Coronary heart disease

Ischemic heart disease (IBS) - a collective concept. Usually under this term imply a combination of diseases of the heart, like angina, myocardial infarction and cardiosclerosis. IBS - Beach of the modern generation, because the highest mortality in the world is registered on the basis of oxygen starvation of cardiac coronary arteries. In the danger zone - people over 45 years old.

A heart «Lives» Due to the continuously incoming oxygen, which brings blood. The deterioration in the quality of blood supply to the heart muscle immediately affects its ability to shrink. Without enough oxygen and nutrients, heart fabric slowly, but confidently starts to die.

IBS Causeing Factors

Heart Diseases, IBS, Ischemic Heart Disease, Ischemia, Cardiology, Heart

The main reason for the development of the whole «bouquet» Pathologies in the heart - a narrowing of the lumen in coronary arteries that ensure full-fledged work of the heart muscle.

To the heart, blood enters through two large vessels - coronary artery, due to the wear of which and the overwhelming number of cases of IBS arises. Concept «coronary heart disease» can not be considered synonymous «Coronary heart disease».

The blood flow to the heart can provoke the following diseases:

  1. Atherosclerosis Coronary arteries. In 95% of cases is the direct cause of the development of the CHA. The disease occurs when atherosclerotic plaques are formed on the walls of the arteries, which narrow the clearance of the vessel and break the blood circulation.
  2. X - not such a common state as atherosclerosis, but also its share accounts for a certain percentage of deaths from IHD. It is in the blockage of small heartfood, with the walls of the coronary arteries remain unchanged.
  3. Among other less common factors, blood circulation is distinguished when the coronary arteries are blocked by the migrated thromb; Aortic aneurysm, pathology in the development of coronary arteries, syfilitic aortic defeat.

Ischemic heart disease

Heart Diseases, IBS, Ischemic Heart Disease, Ischemia, Cardiology, Heart

Modern medicine has not yet reached such heights to deliver patients from coronary heart disease forever, but timely and correct treatment can suspend the development of the disease and significantly improve the quality of life of the patient.

The fundamental principle of successful IBS therapy is to reduce all risk factors:

  • following a healthy lifestyle;
  • normalization blood pressure;
  • Full sleep, useful food;
  • reduced sugar and cholesterol in the blood;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • Sport classes.

But the visible and reliable results are achieved, of course, with the help of drug therapy. Medications take regularly, all life - just so you can keep the disease under control.

If the patient's condition with the heavy stage of IBS and the presence of heart failure in history deteriorates, it shows urgent hospitalization for additional drug treatment.

In which cases the patient is put in the hospital:

  • at the first attacks of angina (if not before);
  • With the first attack of arrhythmias (if not before) or in the case of a severe attack of launched arrhythmia;
  • under progressive angina;
  • with a sharp deterioration in the condition of the patient, which is accompanied by an increase in edema, intense shortness of breath, anxiety indicators on the ECG;
  • in suspected myocardial infarction;
  • To prepare for operational treatment.

The pronounced atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries requires surgery - to reduce the cholesterol plaque or expand the lumen in the vessel only with the help of a scalpel. In hopeless for drug treatment cases, the only way to preserve the life of the patient is a heart transplant.

If a doctor has no reason to consider a patient's case with a launched, a person can be successfully treated at home.

Medicines used for Correction of IBS

Heart Diseases, IBS, Ischemic Heart Disease, Ischemia, Cardiology, Heart

  1. Drugs Normalizing Pressure. High blood pressure is an additional way to heart vessels, due to which their lumen is further narrowed and the volume of oxygen incoming to the heart decreases. Optimal indicators of arterial pressure with IBS - 140/90 mm. RT. Art. and 130/90 - for those who suffer from diabetes.
  2. ACE inhibitors - medicinal products that block angiotensin-2 enzyme, causing an increase in blood pressure. Take only an appointment of a doctor because not all patients are well tolerated.
  3. The drug-blockers of angiotensin receptors - not only contribute to the normalization of pressure, but also suspend the development of hypertrophy of the heart muscle. These drugs are well tolerated patients who, for one reason or another, can not take drugs of ACE inhibitors.

Most frequently used drugs: Lozell, Lorist, Voz, Diva, Ataandan, Macardis.

Medicines used to improve the work of the heart muscle

  1. Beta blockers - reduce the level of stress hormones in the heart, are able to eliminate arrhythmia and reduce the frequency of abbreviations of the heart muscle (Egil, Concor). Apply both long and brief courses.
  2. Nitrate. With the help of these drugs, cope with heart attacks (nitroglycerin, smells). Spasmned coronary arterys are rapidly expanding, reduce blood flow to the heart, the much make it easier for its work, reduce the pain in the heart muscle.
  3. Medicines that reduce blood cholesterol levels (atorvastatin, simvastatin).
  4. Medications that make blood less viscous (Aspirin, Warfarin). When the blood is highlighted by increased viscosity, the probability of the appearance of blood clots in the coronary vessels is high, blood is heavily entered into the heart.
  5. Medicines that normalize blood glucose level.
  6. Antihypoxants - drugs that eliminate oxygen deficiency in the heart muscle (trimetazidine).

The duration of the treatment of IBS

Unfortunately, the ischemic heart disease - the disease is irreversible, tireless medical attention and control it requires the entire subsequent patient's life. This applies to drugs that regulate the pressure, normalize the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, aspirin and its analogues. Independence in treatment is strictly prohibited - a self-removal refusal from a drug or a change in its dosage can lead to disappointing consequences - infarction, Stop heart.

In addition, a stringent diet and healthy, thoughtfully melt day. These questions can also be discussed with your attending physician.

Natural agents in the treatment of IBS

Heart Diseases, IBS, Ischemic Heart Disease, Ischemia, Cardiology, Heart

Our site offers attention to your readers recipes for a healthy heart. In indisputable assistance they will also be the one who suffers from IBS.

  1. Tibetan monks assure that a significant improvement in the state of ischemic disease can be achieved, eating every day 100 grams of not very fat cottage cheese.
  2. With IHD, it is very useful to eat Kalina along with the bones.
  3. Excellent tonic medicine for heartfriend and heart muscle - grated nutmeg with milk.
  4. To normalize the work of the heart, all dishes in the east squeeze the generous portion of the cardamom.
  5. To strengthen the heart muscle, the handful of oat grains of hot boiled water (1 to 10) is poured (1 to 10), they insist the day and filter. Infusion take half a glass 15 minutes before meals from 1 to 3 times a day.

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