Treatment of deforming arrangement of the knee joint


  • Arthrosis of the knee joint: therapeutic gymnastics
  • Pharmacotherapy at Gonarthrosis
  • Other methods of treating gonarthrosis

  • Arthrosis of the knee joint Therapeutic gymnasticsHow to treat arthrosis of the knee? Gonarthrosis therapy — The process is long and time-consuming, patients are treated outpatient, hospitalization is required at the rapid flow of synovitis and for surgery.

    The basic principles of the treatment of deforming arrangement of the knee joint

    • Restricting the load on the sore joint, reduction of distances when walking, rejection of wearing weights and a change of work, if it provides an increased load on the feet. Arthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree involves the appointment of 2 groups of disability.
    • Compliance with the orthopedic regime is implemented using crutches that unload the sick joint.
    • Therapeutic physical education for therapy of arthrosis, preventing contractures and increasing the mobility of the joint.
    • The use of physiotherapy techniques.
    • Medical therapy, including intra-articular administration of drugs.
    • Surgical intervention in order to prevent the further development of arthrosis at the initial stages, as the treatment of the armhode of the knee joint and the method of restoring the limb function at the last degree of arrangement of the knee joint.
    • Sanatorium-resort therapy as prevention and treatment of deforming arrangement of the knee joint.

    Arthrosis of the knee joint: therapeutic gymnastics

    Pharmacotherapy and gymnastics in the treatment of deforming arrangement of the knee joint
    The appearance of pain in the load on the joint naturally leads to hypodynamies, the patient begins to spare the limb, — The atrophy of bundles and muscles leading to the joint. Of course, on time «prosperity» synovitis, with swelling and constant pain in the joint on physical education, there can be no speech. But after 3-5 days, as soon as the inflammation sits, the arthrosis of the knee joint is necessary, including in physical training, and their necessity does not depend on the severity of the arrangement of the knee joint, the degree of development of the pathological process.

    The patient should understand that with the affected joint you need to live and work, and the dosage increase in motor activity, in turn, will affect the course of the arrangement of the knee joint. The degree of impairment of mobility, the level of destruction, stage of the process, age, physical fitness of the patient — Everything is taken into account in the preparation of a complex of medical physical education, but the guarantor of success is an independent motivation and execution of the recommendations of the physician LFC.

    Therapeutic gymnastics in the arthrosis of the knee joint provides for effective, but at the same time safe for the patient mode and exercise. In the initial stages of arthrosis, intensive loads are possible, then it is permissible to use the support and the use of passive limb movements. In any case, with the arthrosis of the knee joint, therapeutic gymnastics aims not only to restore the mobility of articulation, an increase in the amplitude of movements, strength and endurance of the muscles, but also the stimulation of blood circulation in the knee area, improving tissue trophic.

    Pharmacotherapy at Gonarthrosis

    Treatment of arthrosis of the knee degree and diagnosticsBefore it did not have a question, how to treat arthrosis of the knee joints. Hormonal and gold-containing drugs were actively prescribed, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. Today, drug therapy has lost their leading positions, but still finds its application.

    To relieve pain in the joint, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are used, they reduce synovite phenomena. With pronounced inflammation of the synovial shell, in the presence of severe pain, in the joint, its swelling is used intra-articular introduction of corticosteroids.

    To maintain the metabolism of cartilage tissue and improving the functions of the joint, resort to chondromorative therapy and the purpose of chondropotractic drugs with chondroitin and glucosamine required to restore cartilage. These drugs are shown if the initial arthrosis of the knee joint is diagnosed. The degree of development of the pathological process allow you to restore the nutrition of cartilage, thereby preventing further development of the disease.

    Intramuscularly prescribe preparations that stimulate the formation of components of cartilage tissue, which reduce the activity of enzymes involved in the destruction of cartilage. Inside the joint, hyaluronic acid preparations involved in the synthesis of glucosamineoglycans are introduced.

    Other methods of treating gonarthrosis

    1. Intra-articular oxygenation, providing the delivery of oxygen and activation of metabolism in the tissues of the joint, unloading the joint by stretching its capsule.
    2. Laser therapy — This is simultaneously an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory treatment, a stimulator in the therapy of the deforming arrangement of the knee joint.
    3. Decompression of metaeplefify and intraoscience blockades — Invasive technique to restore blood circulation in the epiphyse zone and improve cartilage power.

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