Application of salt dressings

Without this ingredient it is impossible to submit any first and second dish. Guess? Speech will be about salt. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. It has long been known for its healing properties. With all two components - salts and water, you can get rid of pain and cure many diseases.

Salt or scientific name «sodium chloride» It is considered the most ancient seasoning, which is used to give taste to most dishes. Salt not only improves the taste quality of products, but also helps the body function normally. It is impossible to deprive the body completely salt - without this substance, living cells will begin to die. But it does not mean at all that it is necessary to eat salt in excess. On the contrary, if the body begins to receive large doses of sodium chloride, it can seriously harm both tissues and cells. On the day, the body should receive no more than 10-12 grams of salt. If you eat salt in excess, then, according to doctors, it can significantly harm the body. The development of such diseases is not excluded hypertension, Deviations in the work of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and heart.

A bit of history

Sea Salt, Bandage Overlay, Salt Bandage, Salt

For a long time, salt was mentioned in many fairy tales and legends as a reward or valuable gift, which was awarded the guest. Met long-awaited guests with salt with salt. The popularity of the universal substance was that salt contributed to the preservation of many products. Since there were no refrigerators in the old days, the salt was used as the main preservative and harvested various products for the winter. If the preservative is not used as a preservative, and the usual salt, then all useful substances and the maximum amount of vitamins will remain in pickles, tomatoes and sauerkraut.

In addition to wide use in cooking, our ancestors have widely used salt as fast help with different illnesses. So in the 1940-1050s, the famous surgeon Ivan Schieglov in the treatment of wounded fighters used a strong salt solution. Saturated solution with diseases of the joints, bones and treatment of wounds helped. The surgeon assisted a salt bandage to big «dirty» (purulent) wounds. The fabric was well wetted in the saline solution, and after a few days the patient became easier. If you compare the wound state before and after treatment, then without the use of ointments, Antibiotics and other wound powders were well cleaned - it became pink, and the patient's condition was significantly improved, and the temperature decreased. An incredible amount of lives was saved precisely using bandages.

The benefits of salt

Sea Salt, Bandage Overlay, Salt Bandage, Salt

In order for the salt to benefit, and not harm the body, you need to learn a few simple recommendations:

  1. Bandage must be made of linen or cotton fabric. Use old x \ b sheet, which was erased many times (or at least 2-3). Such a fabric will have a loose structure. You can take an ordinary gauze folded in 8 layers.
  2. The dressing is wetted in a hot solution and slightly press. If you squeeze the cloth too much, then the bandage will not be so effective. The bandage is imposed on the patient.

Preparation of the solution:

  1. Take 2 C.L. Salts and a glass of water. This is a proportion for an adult.
  2. For a child, the solution is made of 2 h.l salts and incomplete glasses of water.
  3. Water should be hot, not less than 70 ° C.

What else do you need to know:

  1. It is impossible to apply from above on the bandage of polyethylene or a dense not breathing material. Configure the fabric can only beanted, gauze or thin paper leafoplasty.
  2. After removing the salt dressing cloth, the cloth needs to be thrown away or wrap in warm water. Then the cloth is dried and be sure to try the iron.
  3. Water for the solution must be boiled or distilled.
  4. Before you impose a bandage, the affected area needs to be washed with water with soap and dry the towel (if possible).
  5. After the dressing, the skin must be wiped out a wet cloth.
  6. You can leave salt dressing for the night, but not more than 13 hours. At this time, the patient feels light coolness. If the solution is too concentrated (exceeding the specified dosage), then a person can feel tingling and even burning.
  7. Good effect is not only the usual table salt, but also the salt of the Dead Sea, which can be purchased in any pharmacy.

To whom the salt is contraindicated?

Sea Salt, Bandage Overlay, Salt Bandage, Salt

The use of salt dressings can be contraindicated to people with chronic diseases and individual intolerance. To get a positive result, before starting treatment, it is desirable to consult with your attending physician.

With caution, you can use salt dressings to people having heart disease and urogenital system. In addition, salted compresses can not be done in some skin diseases

To prevent the occurrence of side effects, you need to stick to the specified dosage and not exceed the concentration of salt.

If the patient has deviations in the work of the heart, reduced or increased pressure, then the dressings need to impose not every day, and every other day.

Action «Salted socks» And other recipes

Our site recommends applying salt dressings with such ailments:

  1. Abscesses. If you do not have a complicated and not running case, you can put on the inflamed surface of the salt bandage and not tight the bandage. You can keep the compress for no more than 2 hours, then remove and remove moisture residues with a sterile bandage. If the disappearance revealed, then this section needs to be urgently treated with any antiseptic solution. To prevent infection, it is better to immediately contact the surgeon.
  2. Sea Salt, Bandage Overlay, Salt Bandage, Salt

  3. Treatment Appendicitis after operation. Salt bandages on the appointment of the attending physician are imposed on the seam area to remove the swelling and prevent suppuration.
  4. Treatment Head pain. If the pain is caused by neoplasms in the brain, the salt bandage will help ease the condition. It is superimposed on the forehead or neck. The temperature of the water must determine the doctor.
  5. Flu. Salt solution can be cured even flu. The main thing is to begin treatment after a sharp period. If you put the compress for the throat, then the salt solution will help improve breathing, to get rid of swelling.
  6. Cure cold You can with the help of conventional salt and cotton socks. Remove your socks and take salt, remember the fabric well and remove on the front side. Salted socks need to wear and bite legs. Preferably to put the heating. You can pour into socks a little dry mustard and red pepper - hot applique will strengthen immunity.
  7. Runny nose. In order to get rid of Rudeness and improve the condition, compress are applied to the bridge. With sinusitis, salt dressings can not be done independently, a consultation of the ENT doctor is needed.
  8. Burn. Eliminate pain and swelling can also be used by compresses from a weak solo solution.
  9. For treatment neurosis Solutions are often used. The bandages are applied to active points in order to stimulate the nervous system. The duration of exposure determines the attending physician.

In the treatment of saline bandages, you do not need to wait for a quick action. To feel the result, you need to put compresses about a week, observing these proportions. be healthy!

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