What is a children's bruxism? Why do children creak teeth? How to help the child? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Bruxism in children
At night, the creepy crop... It can be repeated several
Once overnight and last a few seconds. But why it happens and how
deal with it?
The people there are a myth: «Kohl Dity creaks his teeth, it means that
Glisters». You should not be afraid, this myth does not have any
grounds. Surripant teeth children are harves no more than
The rest.
The true causes of this phenomenon are not yet accurately installed. It may be
manifestation of stress or violation of the regulation of sleep depth (still such
Violations include snoring, nightmares and night enuresis).
More often this phenomenon is found in children of preschool age or with
appropriate heredity, boys are subject to him more
Such a reason how stress should be highlighted especially.
too facilitated compared to their cataclysms, but children less
protected from him, they are hard to cope with their emotionality.
The culprit of the emergence of stress can be conflict with parents or
peers, viewed recently scary film, upcoming
Speech and much more.
To help your crumb to cope with this ailment, talk to him about
His problems and concerns, try to dispel all his fears. Chat with him before bedtime, so that the kid go to the bed
Soothing. Make sure the last hour and a half before bedtime
the child was busy with calm games, you can read him or just
Polystat a book with pictures. During this time, all the muscles relax, and
Baby will sleep calmer.
Do not feed the child immediately before bedtime. Better after
dinner go on a short walk in the fresh air during
which can be bought with an apple or carrot, after which you can
take a relaxing bath, which can also be combined with sincere
conversation. Sweet and candy in the evening, too, better avoid, it will be better to bother any fruit.
All this will help the baby to relax before bedtime and sleep well and firmly.
But regardless of the cause of the occurrence of bruxism, over time he
stop. The child will just turn. But if he is still
continues and does not pass more than a few months, it is worth contacting
specialist and in no case do not let everything on samonek! After all, teeth
may be subjected to serious wear, and the baby will suffer in the morning
from dental and headaches arising from constant muscular
It is believed that an inappropriate grinds lasting less than 10 seconds
requires treatment, but in other cases it is worth a survey and find out
It remains to wish you and your kids of a quiet and peaceful sleep!