COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. At an early stage, signs of illness are not very noticeable. Careful diagnosis allows you to identify the initial stage of the disease, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.

The problem in the diagnosis of COPL-reduction is decrypted as Chronic obstructive
Lung disease — This is incommodity. The disease of the lungs of COPD progresses slowly and unnoticed by
early stages of symptoms worried patients not too much, and often
refer to the patients themselves, and therapist at the expense of colds, chronic
bronchitis or some other reasons.
The alertness of the physicians and their attention to patients, in the history of which there are instructions
On the possibility of development Cobl, Possible
improve the early detectability of the disease and, therefore, the success of it
Treatment. When diagnosis Cobl Treatment Need to start immediately.
How to distinguish hobl? Exist
many lung diseases in which sickness bumps, cough with
allocating some wet sputum and general weakness. But with development Cobl symptoms These are becoming
constant, and, moreover, strengthen over time. Wherein can increase
or shortness of breath, or cough, or both of these problems together.
many diagnostic research methods capable of helping
confirmation of such a diagnosis as Chronic
Obstructive lung disease, Two groups can be distinguished: compulsory
Surveys and optional.
Mandatory tests when COPD:
spirometry — Research Function External
breathing; - general blood analysis;
Research of the cell composition of sputum
(cytology); - Radiography of the chest in two projections;
- electrocardiogram.
Additional diagnostic methods
Because the Obstructive lung disease It has
Various severity, and also similar to their manifestations for other diseases
lungs, then to clarify the diagnosis and determination of the severity of the disease, may
Additional examination methods are assigned:
- Bodiletismography;
- method of gases breeding;
determination of partial pressure of gases (about2
and so2) in arterial and venous blood; -
Pulse oximetry (blood saturation monitoring
oxygen); - CT scan;
Echocardioscopy (ultrasound of the heart) with definition
pressure in the mouth of the pulmonary artery; -
Research with exercise
(six-minute steps); - diagnostic bronchoscopy;
Research of sputum on the microflora (types
bacteria and their number) and sensitivity to antibiotics; -
Biochemical blood test with definition
Containers of proteins and electrolytes — Especially important in late stages Cobl, accompanied by cardiac I
respiratory failure; -
Immunological examination of blood can be
appointed in the inexplicable low efficiency of the therapy and
Progression of the inflammatory process in the lungs.
Diagnostic criteria Hobl
Put a reliable diagnosis Chronic
Obstructive lung disease, need to take into account the following
In the history of the patient there must be factors
Risk: Long smoking, accommodation in unfavorable ecological
environment, professional harm — work in a polluted atmosphere. -
The patient should be determined characteristic Cobl symptoms: dyspnea with
Difficult exhalation, chronic cough (mostly in the morning). -
Typical changes in spirometric indicators:
Reducing the volume of forced exhalation (OFVone) on the first second. -
Information about the steady development of the disease and the deterioration
Selfieness of the patient.
Severity COPD, their clinical and
Laboratory manifestations
consider what Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has four severity,
And for each of these degrees, changes are characterized as well-being
patients and in the results of the surveys.
Clinical and laboratory and instrumental signs of COPD depending on the severity (stage):
Easy degree:
- cough - non-permanent;
- dyspnea – only with intensive physical exertion;
- cyanosis – absence;
- Wet selection – scarce;
- Paradoxical pulse – missing;
- Auscultative symptoms of wheezing – not always determined;
- Erythrocytes, hemoglobin – norm;
- ECG – norm;
- OFVone – more than 80% of due;
- Gaza blood – norm;
- Light radiography – No pathology is detected.
Average degree:
- cough – permanent, most pronounced in the morning;
- dyspnea – with moderate physical exertion;
- cyanosis – with an emphysematous type after exercise, with bronchtic constantly;
- Wet selection – scarce, mainly in the morning;
- Paradoxical pulse – appears after exercise;
- Auscultative symptoms of wheezing – scattered multi-damped dry wheels, remote episodes;
- Erythrocytes, hemoglobin – norm;
- ECG – norm;
- OFVone – less than 80% of due;
- Gaza blood – Hypoxemia during exercise (65<PaO2<80 mm.RT.Art.);
- Light radiography – Strengthening and deformation of the pulmonary pattern, sealing the walls of the bronchi.
Heavy degree:
- cough – constant;
- dyspnea – at rest;
- cyanosis – constant;
- Wet selection – constant, not more than 60 ml / day.;
- Paradoxical pulse – constant;
- Auscultative symptoms of wheezing – remote wheezes, multi-membered dry and solubular wet wheels;
- Erythrocytes, hemoglobin – More than 5.0×1012/ l, more than 150 g / l;
- ECG – constant signs of the pulmonary heart;
- OFVone – less than 50% of due;
- Gaza blood – Hypoxemia, hypercupinia at rest (PAO2<65 mm.RT.Art.);
- Light radiography – Low standing diaphragm dome, restriction of its mobility, hypernate of lung tissue, increase retrosternal space.
Extremely heavy degree:
- OFVone - less than 30% of due or less than 50% in combination with chronic respiratory failure;
Extremely heavy COPD. To such a degree of severity of COPD, the person's condition deteriorates significantly, and exacerbations are threatening to life. The disease causes disability. Marked extremely severe bronchial obstruction. At this stage, the development of a light heart is possible.
With the development of the disease, respiratory failure is growing, so
Late stages Cobl Treatment more often
It consists in oxygen therapy and the use of bronchus inhalations
Tools. Learn more about the possibilities of treating obstructive lung disease and
The equipment used for this can be on the company's website
Name of organization: LLC «Medica Plus»
Company address: G. Moscow, ul. Electrozavodskaya, D. twenty.
8 (495) 780-67-37 or eight
(800) 555-54-53