According to statistics, every second resident of our planet suffers from osteochondrosis. And although from this Diseases do not die, it is accompanied by pain, sometimes strong, which interfere with moving and live in the usual rhythm. How to prevent how to be treated from osteochondrosis will tell our site.
What is osteochondrosis?
Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, or rather, its ligament. Simply put, metabolic disease in intervertebral cartilage. Most often, this disease appears in the female half of humanity, but the pains take place in men.

As you know, the load on the spine of man is minimal in the position lying. But with the modern rhythm of life lying we spend less and less time. But in uncomfortable or sedentary (for example, at the computer) the poses are more and more. And it is bad, because without understanding, we harm our spine. Sewing most often when you are tormented back pain, neck, when lifting hands or head turns. This is osteochondrosis. The intervertebral cartilage exhausted by constant load is deformed and the nerves and vessels of the spinal column, causing pain. And nervous and cartilage fabrics are not restored, and therefore, «Earing» Osteochondrosis, we have to live with him all your life. But not everything is so scary. For those who do not have this disease yet, there are a number of preventive measures, the rest have a whole arsenal of means for treating this disease.
How to recognize osteochondrosis
To make sure you have osteochondrosis, it is enough to adversely answer a few questions.
- Have you noticed periodic or constant severity in the spine area, numbness or tension of spinal muscles?
- Do you have the so-called «Mural» on the skin neck, back or lower?
- Lie happen «Stretch» in the back of the back or pulling neck or hands?
- Try to raise your hands up. Does it give you pain?
- Do you bother pain when turning or headlows?
- Do you have dizziness?
- Do you have a back, hands or neck?
- Do you suffer from noise in ears and / or nausea?
If you even answered one question positively, our site recommends consulting a doctor. To which? To a traumatologist, neurologist or at least to the therapist. They will examine your spine and, if necessary, will conduct a more careful study (x-ray, tomography).
Causes of osteochondrose
Many many factors can lead to the emergence of this disease.
- Heredity. If your mom or grandmother has osteochondrosis, it does not mean that it will certainly be with you. Just often by inheritance is the structure of the intervertebral cartilage itself, and in this case there is a predisposition to the disease.
- Diseases of the back. This is the curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis), and a weak wide muscle of the back. All this makes the load on the spine uneven, which leads to the defects of cartilage fabric.
- Monotonous or hard work. Well, about heavy physical labor everything is clear: the permissible strength and duration of the load on the spine is exceeded - and osteochondrosis appears. This disease is inevitable for those who work in the same pose. Here, for example, a manager, daily sitting at a computer, or a cook constantly bent over a cutting board. People of such here «stationary» Professions should be paid to paying attention to the prevention of osteochondrosis.
- Injury or metabolic disorders. Normal avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis can cause irreparable damage to spine cartilage. What to talk about serious injuries or metabolic disorders.
Prevention osteochondrosis
As you know, warn the disease is easier than to treat it. Osteochondrosis prevention is necessary for all - and children and adults. Moreover, nothing complicated in it, and no special efforts prevent osteochondrosis requires. First and hardly the most important point is the concern for the health of the spine. To do this, our website advises to constantly engage in sports or at least gymnastics, which will help develop the dorsal muscular corset and improve blood circulation. The following is to constantly monitor the posture and gait, do not hurt and not slouch.
The perfect posture is when the head and the back are on one vertical, the shoulders are stripped, the blades do not drench, the chest is raised, and the belly is drawn. My yoga teacher once said that the belly is noticeable with us not because we eat a lot, but because we go wrong. How will be correct? Imagine that you are drawn for the top, and you barely touch the floor socks. Practice such an exercise for a couple of weeks and soon do not noticize that they became the owner of a great posture.
It is also desirable as much as possible hanging on the horizontal bar, stretching the vertebral pillar and giving it a rest. Ensure such a dream at which your spine will take the right position. Studies of scientists have shown that the ideal posture for the spine in the position lying on the back. But at the same time, the mattress should be tough enough to make the spine to accept a convenient natural pose. To do this, put under the feet of the elastic roller. We advise you to purchase an orthopedic mattress and a pillow and throw it away, finally grandma.
If you have monotonous sitting work, be sure to once every two hours (the better, the better) do breaks. Relax, make a few rolling moving head and shoulders, go through. If possible, exit fresh air. By the way, such breaks are legalized, and in the Label are allowed for people who are constantly working at the computer.
Prevention should be also balanced, nitamined nutrition. Try to eat fish and seafood, nuts, legumes and various dairy products. Periodically accept Complex vitamins. By this, you will not allow infringement of metabolism and insure the appearance of osteochondrosis. Destructive load for the spine is overweight, so try not to recover.
Well, and a few words about preventing children. It is necessary to constantly monitor the posture of the child, to make gymnastics or morning charging (it will be efficient if you make it together). And also, give preference to school backpacks, not bags, because it is the backpacks that balance the load on the back.
Methods for treating osteochondrosis
Cure osteochondrosis almost unreal. Wining deformation - irreversible process. Therefore, the goal of treatment is the suspension of the course of the disease and getting rid of, to put it mildly, unpleasant symptoms. Treatment methods There are many. What to trust is to solve your doctor attending, as every case is individual.
one. Medicia treatment. So to speak classic. These are anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-eased drugs. It is possible to use various ointments that will help remove pain syndrome. As well as a whole list of drugs that will improve blood circulation, relax muscles and contribute to the restoration of cartilage. But such treatment will have to constantly repeat, since the time of action of such therapy is limited.
Now advertise a whole arsenal of wonderful means that heal the diseases of the joints and bones will decide all your problems. This, unfortunately, just advertising. From my experience I will say - the teraflex and the Balsam of Diculus helped. First - pills restoring cartilage cloth. The second is herbal gel, really balm - perfectly relieves pain and fatigue in the back. But again the selection of drugs is purely individual.
2. Physiotherapy. To this section, we will assign electrophoresis, treatment with the help of magnets, various healing mud, ultrasound or current. Suitable exactly how you will choose your doctor, because for some procedures there are a number of contraindications. For example, massage is categorically contraindicated to people with any benign formations. Still popular so-called stretching, which is held on special couches. This procedure is carried out only for the purpose and under the control of the doctor.
3. Reflexology. Such treatment is borrowed in the East and is based on the impact on certain active points of the human body. This is I acupuncture, and special warming, and injections. Traditional medicine often relates to a negative. But the results, as they say, on the face - after the course of reflexotherapy, the pain and muscle tension goes, the blood flow is improved. All methods of this section not only remove pain and other inconvenience, but also heal the entire body.
I think many have heard about the Applicator Kuznetsova. This is special «Spinys», which should be applied to the sick body zone. After the course of such therapy (which can be held at home) you do not recognize yourself. I would never believe if I didn't try myself. Flying only 5 minutes on «barbed rug» (I applied to the neck area), I felt the influx of blood to the brain, relaxing the muscles of the back. And after a few days the pain was gone, who even sleep normally did not give. Buy such «miracle» can be in any pharmacy and in many online stores. And the price is available to everyone (I took for 12 UAH).
4. Manual therapy. Also the popular method of treatment and not only osteochondrosis. Very reminds massage, since the manual therapist conducts manipulations with the spine, as they are called bare hands. That's just a massage - this is working with muscles, and manual therapy is carried out with vertebrae and bundles with a certain effort. Very effective way of treatment. But! Only subject to very high qualifications and solid experience of the manual therapist. Therefore, the most important task is a serious approach to the choice of a specialist. Prefer the famous clinics and therapists with numerous recommendations. Do not be lazy, because in the hands of a dilettant manual therapy worse than weapons, since the harm to put it can be just a colossal.
five. Surgical intervention. A little pleasant in such treatment, because any operation is fear and risk. Usually, operational intervention is carried out in order to remove Gryzhi and elimination of vertebral deformations. All this is the result of a launched disease. So I will say again - do not ignore osteochondrosis, treat it! And the earlier treatment begins, the less likelihood of such complications and operations.
6. Physiotherapy. If the treatments are selected individually in previous paragraphs, the leaf is necessary for everyone. True, exercise complexes vary depending on the stage and localization of the disease. It is better for the start to resemble the LFC into a clinic or rehabilitation center, remember all the exercises and be sure to make their homes every day.
There are other methods of treating osteochondrosis. This is I Treatment of leeches and folk methods involving rubbing on the basis of bee poison, ant alcohol or a wearing pepper. But before that treatment, consult your doctor, because what saved one, may not help or even harm another.
Of course, you need to follow the posture from the small years, to do charging and carry out the prevention of osteochondrosis. But if you still did not be lost - do not despair, because at the moment there are a lot of ways to treat this disease. And if you are patient, then suspend the disease will be able to. And what if you put everything on samonek? I do not advise. After all, the process of vertebral deformation can lead to the formation of intervertebral hernia, and this is very, very serious.
Health to you!