In children, this disease is practically not found, it is characteristic of elderly and middle-aged people.
What is interrochemical neuralgia?
Term «neuralgia» It turned out when merging two Greek words. «Neuron» translated as «nerve», but «algos» means «pain». Pain syndrome, having a reflex origin arising from squeezing (compression), irritation of one, two or even a beam of spinal nerves roots in the chest spinal column, doctors, and called interrochel neuralgia. The character of the syndrome may be a traumatic, inflammatory or compression, that is, accordingly, the process is accompanied by a break, an edema or squeezing nerve. Other Disease Name - Toracalgia. From the course of Anatomy, you remember that each of us has twelve couples Ryubers. Nerves run in interrogospaces. If the interrochemical nerves are accidentally annoyed or squeezed by nearby tissues, it leads to a strong pain spreading first to the trunk, then by the branch of the interrochemical nerve. When the deformation of the structure of the interrochemical space occurs, then the nerve is automatically squeezed. The reasons leading to such pains may be:
- Injuries that a person moved recently or in the past;
- draft or supercooling;
- long stay in an uncomfortable posture, awkward, sharp movement, turn, sleep in an uncomfortable posture leading to a strong muscular spa;
- stress, exorbitant physical exertion;
- diseases of the nervous system (polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis);
- Pathological changes in the spine (intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, curvature in breast or cervical departments, spondylitis, Bekhterev's disease);
- excess tone of some muscles of the back, blades, shoulder;
- Infections, for example, flu, tuberculosis, herpes;
- primary tumors or their metastases;
- lack of vitamins from the group in;
- Changes in vessels associated with age, violation of metabolic processes.
Sometimes cardiovascular diseases can be given to interrochel neuralgia, as a result of which oxygen does badly go to the nerves. Create conditions for the disease can change in the spine during menopause in women due to hormonal imbalance, deposits of salts of inflammation in bundles, joints, .
What are the main symptoms?
The main distinguishing symptom is the pain in the chest zone, which is unbearable, exhausting, exhausting, depressing. It can be extensive, as if. Or local - in one or more hypochondrium. Amazing one or both sides. Most often, the pain worries on the left, close to the navel. Sometimes she gives (irradiases) to the lower back, shovel, neck, hand, heart, kidneys. Stupid, buttering or parotid, amplifying during the implementation of any movements. Patients complain that they can neither sigh, nor toggave, nor cough, nor to zail, nor sneeze, because it leads to the appearance of burning, tingling, cutting or «Shooting» in the field of chest. You can see twitching or redness (pale), skin sweating on the affected area. Sensitivity is often broken, effect is created «crawling geasses». And when palpation (palpation) of certain areas on the back, pain is enhanced, it is difficult to breathe in a patient.
A person who does not have adequate knowledge is difficult to find out the root cause of sharp pain in the chest area, so you need to consult a doctor. Neurologist after additional surveys will be able to raise the right diagnosis and assign treatment. First of all, it is necessary to understand whether the person has heart disease, because they require completely different approaches to treatment. Cardiac pains are short-lived, they do not enhance from movements, breathed, removed in a few minutes of nitroglycerin tablet. Understand the measurement of pressure, pulse, electrocardiogram and radiography.
Recommendations for treatment
It is important to establish the cause of the disease, the further treatment of interrochemical neuralgia will depend on it. For example, if the nerve roots are squeezed (infringe upon) in those places where they come out of the spine, then it is necessary to treat Osteochondrosis, or eliminate the hernia of the intervertebral disk. If neuralgia arose on the background Singing linga, then it should be treated.
Be sure to eliminate, that is, to stop painful pain. For this, painkillers are appointed - Pentalgin, Sedalgin, Ibuprofen, Nooofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulid, Naz, Ketorol.
To save muscles from spasm to miorylaxants.
Sometimes it is required to conduct novocaine or lidocaine blocks.
Useful physiotocreders - Electrophoresis, Magnetotherapy, impulse currents, ultrasound, infrared radiation; Point massage, laser therapy, acupuncture, needleflexotherapy, manual therapy.
In the sharp stage, this is the first five days, the bed regime is prescribed. Lower better on a rigid surface. For convenience, put under the head, legs, lower back small rollers.
It is possible to apply dry heat to pain points - the bags with heated sand, put the mustard, apply the rubber heating pad with hot water.

It is recommended to lubricate the chest area with anti-inflammatory ointments, for example, will be effective: capsicles, Espol, Finalgon, Böngen, Viprosal (with serpentine poison), apizartron (with bee poison). Used long cream, fast gel.

Put on shirt, pajamas and under a warm blanket.
We offer a course of vitamins that are certainly containing representatives of the group in. Inexpensive vitamin complexes of domestic production: Undevit, Decamvit, Kvadevit.
What People's Medicine offers?
If the disease caught in the country, in the village, if there is no possibility to immediately consult a doctor, then you can try folk remedies. They have a local depleting, distracting, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

- If your first-aid kit is a pepper plaster, then impose it to a sore place, pre-rubbed the skin with alcohol (tincture or alcohol-containing lotion) and drying up a napkin to degrease. When a feeling of a pleasant heat spill over the body appears, the plaster can be carefully removed.
- If you find in the first-aid kit Vietnamese «Star», then squeeze the patients with it, as well as the point along the spine from the lumbar to the cervical, blame the old towel and go to bed. For the same purposes, you can use fir or geranium oil.
- You can rub Freshly squeezed root of the root of the horseradish or black radish.
- Take the big leaves of the burdock, walk the rolling on them, so that the juice. Attach these leaves of the bottom (light, sowned) side to the chest. Lock them with a handkerchief, scarf. Do it before bedtime. Burning will show painful and anti-inflammatory properties. If the burdock is not at hand, then use cabbage leaves.
- Well helps rubbing alcohol solutions Mumiyu (at a concentration of 10%). It is necessary to use it for 20 days. At the same time, use three times a day, 30 minutes before the meal of 0.2 g mumyo inside.
- In the morning and before bedtime, drink mint tea for which we take a tablespoon of peppermint leaves and 250 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes of insistence under the lid and a towel, the fragrant drink can be strain and drink. Mint can replace the grass Melissa.
- Make a chamomile infusion of two tablespoons of flower and 250 ml of boiling water. Take warm on half a glass three times a day.
- If neuralgia is caused by stress, then eat a sedative collection, which includes the grass of the mother-in-law, rhizome valerian, bumps of hop, soul grass.
- Before SHO, you can make a bath with an infusion from sage leaves or eucalyptus, sea salt, lavender essential oil.
- All these folk remedies may be an addition to the treatment appointed by the doctor.
The disease is easier to prevent than then suffer from pain attacks. Knowing what reasons can cause interrochemical neuralgia, try to avoid provoking factors - drafts, harsh clumsy movements and turns, heavy, unbearable loads for you. Watch out for posture to avoid with seats to pinched nerve roots. Fit rationally, take complex vitamins. Be sure to treat diseases that can provoke neuralgia attacks, such as vessel diseases, spine. Regularly perform exercises from a complex of medical physical education, strengthening, developing back muscles, making the spine movable and flexible.