Treatment of stomach ulcers

A ulcer of the stomach - a chronic disease, which is characterized by polycyclic flow and is characterized by the formation of ulcers on the gastric mucosa.

Causes of ulcerative disease

Gastroenterology, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal diseases, gastric ulcer

All factors, one way or another, involved in the appearance of ulcers, are traditionally divided into 2 groups:

  1. Predisposing (they contribute to the development of the disease). Among them:
    • hereditary;
    • nervous psychic;
    • Alimentary (based on them - defective nutrition);
    • drug;
    • bad habits.
  2. Implementing the formation of a ulcer defect or his relapses. The infectious pathogen itself is directly related to this group - Bacteria Helicobacter Pylori.

Symptomatics of the disease

Gastroenterology, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal diseases, gastric ulcer

Traditional ulcer therapy provides for measures such as regime, diet, medication treatment, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, spa-resort method.

The uncomplicated form of ulcers I and II degree requires a patient of strict adherence with an anti-sized diet: First, the table number 1, in a week table No. 1b. Patient food must be saturated with proteins that contribute to the rapid healing of ulcers and reduce the inflammatory process. From the very first days of exacerbation of the disease Man should 3 times a day there are meat and fish dishes, eggs, fresh cottage cheese. Diet in every way enriched by natural vitamins.

Mandatory product on the table - creamy and vegetable oil. Due to it in the small intestine, a digestive enterogastron is rapidly produced, which suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid, thereby contributing to the decrease in the acid-pepsic substance in the gastric juice.

Much attention, specialists are given to the diet to carry a gentle nature: consisted of products that would not have a strong mechanical, thermal and chemical influence on the stomach. Therefore, patients prohibit there is something that the secretion of the gastric juice can spur. Patients refuse to strong ribric broths, all roasted and smoked, canned, strong drinks, spices and spices. It is important to handle products correctly: wipe, grind, weld to a soft consistency. Patients eat fractionally, up to six times a day, small portions.

Gastroenterology, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal diseases, gastric ulcer

The most popular physiotherapy methods are:

  • thermal procedures (heels, steam applications), but with complicated forms of ulcers, they refuse them;
  • magnetotherapy (effectively copes with pain syndrome);
  • Ultrasound treatment. This method provides tissue massages, thus activating metabolism and reducing the inflammatory process. The result of the procedure becomes killed by pain syndrome and reduced secretion of gastric juice;
  • Elektroson. The procedure has a positive effect on the condition of the central nervous system oppressed and helps healing the ulcers;
  • Hydrotherapy (healing souls, coniferous, oxygen and pearl baths);
  • physiotherapy. Sports with reasonable loads are shown to patients with reducing acute manifestations of ulcerative disease.

The main medical and sanatorium factors in the treatment of the stomach ulcers suggest the following regime, diet food, climatotherapy, physiotherapy, mud, the use of therapeutic mineral water. The contraindication to sanatorium-resort treatment is the exacerbation of the disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, the Malignation of ulcerative disease (the appearance of malignant cells).

Treatment with healing mud and peat justified in the fading phase of the ulcerative process. Mineral water take cold and slightly fitting 0.5-1.5 hours before meals. The title of the best in the treatment of stomach ulcers «Essentuki №4», «Slavyanovskaya», «Borjomi», «Truskavets», «Old Russa».

Gastroenterology, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal diseases, gastric ulcer

Medical treatment is one of the most important parts of the complex therapy of the stomach ulcer disease. Preparations are selected and combined in such a way, which will affect aggressive factors provoking ulcerative formation:

  1. Therapeutic agents overwhelming the aggressive properties of gastric content (Bellatesin, Bellalgin, Bekarbon, Platifillain, Gastretepin, Cerukal, Eglonil, Zantak, Pantoprazole, Lansoprazole, Omez, Verapamil, Daqarb).
  2. Preparations that increase the protective properties of the gastric mucosa (VENTER, Biogastron, Ventryxol, de Nol, nebri, retabular, solkozeryl, biogenic stimulants, vitamins).
  3. Medicines whose active substances affect the central neurohumoral regulation of gastrosystems (piracetam, pyazepam, sadocent, amitriptyline, benzageksonius, dikalin, indisted).

To local treatment, doctors are inclined when they do not see positive results, which ideally must give conservative therapy. Methods of local treatment of the stomach ulcers are very diverse. They include mechanical cleaning of ulcerative sections from necrotic masses, removal of the affected tissue with biopic tongs, introduction to the edges of ulcerative tissue of various drugs (novocaine, heparin, methyluracyl).

With long-incoming ulcers are struggling with low-intensity laser irradiation through the endoscope. Laser therapy is carried out from three to four minutes, everything is prescribed 1-5 sessions at intervals of 2-3 days.

Folk secrets of treating ulcerative disease

Gastroenterology, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal diseases, gastric ulcer

Our site reminds your readers: Folk Medicine is not always able to replace full-fledged treatment with official medicine methods. And even if you decide to use harmless «Babushkina» Recipes, it will not be worth notifying about this your attending physician.

  1. Egg protein, loss with small equal portions of honey, cocoa and butter, will save you about painful attack with ulcers.
  2. Regular use of tea from the plantain for 14 days will significantly reduce the inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa.
  3. Natural juices - cabbage and tomato - can reduce the intensity of pain in the exacerbation of the disease. Drinking them you need small portions.
  4. Application for two weeks of fresh potato juice will give you a chance to get rid of all manifestations of ulcerative disease. For this, the potato juice is diluted with clean water in proportions 1: 1 and drink every morning on an empty stomach until all the symptoms disappear.

Prevention of stomach ulcers

  1. Try less nervous, take sedatives, if frequent stresses knock you out of the rut.
  2. Refuse bad habits.
  3. Timely treat all predicable diseases (for example, chronic gastritis).
  4. Fully manifold, food intakes must be fractional, and portions are small.
  5. Do not forget to wash your hands with soap to avoid infection with helicobacter infection.

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