Treatment of chronic colitis

Chronic colitis is an inflammatory process that flows in the goset mucous membrane. At the same time, various changes occur in the mucous membranes, in particular, changes in inflammatory, atrophic and dystrophic nature.

abdominal pain, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, colitis, chronic colitis

Chronic colitis is taken to divide: infectious and noncommunicable. Colitis infectious forms usually arise due to the fact that intestinal infections are causative. Most often, such bacteria like Salmonella and Shigella become pathogens. In addition, chronic colitis of infectious origin can develop in intestinal dysbiosis. This usually occurs when a conditional pathogenic microflora is activated. Most often still occurs noncommunicable colitis. In this case, the main cause of non-infectious colitis is the wrong diet and diet. In addition, the disease can proceed together with some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the appearance of chronic colitis can receive some drugs, and in particular, the reception of antibiotics and laxatives in which anthraglycosides are contained. Also the cause of non-infectious colitis can be an allergic reaction, and in particular, the reaction of the body in food allergies.


abdominal pain, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, colitis, chronic colitis

The success of the treatment of pathology directly depends on the results of proper diagnosis. To do this, it is usually a simple survey and inspection of the patient. In addition, for the purpose of diagnostics, kala and blood tests. And you need to pass both clinical and blood chemistry. In addition, such a procedure is carried out as irrigography, which is an X-ray study of a large intestine, which uses a special contrast-substance that is administered usually using an enema.

In addition, for the correct diagnosis, a colonoscopy is carried out, which is an inspection of a large intestine with the help of an endoscope at a considerable. For diagnosis, the results of rectoromanoscopy are also important, in which the rectum is examined with the help of a rigid endoscope. When making a diagnosis, it is worth considering that many symptoms of colitis are similar to the symptoms of some other gastrointestinal diseases that are usually less serious.


abdominal pain, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, colitis, chronic colitis

With a pronounced exacerbation or at the initial stage of treatment, the patient is usually determined in the therapeutic and gastroenterological separation. Treatment usually depends on the type of chronic colitis. If it is a colitis that wears an infectious nature, then for treatment, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of microorganisms that served as the cause of the disease.

In addition, with any nature of chronic colitis, it is necessary to normalize the nutrition. At the same time, it is usually moving to 6-7 meals a day, and the menu is taken from Medical diet number 4. Our site will tell more about this diet. In any case, proper nutrition is one of the most important aspects of adequate treatment. In particular, substances that can irritate the walls of the intestines or substances that are poorly absorbed from the diet of the patient. Children are usually assigned Apple diet. The use of apples during diet and therapy is due to the fact that there are many pectin in apples, which is known to bind water and absorbs toxins. Harmful substances from the body are removed along with the tissue, which is also contained in apples. In the treatment of the diet, it is recommended to include cereals, vegetable purees, mucous heaps, cream, prostroprious and kefir.

In the treatment of chronic colitis, various drugs are also used. To remove pain, patients are prescribed spasmodics. If a diarrhea appears in exacerbation in the patient, then binders are prescribed or stronger drugs that suppress the active intestinal peristalsis. During constipation, laxatives are prescribed. Appropriate drugs are also prescribed in dysbacteriosis.

Diet pattern

abdominal pain, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, colitis, chronic colitis

When the patient enters stationary treatment, then it is usually prescribed to a diet number 4, and then diet No. 4B, which is respected from two to six weeks. After that, diet number 4 is appointed. When the disease goes to the stage of remission, the patients are translated on diet number 15.

In the daily diet, a healing diet with chronic colitis contains approximately 100 grams of protein, 70 grams of fats and 250 grams of carbohydrates. At the same time, the daily calorie content is approximately 2 thousand kilocalories. The daily rate of the cooking salt reaches 9-10 grams, and the rate of free drinking fluid - one and a half liters. Food is accepted by small portions 5-6 times a day.

Under the observance of the diet, it is allowed to include in the diet of the rhythmnik, sweet berries and fruits in a rubber or liver form. You can also diluted with boiled water apple, tangerine, cherry, orange juice. At the same time, vegetables and fruits are prohibited in boiled and raw form. It is prohibited milk, cold and fried dishes, as well as cold drinks.

The composition of the diet depends on the stage of the disease, as well as on the presence of constipation and diarrhea. Food is usually prepared for a pair, crushed, rubbed or boiled.

In the period of exacerbation in the diet, it is recommended to include a stale wheat bread, rubbed berries, rubbed soups, fruits without leather, milk, fresh cheese, decoction of rose hips, diluted juices and tea.

When the symptoms of exacerbations gradually pass, then the patients are transferred to less gentle food. At the same time, the diet is allowed to include boiled meat, crumbling porridges, not rubbed vegetables, which contain coarse vegetable fiber. Also allowed pies with meat or pies with apples. You can dry biscuits, cheese cheese, tea, as well as coffee with cream. Three or four times a day before the main meals are recommended to eat 50-100 grams of fresh apples or fresh carrots. This will help reduce the bloody, reduce the problem of the unstable stool. From the diet during a diet should be excluded millet, fertility, black bread, radish, smoked, sorrel, spinach, radishes, onions, white cabbage, garlic, mushrooms, apricots, plums and melon.

Based on lists of permitted and prohibited products, a menu is drawn up to which patients should be held. This menu can be approximately the following. For the whole day you need to determine the white dried bread, 40 grams of sugar and 10 grams of oil. On the first breakfast we eat steam oslet, buckwheat porridge and drink all tea. As a second breakfast eat fresh apples. For lunch Cooking on a weak meat broth potato soup, boiled meat with oatmeal and milk compote. As a punch, you can eat crackers with sugar and drink one glass of ragger rosehip. For dinner, we prepare stew carrots, dairy sausages and fresh cheese pudding. We drink all the tea. Before bed, you can drink one glass of sweets from apple juice.

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