Treatment of hangover

Thumpling syndrome or hangover are the unpleasant sensations associated with headache, nausea, vomiting, heat or chills in the morning after a stormy feast. Weakness, hand shakes, feeling of guilt - all this is due to the action that alcohol has.

Chemical processes

Alcohol, Headache, Drinks, Pond

What happens in the body is quite simply explained. Alcohol when entering the liver turns into a toxic substance called acetaldehyde. Of course, the body immediately begins to decompose it with the help of enzymes and, if alcohol has been drinking in safe quantity, this biochemistry passes painlessly. Acetaldehyde in this case quickly turns into harmless acetic acid and carbon dioxide. If this process is slowed down, and it can be related to both the special intolerance of alcohol, and with a lot of drunk, it starts just bad well-being - hangover.

Principles of treatment

Probably there was not a single person who did not woke up in the morning and did not think that in vain yesterday was so good. And together with this, everyone dreams faster to get rid of the unpleasant sensations that accompanied it.

Unfortunately, this is not as simple as I would like, because bad well-being is associated with the failure of all the processes of the body, as well as with his intoxication. The most effective trimming of hangover will be when all your strength you throw on the removal of intoxication and exemption from alcohol residues. Here are the basic symptoms from which to get rid of first:

  • restoration of the water-salt balance;
  • pain syndrome;
  • restoration of brain activity;
  • Getting rid of toxins.

Violations in the body

Alcohol, Headache, Drinks, Pond

Alcohol, in addition to hangover, also causes a number of problems:

  1. Liquid imbalance. Hence the thirst and dry mouth even with visible edema on the body.
  2. Sleep disturbance. Alcohol affects the phase «Quick sleep», during which we just fall out. Therefore, the accumulation of even a large amount of time, if you go to sleep drunk, then there is no opportunity to wake up.
  3. Violation metabolism. Having spent its strength to splitting toxic substances, the body consumes a lot of nutritional trace elements necessary for its normal functioning.
  4. Impact on brain cells. Finding into the brain, acetaldehyde makes the whole nervous system very sensitive, which is why loud sounds, light - all this can cause irritation and even pain.

Main mistakes

Opinion is very common when they say that «fight fire with fire». The adoption of alcoholic beverages, though it can temporarily remove some pain, but in fact only worsen the situation. The process of intoxicating the body stops, and it is again taken to the splitting of acetaldehyde. That is, the whole process begins to take up again and well-being will subsequently worsen. Also, this method can increase the thrust of alcohol, which can lead to alcoholism.

It is also completely useless to treat a hangover by medicine tools. Doctors have conducted a huge number of symptoms of hangover syndrome and came to the conclusion that a hangover is not one symptom, but a whole complex and approach to it should be complex.

Treatment of hangover at home

Alcohol, Headache, Drinks, Pond

Of course, few people turn to the doctor for help, and will be treated at home. Therefore, we want to conduct a number of methods that can help facilitate their condition.

  1. Clear stomach. It is necessary, suddenly there are still remains of alcohol, which the body still will have to split. With a strong hangover, it is necessary to drink at least one liter of water and cause a vomit reflex.
  2. Enema to the purity of washing water. In fact, it is one of the most efficient and radical methods in severe hangover. There will be a sharp way out of all the toxins, with which your intestines have yet to handle. This will help dramatically improve the condition. You just need this procedure if the drink was accompanied by plenty of food.
  3. Bath or sauna. First of all, if you have contraindications, increased blood pressure (over 140/90) or pulse (from 110 beats per minute), then you are not recommended to visit the bath and sauna. If it is normal with this, the pair will be able to increase the sweating, with which toxins and harmful substances are derived from. It is also capable of improving blood circulation.
  4. Also help the body to cleanse from toxins will help Activated carbon per 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  5. If nausea retreated, you can take a tablet from headache.
  6. Lose the ears of the palms. This tool used our grandfathers with severe weakness and trembling in the limbs. The main thing is to do it strongly, before redness of the ears
  7. Lemon juice. He accelerates the process metabolism, Accordingly, the yield of toxic substances from the body will pass faster. To do this, it is necessary to squeeze the juice of two or three lemons and dilute with water in the 1: 2 ratio.
  8. Fermented milk drinks like tana. These drinks help the body to restore the water-salt exchange, which is disturbed while taking alcohol. They normalize many processes in the body, Clean the liver. The main thing is to remember that the use of over 600 ml is not recommended.
  9. Brine. Performs similar functions as fermented drinks, but not worth abuse.
  10. Cold and hot shower. Also a miraculous way to come to yourself after a rapid feast. Main Contraindications: Blood Diseases and Cardiovascular Systems, Vessel Spasms, thrombophlebitis.
  11. Honey. It is necessary to use fractionally, up to 100 g per day. It contains fructose, which will help the body faster to split alcohol.
  12. Dream. If possible, sleep as much as possible. It will help to come to himself, increase the reaction and restore the brain activity.

However, our site believes all these methods are good only to facilitate the state. Fully remove all the symptoms of a hangover can only the time that in this case is the main doctor. Having a measure in drink, in the future, perhaps you can forget what is bad well-being in the morning.

be healthy!

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