Acute belly: Everyone should know


  • Signs of acute abdomen
  • The most frequent causes of acute abdomen
  • First aid in acute abdomen
  • How to behave before the doctor's arrival?

  • Acute belly: Everyone should knowName of syndrome «spicy
    stomach» It did not take place from the form of this body area. Word «spicy» means
    the seriousness of the problem, the sharpness of the moment, as well as the fact that the current clinical
    Situation and patient's condition require immediate medical care. Topic
    acute belly arose not by chance. Everyone should know what it is, because delay
    and the absence of treatment in this case, as a rule, leads to death.

    Acute belly — This
    A whole complex of symptoms, manifestations of the pathological condition of the body caused by
    serious damage to the abdominal organs or retroperitoneal space and
    annoyance of peritoneum.

    Signs of acute abdomen

    • Sharp pain, which can spread all over the stomach or be localized in
      One of its area. Sometimes the pain is so strong that causes shock, then the sick
      loses consciousness or flows into a state of stupor, sharply pale, covered
      Cold later.

      Young children, old people, weakened patients abdominal pain may not be
      so strong, but this does not speak of a satisfactory condition.

    • Front Abdominal Muscle Tension — An important sign of a sharp belly. Usually, what
      The organ is stronger, the greater the size of the pathological tension of the muscles
      Belly. For example, with a localized process in a basin, abdominal muscle tension
      expressed only in a suplocked area, and with a spilled peritonitis all the stomach
      becomes «solid and flat as the board». People with weak muscles
      The voltage of the anterior abdominal wall is expressed weaker than the trained persons.
    • Vomit — Frequent sputter of acute abdomen arising in the first hours of the disease.
      Sometimes due to irritation of the diaphragmal nerve, the contents of the abdominal cavity occurs
      Taming Icota. This origin has a symptom of increasing pain when
      try to take a horizontal position.
    • Stool and gases accompany intestinal obstruction, diarrhea happens
      With acute appendicitis.
    • Admixt Blood in Calais Characteristic for sharp
      circulatory disorders in the intestine.

    The most frequent causes of acute abdomen

    • Acute inflammation of digestive organs, such as appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
    • Perforation of a hollow organ, that is, education
      Holes by which the cavity of the abdominal organ is informed.
      Perforation may occur as a result of a disease or injury, which is natural
      leads to the development of peritonitis and the emergence of signs of acute abdomen.
    • Internal bleeding when blood is fused
      in the abdominal cavity or in the retroperitoneal space, for example, with an ectopic
      pregnancy and bursting of the uterine pipe, during injury or spray spleen.
    • Intestinal obstruction, acute violation
      Menitary blood circulation, i.e. blood circulation in vessels
    • Inflammation and impaired blood circulation
      organs, for example, acute adnexitis, twisted the legs of cysts, necrosis of myomatous

    First aid for
    acute abdomen

    If there are signs of acute abdomen, the most important thing — Immediately call the brigade «Ambulance» or yourself urgently deliver
    patient in the nearest hospital. Acute belly — just the case when better
    reinforce it than to tighten with medical help.

    Despite the fact that the sharp belly is most often
    indication for urgent surgical intervention, operations required
    Preparations and accurate diagnosis of catastrophe causes, including inspection,
    Urgent blood tests, urine, x-ray diagnostics, ultrasound, endoscopy, laparoscopy
    and other methods of identifying the disease. And only extremely heavy, critical
    The patient's condition requires interference without delay. In some cases
    A sharp belly is even treated by conservative methods.

    How to behave before
    Doctor's arrival?

    While assistance comes, with acute stomach it is recommended:

    • Take a comfortable position facilitating pain.
    • Do not take food and water, it can aggravate
      position and promote the development of peritonitis.
    • Do not take analgesics, sleeping pills,
      Soothing drugs — they «Lubricate» Clinical picture of the disease.
    • Do not put the enema and do not take laxatives

    Remember, the forecast is diagnosed «Acute belly» depends not
    only on the nature and severity of the underlying disease, but also from the period last
    Since the appearance of the first signs of the catastrophe. The faster it will be possible
    eliminate the cause of the disease, the faster the recovery will come.

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