Treatment of Bursita

Sustains can be sick due to different diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, bursita. Here's about the bursite, his kinds, symptoms, ways to treat our site and offers today to talk.

Overview of the disease

Bursit, orthopedics, joints, cartilage cloth

The bourcite doctors call the pathological process, at which there are inflicted bones and tendons in such places, a certain mechanical pressure is created in such places. On Latin bag sounds like «bursa», Therefore, the disease was given such name. In the bag with this pathology, exudate accumulates, it is also called shifting. Most often Bursitis are prone shoulder, elbow, knee, hip joints, area Achilles tendon. On clinical flow, the disease is subacute, sharp, recurrent (returnable), chronic. By the nature of the pathogen, the bursitis is divided into:

  • nonspecific;
  • Specific (tuberculosis, gonorrheal, brucellular, syphilitic).

According to the nature of the exudate, they can be hemorrhagic, serous, purulent. With purulent bursts in the occasional bags, it accumulates not just a synovial fluid, but a dumping. If a man is hemorrhagic bursitis, then in exudate with the help of research you can see many erythrocytes (blood components), which appeared there due to blood hemorrhages. Complication of bursitis is a cluster in a salt bag of different elements.

The causes of the development of bursitis can be:

  1. Infections - Streptococci, Staphilococci And other global microbes are able to cause inflammation of the bag near the joint. And there are microorganisms on lymphatic paths or across abrasions, rings on the skin.
  2. Injuries - the disease often pursues athletes (tennis players, football players, cyclists, weightlifters, martial arts). Moreover, during repeated injuries, there is a risk of chronic bourcita, which makes it difficult to move the movement accompanied by strong pain. Ears and microtraums also lead to damage to the synovial bag and inflammation.
  3. Constantly repeating mechanical irritations - they lead to the accumulation of exudate, which provokes the stretching of the bag near the joint, in size it becomes like a tumor.
  4. Diathesis, Allergic and autoimmune reactions - when there are many antibodies in the body, then it is possible to involve in the inflammatory process and a near-handing bag.
  5. Intoxication, violation of the flow of exchange processes.

There are often cases when the bursitis suddenly begins to develop without the influence of any external factors and internal reasons.

Symptoms of Bursita

Bursit, orthopedics, joints, cartilage cloth

There are 2 ways to treat Bursita - conservative and operational.

If the bursitis is caused by pathogenic microbes, then it is necessary to eliminate the infection. In such cases, usually discharged Antibiotics In the form of injections or tablets, capsules. If the disease occurred due to the uine tuberculosis, then, of course, anti-tuberculosis means are prescribed first. To remove inflammation in the near-handing bag and the presence of a patient from pain The following drugs and events are assigned:

  1. Fixing the joint by rigid binting to reach peace and temporary immobilization.
  2. Rubbing into the patient area of ​​ointment called diclofenac, orthophene, creams ketonal or long.
  3. Ingestion Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, diclofenac in the form of tablets.

In light cases of such therapy, it is enough that after 8 days, the symptoms of the bursita retreated and the restoration of the damaged area of ​​the joint began.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes injections directly to the articular bag. Do not be afraid of such procedures. First an anesthetic is introduced, and then hydrocortisone, antimicrobial agent.

With purulent and chronic bursts, sometimes the doctor resorts to the puncture of the joint bag to clean it from the content, to treat the internal cavity by the antibiotic.

After the acute stage, the reduction of pain of the patient can give direction to physicies for conducting Electrophoresis, parafinotherapy, heating, procedures with currents of different frequency, microwaves of a certain force. Many patients help acupuncture, acupuncture.

What People's Medicine offers?

Bursit, orthopedics, joints, cartilage cloth

  1. Warm compresses with informs or champs of medicinal herbs - burdock, sabelnik, socket, hunter, yarrow.
  2. Help capability. It is removed from Kochan, cut a large alkalon, rolling the rolling on it to make the juice. This sheet is then applied to the sick joint to the same side, which was adjacent to the kochan, and then fixed with a screech or wide bandage. Best of all this applying to do before bedtime so that then go under the blanket. Or have to warm the joint woolen product. Change the leaves at least after 4 hours. Instead of a cabbage sheet, you can take a large sheet of burdock.
  3. With chronic brussite, a honey compress is recommended. Need to take a liquid honey and put on a sore place. Attach a napkin and wrap a towel. To honey you can add onion juice.
  4. Salt compress. Take 200 ml of hot boiled water, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in it. Fold the bandage or gauze into a few layers, plunge into the saline solution, squeeze out a slightly. Scatter on the sore joint. Put the package on top, look with a towel or warm scarf. After a few hours, the salt compress should be removed. The course is usually 10 procedures.

Upon timely appeal to the doctor, the patient quickly recover. But if the case is running, then infection can join, Miosit, Deposition in the cavity of the bag of some substances, such as calcium salts. Then there is already operational intervention.

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