women: an increase in body weight when receiving this drug is extremely rare. Sometimes patients have allergic reactions to any of the components of the composition or pain in the epigastric area, in the place of the compound of the esophagus and the stomach.

Do not exceed the recommended reception dose, so that the digestive disorders does not occur, liver disorders, pain in the stomach.

Who can not be applied by Qi-Klim?

If a woman has estrogen-dependent tumors or increased sensitivity to components included in the composition, the medicine is contraindicated.

special instructions

With caution doctors prescribe a phytopreparation with Epilepsy, Violations of liver function, injuries or brain pathologies.

Do not use in parallel with Qi-Klima other means containing cymicifuge to avoid overdose.

Of course, the medicine cannot be used when breastfeeding and pregnancy.

If after receiving the drug changed the nature of menstrual discharge, report this to your attending and doctor observing you.

Not only inside, but also outwardly

For outdoor use, you can buy a body cream, in addition to phytoestrogen, cymicifugi includes extracts from wild yams, allantoin, d-panthenol and hyaluronic acid. Cream will help to care for the zone of neckline, shoulders and hands, moisturize the skin, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, important to the sensation of skin elasticity. To maintain the body in a tone, rub into problem areas of the body, this cream one or twice a day for two or even three months. And still produced cream with a more gentle action, which is intended for the face. And to prevent the formation of wrinkles, use the cream with argerine, is considered soft, gentle and safe alternative to Botox.

Climax is often compared with autumn, golden sometimes in life. Do not lose heart, despair, if the body is felt in the body of estrogen, try taking phytoestrogens to prevent the rapid aging of the body.

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