Allergy to pollen in a child

Many parents face the problem of the laid nose and red eyes from their children during the spring-autumn period. And it accompanies them all the warm period of the year, when everything blooms and smells. Such a phenomenon is nothing like allergic to pollen or pollinosis. The initial reason for the appearance of allergies in a child can be heredity.

Many parents face the problem of the laid nose and red eyes from their children during the spring-autumn period. And it accompanies them all the warm period of the year, when everything blooms and smells. Such a phenomenon is nothing like allergic to pollen or pollinosis.

So, where allergic to pollen comes?

Allergy to pollen in a child
During the flowering of the plant, pollen is distinguished, which is distributed through the air and enters the respiratory tract to the mucous membranes of people. Those who are inclined to allergies actively react to its appearance. They immediately begin to run tears, appears runny nose, Sometimes itching and cough. This type of physician disease called «Polleozom» or «hay fever».

The initial reason for the appearance of allergies in the child may be congenital heredity, if parents or relatives have earlier it. Also on its development begins to influence artificial feeding in the first year of the life of the baby or the wrong adrch. They entail the development of food allergies that all sorts of harmful products with chemical composition can be supported. But already three or four years first shows itself and pollinosis. It is more actively observed at the age of 6.

The danger of hay fever is that the pollen can be formed instead asthma, which are accompanied by wheezing, dry cough and suffocations. Therefore, an important task for parents is the timely recognition of the disease and going to the doctor. Only he will be able to distinguish allergic conjunctivitis (eye inflammation) and rhinitis (runny nose) from ordinary signs of cold.

When establishing a diagnosis, as a rule, treatment begins with the definition of a specific allergen and prescribe antihistamines. The most common method of detecting allergen is skin tests under which a small amount of one or another irritant is applied to the child's forearm. After 20 minutes, the doctor assesses the body's reaction as a positive or negative. Such a test makes children from three years. Another analysis option is also possible - blood fence from veins. It can define allergies to pollen herbs and trees. The peculiarity of such checks is that they are held only from November and last until March, that is, in the period when all plants do not bloom. In the opposite case, you can provoke an aggravation of the disease.

Tips for parents raising allergy

Allergy to pollen in a child
An important role in raising children suffering from pollen allergies, plays how parents perceive this disease and what measures are taken to eliminate it. This is not at all should be neglected, thinking that with the end of flowering, the child will be healthy again.

So, you can give a few tips to those readers our site, who faced such a problem.

If you noticed that your child has the above-described symptoms, in no case begin independent treatment. Better contact your pediatrician or an allergist for more qualified help.

When you definitely diagnose, try not to remove the child to the street into windy weather when the air is dry and easily tolerate pollen. It is best to take walks in the evening or after the rain.

Returning the streets preferably rinse the nose and the throat of the baby, making a simple rinse. Also, street clothes can be changed on pure homemade.

The apartment is extremely not recommended to include air conditioning, as it provokes air movement, it is better to use the air humidifier. And of course, at home you need to conduct wet cleaning of floors and cleaning carpets, so that they do not accumulate additional allergens.

It will not hurt to pay attention to the child's diet. When polynomotia, it happens that, depending on which the pollen does your baby react to, and food allergies to the federate products can also develop. For example, if an allergy develops to pollen from trees, then apples, peaches, cherries and cherries can cause food allergies. If the pathogen is weed herbs, it is not desirable to use eggplants, citrus, spinach, melon and watermelon. And in the case of a negative reaction to cereals, oatmeal and wheat porridge, ice cream, pancakes and sorrel are contraindicated.

More information about what other products are associated with pollen allergies, you can learn from the doctor, he will tell you everything in detail and will make a list of what you can not exactly.

As the prevention of the disease, you can begin to apply drugs before the flowering period or just go for this period to another climatic belt.

Also a very effective method of treatment is considered allergenphecific immunotherapy, which the attending physician conducts. Its feature is that with the help of entering into the body gradually increasing doses of allergens-pathogens, there is a gradual training of the body, which contributes to its «Getting accustomed» To the effects of dressing. This gives a good result, in 80-90% of cases there is a strong decrease in the allergic reaction. And sometimes even his action is extended for a couple of years. Such a procedure can be done since five years. But she has both contraindications, so only an allergist can resolve it.

Unambiguous answer, is it possible to cure pollinosis completely, no. But in most cases, doctors say that it can only be reduced, but it's impossible to get rid of it forever. This is the genetic location of a person, and it will not pass over time, just like pollen will not cease to appear. Just need to observe preventive measures and in time to prevent strong development of the disease.

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