If you have SHEGREEN syndrome


  • Causes, SHEGREEN syndrome factors
  • How to diagnose SHEGREEN syndrome
  • How is the treatment of SHEGREEN syndrome

  • Dry mouth and eyes - very frequent problem, periodically she
    Worried most people. Most often dryness does not represent
    danger and passes independently. But sometimes, especially with long-term
    Preservation or growth of gravity, dryness can be symptoms
    Quite heavy disease - SHEGREEN Syndrome, which requires treatment from a rheumatologist.

    SHEGREEN SYNDROM is also known entitled «dry
    syndrome», which very clearly determines its essence - insufficient
    Education storms. But not hormonal, but those that allocate
    Liquid on the surface of the body or in its cavity - salivary, tears,
    sweat, vaginal and other.


    SHEGREEN SYNDROM (Dry Syndrome) - An autoimmune disease,
    in which the immune system erroneously attacks the glands that form
    liquids. As a result, there is a lack of saliva, tears and other
    Secrets. However, the dry SHEGREEN syndrome may not be limited only by the glands, but also to affect other organs in which the inflammatory response develops.

    The severity of symptoms may be different. Sudene syndrome more often suffer from women (9 cases out of 10), the average age of the illness - 50 years.

    It is important to know that SHEGREEN syndrome can be an independent disease, and may occur with other diseases. In the first case, use the term «SHEGREEN DISTRICT» or «Primary Schheng syndrome».
    In the second case, when SHEGREEN syndrome occurs on the background of rheumatoid
    arthritis, systemic red lupus and other diseases, talk about «Secondary Schreren syndrome».

    The most frequent symptoms of SHEGREEN syndrome are associated with disadvantages of liquid secretion by iron irons:

    • If you have SHEGREEN syndromeDry eyes. Most often disturbing
      Feeling of a foreign body in the eyes (sand), a feeling of burning, itching,
      improving the sensitivity to light (light-dressed); You can see
      Redness of the eye.
    • Dry mouth, nose and sip. Feeling
      dryness can cause problems when swallowing and talking. Very difficult
      Use hard foods, and dry (cookies, crackers, etc.) - practically
      impossible. Can disturb the change in taste sensations, education
      Yazv in the mouth. Very Frequent problem with long-term dry existence - caries. Sometimes nasal bleeding, ear infections occur.
    • Dry vagina. As a result, sexual intercourse becomes painful.
    • Dry skin.
    • An increase in the varnish gloys.

    In addition, there is often an increase in body temperature, general
    Feeling ailments, pain and stiffness of joints, pain in muscles,
    Loss of hair.

    SHEGREEN SYNDROM - chronic disease. Symptoms can enhance, disappear for some time or remain at the same level.

    Causes, SHEGREEN syndrome factors

    The cause of SHEGREEN syndrome is unknown. In its development
    take part genetic, immunological, hormonal and
    external factors. In some patients, a launcher disease
    Viral infections are becoming.

    In the secondary syndrome of SHEGREEN, dryness develops due to
    other diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, systemic red lupus,
    systemic sclerodermia, polyimosit and others.

    The danger of SHEGREEN syndrome is increased if
    relatives of autoimmune diseases, as well as in the presence of
    autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic red
    Volchanics, systemic sclerodermia, polyimosit, etc.) in man.

    How to diagnose SHEGREEN syndrome

    To diagnose SHEGREEN syndrome, the correct question of the doctor is of great importance, as well as studies of the formation of saliva, tears and other liquids.

    Specific diagnostic tests do not exist.

    During blood tests, the presence of inflammation is estimated, and also determined whether SHEGREEN syndrome is primary
    or secondary. The most characteristic changes: raising ESP (speed
    Seen of the erythrocytes), C-reactive protein (CRB), rheumatoid factor

    Often it is often necessary to study on specific antibodies, which increase with Shegon syndrome - anti-RO (anti-po) and anti-La (anti-la) antibody.

    You may need a biopsy of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which allows you to detect inflammation of small salivary glands.

    How is the treatment of SHEGREEN syndrome

    The treatment of SHEGREEN syndrome allows to alleviate well-being and helps prevent damage to the internal organs.

    It is very important to follow the state of the teeth - to brush them daily with
    using toothpaste with fluorine, regularly visiting the dentist.
    Recommended the use of chewing gum not containing sugar. At
    Needs to use alternate saliva.

    The use of dark glasses allows you to protect your eyes from dust, wind and
    Strong light. It is very important to regularly visit an ophthalmologist. For
    reduced dryness in the eyes need to use artificial
    tears, and put special ointment overnings.

    In strong pains and stiffness in the joints, you can briefly accept non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Antihistamine preparations and decongestations should be avoided
    (preparations that are prescribed during the cold), as they can
    worsen dryness.

    The question of the appointment of glucocorticoid drugs decides the doctor. IN
    most cases they clean the symptoms of the disease and prevent
    the development of her heavy consequences. However, side effects
    glucocorticoids are very serious, the question of their appointment, dose and
    therapy duration is solved by a doctor individually.

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