Treatment of barley

Eye hurts... We look into the mirror - well, it is, the edge of the century, blushed, painfully painful. It means that there will be barley. This material on our site should not only help get rid of barley, but to avoid mistakes when treating it.

Treatment of barley
Eye hurts... We look into the mirror - well, it is, the edge of the century, blushed, painfully painful. It means that there will be barley. Barley is nothing more than the inflammation of the hair onion or a rowed gland located on the edge of the century. A couple of days the swelling place hurts, then the head appears, just like an ordinary eel. When barley matures, the head breaks through and highlights the pussy.

If a person's immunity is good, barley will quickly go through and all. But with poor immunity can jump out several barley at once. This is a serious burden on the protective system of the body: the temperature increases, there may be edema of lymph nodes.

Therefore, this material on our site should not only help get rid of barley, but to avoid mistakes in his treatment.

First aid for barley

When barley is just starting to appear, you can try to get burnt the place of the future barley. Be careful that the substance you will catch barley do not fall into the eye. Can burn with medical alcohol, iodine or green. During the caustion of the patient eye, you need to close. Best take advantage of a cotton stick - it is thin enough to not get into the eye. In order to destroy the infection, it is enough to hold the cleaned vaccine in a sore place for 20 minutes.

Medical treatment barley

For the treatment of barley you can buy a more sorteric antibiotic - Tobrax
Like any other inflammation, barley is effectively treated with antibiotics. You can use old proven albuchis or 1% erythromycin or penicillin solution. If you are allergic to one of the antibiotics (for example, on antibiotics of a penicillin row), use the antibiotic from another group: for example, gentamicin. You can buy a more sorteric antibiotic - Ciprolet or Tobrax. Bringing antibiotics is necessary 3-5 times a day. For the night, lay on the edge of the lower eyelid ointment - tetracycline or erythromycinic. When you buy an ointment and antibiotic, check in the pharmacy that it is these medicines that you need to treat the eye - the pharmacist should know which ointment you need. The ointment is laying this way: my hands are pretty, squeeze three or four millimeters of ointment from a tube (ointment thick, it will not break off and will not fall), with your left hand slightly pull down the lower eyelid down, and right hand carefully lay the ointment. Ointment is so viscous that it will have to literally consider the edge of the century to separate the necessary part of the ointment. Lay the ointment immediately before bedtime - after the ointment is distributed under the lower eyelid, you will see objects like through the matte glass, and it is very uncomfortable.

Treatment of barley heat

Many recommend warming. It really helps to get rid of barley, but there is one nuance. If you start to warm barley before the mouth open, you risk only to increase inflammation. It is better to start warming when the barley has already revealed, that is, an purulent discharge appeared. At home, the best warming for barley will be boiled egg - wrap it with a soft cloth so as not to burn the skin of the century and attach to the patient. You can warm the barley for a long time for a few hours.

Folk remedies against barley

For the treatment of barley you can make a row from aloe
There is even the wilderness of a barley treatment, spitting a patient... I think, it is not necessary to explain that in a person's saliva contains such a number of microbes that there will be no benefit from it, but to infect eyes with some other infection quite possible. If I still found kindness and spat into your eyes, after EEE... Talk to it «Eskulp», Wash your hands, rinse the eye with boiled water and dig an antibiotic.

Less trauma folk remedies: 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers on a glass of boiling water. Brew, let it brew for half an hour and make a bummer to the lower eyelid.

To treat barley you can make a row from aloe: squeeze juice from one aloe sheet, add 10 parts of the water (depending on how much juice it turned out) and make a bummer 3 times a day.

It may happen that barley will not open, but it will simply disappear - this is normal. To barley does not appear again, take Polyvitamins, Immunostimulating drugs. Try not to transfer. While you have barley, you can be a source of infection for your loved ones, especially for children. More often wash your hands, towel and dishes should be strictly individual. While the barley is not ripe, you will be disturbed by the unpleasant sensation: all the time I want to touch, lose the sore place. Always wash your hands after touching the patient, so you will protect others.

Our site in no case advises to squeeze the pussy! This is not an ordinary pimple. Having squeezing barley, you risk disseminate pathogenic bacteria on other eye shells, and with blood flow infection can get into the brain. In general, it is unwanted to treat barley independently, if there is an opportunity, be sure to go to the oculist.

The doctor will appoint you not only an antibiotic and ointment, you can get a referral to physiotics, such as UHF. Visit the doctor is necessary if the barley arose (one month after the treatment of the first barley) or when several barley occurs at the same time. In this case, not only local antibiotics will be prescribed, but also injections, or oral antibiotics.

Barley - a serious body signal about immunity problems. More fresh air, healthy food, less alcohol and cigarettes are the key to successful barley treatment.

Special thanks to Linichenko L.BUT.,
Ophthalmologist of the Higher Category
for consultation when writing an article

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