One of the frequent and serious complications after the unrealized influenza and angina - rheumatism. How not to miss the first signals of this cunning disease, discuss together with specialists.
Home Reason - Angina?
Rheumatism Attacks first joints, heart and nervous system. And in most cases, the main culprit of such a mess in the body turns out «Banal» Bacteria - beta hemolytic streptococci). They fall into the blood and, if they immediately do not receive a powerful essay, penetrate into different systems of the body. And rheumatism arises.
Why among some people, angina and influenza pass unnoticed, and others develop such complications? Scientists assume that the immune violations and genetic predisposition: rheumatism is often ill familial families.
Symptoms: Fever and «volatile» Pain.
For the first time, rheumatic manifestations begin, as a rule, after 1 - 3 weeks after angina or influenza. And attack immediately in several fronts.
So, the main manifestations of rheumatism from the joints:
- Rheumatic polyarthritis - swelling and redness of large joints of the arms and legs;
- temperature and fever, especially in the evening;
- acute, wandering pain (in one joint, then in another);
- Over the joint, swelling is formed, the skin bluses and becomes hot;
- Distinctive feature - «volatility» changes: In some joints, inflammation quickly subsides, but immediately begins in others.
Why under the sight of the heart?
No wonder doctors say rheumatism «Licking joints and bites heart». As the articual manifestations, heart symptoms appear to the fore. The most frequent manifestation is rheumatious myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation).
Manifestations from the heart:
Weak stupid pain in the field of heart or just unpleasant feelings - on the heart «Cats scraper»;
- severity in the chest, especially with deep breath;
- heartbeat, shortness of breath;
- Tachycardia - Pulse Beating.
Fish is useful, bananas - not very
With rheumatism to lean on:
- Red meat (beef);
- refined sugar, sdob and other fast carbohydrates;
- products with high starch (potatoes, bananas);
- Coffee (if not without it - lend to a cup per day);
- fatty cheeses and milk;
- salt and all salinity.
It is clear that it is difficult to completely abandon these products, but you should not make them the basis of your diet.
And useful for rheumatism:
- Fish (in any form, except smoked);
- vegetable oils (not only familiar sunflower and olive, but also sesame, linen);
- Vegetables and fruits in different kinds. It would be great to include in the celery menu, avocado, green salads (arugula, Beijing cabbage).
What will help to make a diagnosis?
- Deployed blood test.
- Survey of joints at the rheumatologist.
- Mandatory Cardiology Examination - EGK and Echo Cardiography (Heart Ultrasound).
Lemon juice and nettle against inflammation
Rheumatism needs professional medical treatment and control. Only her sickness, of course, do not drive.
But as auxiliary funds to the state, they act well:
- The decoction of the root root of the big (15 g of the root for 200 ml of boiling water) drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before eating 2 - 3 weeks;
decoction of nettle and birch kidney;
Eat on the day on grapefruit - there are many bioactive substances in it, toning joints. And in China and Central Asian countries, rheumatism is treated with fruits and decoction of the roots of Kizyl: 1 teaspoon of roots pour 1 cup of water, boil 15 minutes. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 2 - 3 weeks;
Useful daily in the morning drinking juice from one or halves of lemon on a glass of warm water.