Treatment of pain in the back

You tormented back pain? And you do not have time to go and go to the hospital? You always hurry somewhere, afraid to be late, you have a back hurt, but you continue «run». Let's try with the magazine our site to figure out what can cause back pain, and how to act in such a situation.

Treatment of back pain, back pain
You tormented back pain? And you do not have time to go and go to the hospital? Of course, because time runs so fast, and you still have to have time everywhere: go to the store, repair the car, wash, cook, nail the carnations, work out with the child, take a walk with the dog. You always hurry somewhere, afraid to be late, you have a back hurt, but you continue «run». Until time, not paying attention to the sore back, you can still live «run», But when the pain is aggravated, and the back will be constantly unbearable to whine, it will be too late, and you can simply be taken away by ambulance. But until it happened, let's try with the magazine our site to figure out what can cause back pain, and how to act in such a situation.

Signs Disease: Suppression

Let's start with the most common cause of the appearance of back pain: cold. For example, you make repairs. Drag furniture from one room to another, summer outdoors, heat +30, you naturally sweat. Having finished to transfer the furniture, went to the store, and there are air conditioners. Your superheated body falls under a cold air conditioner air, and you start freezing, you cold. The next day begins to hurt. That's so simple and imperceptibly, you elementally blocked my back, and now it can not rise, get off, the back pain is constant, sharp and still. How in this case, you can help yourself?

Treatment of back pain during supercooling

Treatment of back pain during supercooling
The first thing you can do in this case is: graze your back with any healing ointment, for example, you can take a finalgon, nicoflex or fastum gel. If there is no ointments at hand, you can grasp the back with alcohol. Roots back with ointment or alcohol, snatch with something warm: shawl, scarf. In subsequent days, also rub the back of the ointment, perform actions to complete recovery. And every time you go to the street every time, it's warm, saying something warm to lower back.

Secondly, if the back will be very hurting better to go to the doctor, he will appoint you injections. Injections remove the back pain almost immediately, if not immediately, then at least a little ease pain. Each injections are prescribed individually. For example, prescribe to pierce within 5 days «Movalis» ampoules 15 mg and «Milgamma» one ampoule every other day.

Third, if you often blow up, our site strongly recommends that wear a belt. Now in pharmacies for sale a large number of warming belts for the waist of dog, sheep wool. Buy such a belt and wear every day under clothes. The belt is thin and not noticeable under the clothes.

Signs of the disease: Stretch (1st stage of radiculitis)

Treatment of pain in the back
First, you need to determine that you have a hurt that pain (stupid, butter, sharp, sharp), when it appears. For example, you started repairs in the apartment, but how popular wisdom says, «repair can not be finished, it can only be suspended», Started moving furniture, transfer a wardrobe and t.D., I did not like something, and you started moving the furniture again, and it repeats periodically every week. And somehow, transferring the bed once again from one room to another, you have a sharp pain in the lower back, then the pain took up and quickly passed. Pain was short-term and you did not pay attention. Then, again, dragging the furniture, you felt a sharp pain in the lower back, while you sharply got up and dispersed my back, the pain intensified, but then passed. It's time to think about why it happens? All cases of the appearance of pain given in the example are a sign of the first stage of lumbosacral radiculitis, which is called the people of shit, in medicine - Lumbago.

In the stage of the face of the lumbar-sacrive radiculitis, pain appears in the lower back as a result of lifting weights or a sharp movement of the body (you turned sharply, sharply dispersed the back, leaned and tons.D.). In the future, pain may repeat, sometimes pain in the lower back. As a rule, pain is enhanced with coughing, sneezing, that is, after the voltage of the whole body.

Treatment of pain in the back when appropriate

First, in the occurrence of acute lumbar pain, it is necessary to immediately put the patient on a tough surface (on the floor or bed, at the same time to put under the mattress of the patient of plywood). To reduce back pain, you can give a patient an anesthetic (analgin, spasmalgon, pentalgin).

Attention! Our site warns that in this case you have no way to plant a patient in a hot bath, it will only increase pain.

Secondly, you can give a sick dryer, if it does not help, you can rub the patient in the skin of the outer ointment butadion, indomethacin (you can also use ointment, daily advertised on TV, which are suitable for you and do not cause allergies).

Thirdly, you need to limit salt and liquid in the diet of the patient.

Fourth, bedding for 3-5 days.

If the back pain does not pass or have a sharp strong pain, call the doctor to the house, and he will prescribe treatment.

Signs of the disease: the hernia of intervertebral disks (2nd stage of radiculitis)

So, you endured the pain of the lower back, did, did the repair, transferred constantly gravity (that is, the furniture), they thought the pain itself will pass somehow, but not there was. Pain in the lower back has become constant and enhanced when walking, you feel just when learn in a horizontal position. «Tedged» - Think you. Of course, because these are signs of hernia of intervertebral disks.

The second stage of the radiculitis - hernia Intervertebral discs, the patient feels a constant pain in the lower back, which can be given in the leg and intensify when walking, cough, sneezing. In the hernia, there may also appear numbness or reduced sensitivity in the zone of the waist. Also strong pain appear if the patient leans forward or down, bends his legs, gets up with bed.

Treatment of back pain in the hernia of intervertebral disks

First, it is necessary to provide a patient with full peace and bed.

Secondly, give a patient an anesthetic (analgin, spasmalgon, pentalgin and t.D.).

Thirdly, urgently call a doctor.

Attention! Easy pain when walking and climbing the patient will help the rod belt or a rigid lumbar corset.

Signs of the disease: Lumbar osteochondrosis

Back pain may also be due to lumbar osteochondrosis. Lumbar osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, in which the power of the intervertebral disk is disturbed, which connects the vertebrae. Intervertebral disc without receiving the necessary elements, «dries out», The load on the vertebrae increases, as a result, intervertebral discs begin to ease, back pain appears.

Treatment of back pain in osteochondrosis

Treatment of back pain in osteochondrosis
Lumbar osteochondrosis is also a chronic disease, to help the patient can only be patient, daily loads and proper nutrition.

So, with osteochondrosis it is necessary:

  1. Massage.
  2. Manual therapy.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Special medicinal physical education.
  5. Proper nutrition. Food must contain trace elements necessary for bone strengthening. To do this, you need to consult a doctor so that you are prescribed an individual nutrition program.

Signs of the disease: «Occupational Illness»

& laquo; Professional disease & raquo; back
By name «Occupational Illness», As a rule, any illness falls, but in this case our site has in view of the back pain. For example, your profession is associated with low mobility, you are a manager, operator, cashier, programmer and t.D., Long sit in one position and do not get up. You sit, sit, perform intellectual work. And one day, your muscles «snapped», You have a spin barbed and continues to sow to this day, there is - «Occupational Illness». From the low mobility, your muscles become flabby and cannot hold the back in one position for a long time, the wrong post can also be added to this, and not only spin starts to hurt, but also the neck. So, the pain in the back may be due to small physical activity and not the right posture.

Treatment of back pain when «Professional disease»

The one-time method of eliminating pain in the back with such a disease is not, as it is usually a chronic disease. The only thing that can immediately help with severe back pain is an injection with an anesthetic drug.

Eliminate back pain can be daily procedures:
Treatment of back pain with & laquo; professional disease & raquo;

  1. Daily five-minute physical workout every hour. You just need to give a load on the back muscles to strengthen them.
  2. Follow posture when you sit. Watching yourself, try to sit and walk with a straight back: straighten your shoulders, chest forward, blades together, keep your head straight. Noticed how your tummy immediately pulled up? So, when you go with a straight back, you work not only back muscles, but also the muscles of the press.
  3. Massage. It is not recommended to do a massage independently, since you may not know pain points and put even more harm to a person with a sick back, it is better to contact a specialist.

Today you, readers our site, learned how you can help the patient with back pain. This is not all possible reasons, but the most common. In any case, you need to not run a disease, but immediately act. And better, especially if you are not sure that it was the cause of pain in the back, to find time and go to the clinic for help to a doctor.

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