Causes, features and prevention of hypervitaminosis


  • Types of hypervitaminosis
  • How to avoid hypervitaminos and what to do if he happened?

  • Causes, features and prevention of hypervitaminosisVitamins — good, everyone knows. We accept vitamin supplements, treated with megadosami vitamins and do not think about that in large numbers they can harm health.

    Many are sure of the extra vitamins does not happen if an additional portion of the beneficial substances fall into the body, they will be withdrawn with urine and feces. In fact, it is not. Only water-soluble vitamins are removed from the body, fat-soluble accumulates in adipose tissue and cause symptoms of hypervitaminosis.

    Hypervitaminosis — The painful condition of the body, the result of poisoning with vitamins, caused by the abuse of products and vitamin additives. In the US and Europe, hypervitaminosis occur often, it is associated with the popularity of biologically active additives. Unfortunately, this problem touched us.

    Types of hypervitaminosis

    Hypervitamin A

    Excess Vitamin A (Retinol) can manifest itself acute or chronically. Acute hypervitaminosis develops after the introduction of high doses of vitamin: more than 300,000 — 500 000 Me Children and 1,000,000 — 6029221 me adults.

    Signs of hypervitaminosnosis A: Lack of appetite, runny nose, headache, nausea, vomiting, malicious drowsiness and weakness.

    Chronic excess vitamin A can occur with long-term intake of vitamin A even in moderate doses. The skin becomes dry, itching appears, hair loss begins, the appetite worsens, at night — Insomnia, day — Increased irritability and excitability. Hypervitaminosis A leads to the appearance of pains in the bones and joints, an increase in blood cholesterol, an increase in the risk of atherosclerosis.

    Vitamin A with caution is prescribed to pregnant women, its overdose is fraught with fluffs of development of the fetus.

    Hypervitaminity D

    Acute hypervitaminosis D occurs when the dose of vitamin 1 000 000 ME is exceeded. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis: thirst, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea, polyuria. Overdose of vitamin causes an increase in blood pressure, pain in the head. Muscle and joint pain appear, cramps can develop. The period of short-term excitement is replaced by intensity and depression.

    Chronic inxication of vitamin D leads to its accumulation in various organs and tissues, damage to the kidneys, lungs and blood vessels. Calcium is noted in the joints of the joints, in conjunctiva sclera and cornea.

    Hypervitamin K

    Chronic intoxication as a result of vitamin K overdose is accompanied by a violation of blood formation and the development of anemia during blood hemolysis, an increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, the damage to the nervous system.

    Hypervitamin E

    High doses of vitamin E (tocophores) make it difficult to absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, vitamin to. Hypervitaminosis is manifested by headaches, violation and stool disorder.

    Hypervitamin S

    Overdose ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is dangerous for those who are inclined to the formation of stones in the kidneys and the bustling bubble. Hypervitaminosis is accompanied by a decrease in capillary permeability and peripheral nutritional disorders. As a result, vision worsens, the work of the heart, kidneys, adrenal glands and the pancreas is disturbed. As a sign of hypervitaminosis, an insomnia arises and increased excitability, women have a menstrual cycle, miscarriages are possible.

    Excess folic acid

    Overdose of folate to 20 mg of folic acid per day fraught with a violation of the work of the kidneys, damage to the nervous system and the development of malignant anemia.

    Hypervitaminosis B12

    Overdose vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin leads to weakness, increased fatigue, but the main symptom of hypervitaminosis — Allergic reaction, it can be expressed by the urticaria, swelling, anaphilaxia with the development of lung edema and heart failure.

    Hypervitaminosis B6

    Signs of hypervitaminosis B6 or pyridoxine — Tingling, numbness and crawling of goosebumps on the skin of the foot and the heads, the same sensations arise in the brushes and forearms of the hands. As a result of hypervitaminosis, a gait and small motility of brushes hands is broken.

    Overdose of vitamin RR (nicotinic acid or nicotinamide) is accompanied by a sharp redness of the skin and mucous membranes, nausea, diarrhea, violation of the liver work.

    How to avoid hypervitaminos and what to do if he happened?

    • Not to get involved in vitamin additives, they are designed for the course of up to 4 weeks, further — break. Loculating vitamin complexes are enough to take at the end of autumn and at the beginning of spring.
    • When prescribing vitamins strictly observe the dosage and method of use.
    • Store vitamin drugs in unavailable places for children.
    • To avoid hypovitaminosis sufficiently balanced full nutrition.
    • Biologically active additives are sometimes not certified, the doses of vitamins are not known in them, do not blindly trust sellers.
    • In some therapeutic vitamin complexes, the dose of vitamins exceed the daily norms for healthy people, such drugs cannot be used in preventive purposes.

    If you notice the symptoms of hypervitaminos, urgently consult a doctor, specialized help is required.

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