Pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated at the Volchanka? No. Today, women with a systemic red lupus can enter and give birth to healthy children.

— This Disease of young women, and therefore it is clear that the question of pregnancy occurs often. A great desire to have a child is opposed to
Fear for His and Own Health. And it is not by chance, because even recently
Systemic red lupus Reed
absolute contraindication for pregnancy and the need to interrupt it on
Early timing. Today, medical science has reached such a level that
allows women with a sick lupus, having healthy children, despite
Severity of diagnosis.
Systemic red lupus
— This Chronic autoimmune disease characterized by formation
antibodies to its own connective tissue, its inflammation and destruction. Lupus Amuses blood vessels,
joints, valves and shells of hearts, kidneys, lungs. It becomes the cause
Vasculitis, arthritis, myocarditis, endocarditis, heart valves vice,
pneumonite, glomerulonephritis, jade, polynevrit. It is clear that with this
large-scale defeat is very hard to talk about pregnancy and childbirth. But still
With timely and competent treatment, it is possible to achieve significant and
stable improvement in well-being and getting a chance for offspring.
First of all, it is necessary to understand that the question of the possibility Pregnancy at Volcanque decides
Collegially attending rheumatologist and obstetrician-gynecologist. Better time for
The birth of a child is a period of remission, that is, when a woman
feels almost healthy. With the conception of problems usually does not happen, but in
The process of pregnancy often arises complications, by the way, quite
Amenble treatment. It is believed that in half cases pregnancy on the background
remission proceeds and ends safely, in 25% of cases — Premature childbirth. Unfortunately, the rest of 25% of women wins the disease
— There is a miscarriage or a child dies in intrauterine.
Sundle Pregnancy
at Volchanka — difficult business requiring solid preparation. Maintenance
Rules planning pregnancy
Volchanka: Healthy and full nutrition, full refusal of bad habits,
Competent treatment, observation and scrupulous execution of appointments of a doctor. Noted,
that women who were in 5-6 months before conception
remission, pregnancy proceeds normally and exacerbations Volchanka Do not occur. Actually pregnancy rarely causes
exacerbation Volchanka, But if it happens,
That exacerbation is fairly easy to fasten with modern drugs. 6-15%
Patients of pregnant women, on the contrary, there is an improvement in well-being. From a point
Viewing exacerbation Volchanka
The most dangerous are the first two trimesters of pregnancy. At that time
It is possible to reduce the number of blood platelets and the appearance of protein in the urine,
The emergence of arthritis, the appearance of a characteristic rash, general weakness.
Despite the fact that during pregnancy is not recommended
Taking Medical Preparations, Therapy Volchanka
does not stop, and if necessary, even enhances. Most drugs,
shown in the lupus, safe and they do not affect the fruit. For instance,
prednisone does not penetrate the placenta at all, and dexamethasone prescribed only
when the question arises about early delivery and necessity
Prepare light fetus for the first breath. Aspirin — Safe medicine,
which is so often used to treat the toxicosis of thrombosis prevention.
Most frequent (20%) complication Pregnancy at Volcanque is late toxicosis — condition
very serious, requiring immediate treatment, and in some cases — Premature Rhodework. Frequent visit to the doctor, control of arterial
Pressures, weights, regular urine tests are vital for pregnant. Timely
Identification and treatment of toxicosis — Woman and child safety warranty.
Defeat of connective tissue with systemic red Volchanka In 33% of cases accompanied by
Development of antiphospollipid antibodies, damaging vessels placenta — Basic
body providing breathing and fetal food. In case
Fetoplacentage deficiency arises Development and hypotrophy
fruit. The content of antibodies is controlled when analyzing the blood, and the growth of the child, work
His hearts — With the help of ultrasound, Dopplerometry, ktg.
The main danger to the child in the presence of Volchanka In the mother — This is presence,
occurring in half. Labor more often occur by cesarean sections and
Must be held in hospital, equipped with hardware for nothing
In the literature, no congenital abnormalities in children are not described,
who appeared on the world from mothers, patients Volchanka,
they grow and develop normally both physically and mentally.
33% of patients with women during pregnancy are found anti-RO antibodies, which in 10% of cases
become the cause of lupus newborns. Should not be confused with the system
Red Volchanka, manifestations not
Scary and disappear by 3-6 months of the child's life. Sometimes arising problems with
the work of the heart is overcome, but even when they are conserved, the child develops
Pregnancy PR
Volchanka maybe it should end with the birth of a healthy kid. The only thing,
what should be taken care of the future mother, given the possible periods of bad
Wellness after childbirth — This is a kid care assistant.