Removal of moles


    A little about Moles

    The gothic stain, or non-neust, is any congenital skin damage. Moles appear immediately after birth, but may appear much later in preschool age or during puberty. The structure of these stains is different. Sometimes they consist of extended vessels, sometimes contain excessive amounts of skin pigment.

    Moles and birthmarks have different sizes and shapes. Their magnitude ranges from the pin head to a small pea. Coloring of Moles and Money Pent The most diverse. They can have a kind of brownish spots on the same level with skin or brown and tanning colors of tubercles in the form of buttons. Vascular moles and birthmarks taking place from blood and lymphatic vessels, painted in pale - pink or bright red, pigment stained with melanin in brown or black. The surface of the moles and the birthplace spots is smooth or uneven. Pigment babies are sometimes covered with hair.

    Why rose moles grow

    Removal of molesRights of moles and birthplace spots contribute to irritation. Often, during shaving, men damage their moles, and women annoy them, pulling hair. Moles and birthmarks can be reborn in tumors. Therefore, their timely removal is important not only from a cosmetic point of view.

    You especially should alert and serve as a reason for the visit to the doctor one of the following changes:

    • Changing the size of the mole or the harmful stains of their rapid growth;
    • The appearance of a red inflammatory rim around the mole;
    • Changing the color of the mole of its darkening or clarification;
    • The appearance of pain or itching in the region of the mole or the godded spot;
    • Changing the surface of the mole or the godded spot appearance of peeling, roughness, uneven contour.
    • Consequences Removing municipal moles, deepening

    Consultation of the doctor and the removal of moles in Moscow, located under the underwear, under the belt trousers, in the collar area and other places under constant irritation, should cause you increased attention.

    Moles in the overwhelming majority of benign education, but it would be unreasonable to remove it without taking a fabric sample to histological analysis (examine tissue cells in order to identify atypical arc cells) to make 100% convince of its benignness. Independent removal of moles is resolutely contraindicated and very dangerous!

    To delete the Mountain

    Removing moles in our time - the problem of special importance. Big moles often look very ugly. Moreover, if the mole is located in open areas of the body - it becomes clear by the desire of a person to remove the Mountain and get rid of this ugly skin. It should be noted that moles that are in places undergoing continuous injury - should cause increased attention.

    Unfortunately, in our time, there is prejudice, that moles cannot be deleted. Experts claim to remove moles - not only possible, but in some cases it is simply necessary.

    Methods of removal of moles

    Removal of molesBefore this operation requires a consultation of a dermatologist or oncodermatologist. After removing moles, it is advisable to hold a histological study of remote tissues. Self «Election» Moles are categorically contraindicated. There are many ways to remove moles: using a laser, electrocoagulation, bookkitepia (variety of radiotherapy), surgical intervention.

    On in modern medicine, the most preferred method of removing moles is the laser evaporation of moles. The method of laser evaporation does not cause painful sensations, and most importantly, leaves the minimum traces of the patient's skin. All other methods imply mechanical contact, so scar cloth appears in one way or another.

    Removing moles laser

    Removal of moles. This is one of the most efficient and preferred methods.

    • First, when using a laser, in addition to the immediate removal of the mole, thrombing (blocking blood clots) of the smallest vessels. This prevents possible metastasis (the propagation of the tumor through blood vessels from blood currents or lymph), and reduces blood loss as much as possible.
    • Secondly, faster regeneration (restoration) of the skin.
    • Thirdly, it is possible to achieve a good cosmetic effect.

    This method is completely painless and moreover, if necessary, take the material on histological examination. The deletion procedure itself takes a few minutes during which the patient does not arise any unpleasant or painful sensations. And attentive and friendly medical staff will help you feel absolutely comfortable.

    Removal of moles by electrocoagulation

    Electro-mapping is a common method. After exposure to current, small and neat scars remain. Electro-mapping causes an overall thermal lesion of the tissue around the zone removed.

    Removing moles with surgical excision

    One of the most used methods of removal of moles in medicine is a surgical method. On cancer standards, a piece of leather with a moled to remove should be from 3 to 5 cm depending on its location. And if the mole is located on the face, the remote field should be minimal.

    Removing moles with cryodestruction

    The method is based on the use of liquid nitrogen, which allows you to remove a number of skin formations. Despite this, nitrogen, according to many specialists, is not the best way to remove. Cold, as well as heat, causes a negative effect on the body, and the spread of it in the skin and in general in the tissues are not controlled. In addition, it is very difficult to determine the area of ​​nitrogen action, and did not suffer from this healthy sections.

    Recommendations after removing moles

    If it is incorrect to care for the skin after removal of education, pigment spots may form in its place. At the place of removal of papilloma, as well as after the removal of conglishers, moles, warts - there is a dark crust. Its within 2 days can not soak.

    If the formation was removed from the skin of the face, it is impossible to use creams, lotions, decorative cosmetics. After the crust disappears, pink skin will appear in her place, which, for some time, need to be protected from sunlight. This is especially important in summer when the sun is most actively. During the day, it is necessary to apply to the zone with which education was removed, the cream with a high defense factor of ultraviolet.

    Deleting Moles should be appointed only a good specialist. And the solution for each skin neoplasm in the patient is accepted individually. After all, on the body of one person can occur three, and four different types of moles.

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