How to treat Angu

You drink a cold drink, immunity slightly weakens and streptococcal infection begins to host you in the throat. What to do, if sick, our site will try to tell from and to below in the prepared specifically.

How to treat Angu
Summer, heat, so you want something cold... ice cream, ice beer or carbonated drinks - All this saves from thirst and gives pleasure, and for the pleasure you have to pay our own health. All simple. You drink a cold drink, immunity slightly weakens and streptococcal infection begins to host you in the throat. So often begins angina. Of course, angina Children are more often sick, But adults should be careful about their health. What to do, if sick, our site will try to tell from and to below in the prepared specifically.

Symptoms of Angina

First of all, you need to remember the symptoms of an angina. Between the moment when Streptococco begins to actively develop and start Diseases, It takes 1-2 days. Then, in one not a wonderful moment, a person feels weakness, chills appears, headache and sore throat when swallowing. Chills lasts not long, about half an hour, then the body temperature rises to 38-39C. If you see the throat of the patient, the almonds will «burn» - Brightly red, inflamed, sometimes with a white rut or small guns. Lymph nodes under the jaw can increase when palpation they will seem dense and painful.

Angina is not cold, it can not be transferred in any way «on foot». If not to derive an angina, such dangerous complications may develop Inflammation of the middle ear, rheumatism, myocarditis and others. Therefore, one of the most important components of successful treatment of angina is a strict bed.

Angina treatment at home

In the treatment of angina, you can rinse the throat of grasses champs: calendula, chamomiles, sage
First of all, in the treatment of angina at home, it is important to consider the features of disease. First, high temperature causes an enhanced evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. Therefore, the sick anneaic man needs a lot of liquid. Liquid not only prevents dehydration, but also help remove intoxication and reduce temperature. You can drink a non-acidic juice so as not to irritate the already inflamed mucous membrane. A good facility to facilitate the condition of the patient is kissel from berries or fruits. Kissel is rather viscous, it is well enveloped the inflamed throat and reduces pain. Food should be soft, without spice and sharp spices.

In the treatment of angina, you can rinse the throat of grasses champs: calendula, chamomiles, sage. Herbs take pain and help struggle with infection. To enhance the effect of rinsing, you need to rinse the throat as often as possible: approximately every two hours. Eucalyptus or fir oil solutions can be used for inhalation.

High temperature will hold on about 5-7 days. Do not hurry to shoot down the temperature until it rises to 38 or higher, because the body is struggling with the disease. Exception of this rule - children and people who have problems with the cardiovascular system - they better shoot down the temperature, without waiting for it until it rises to 39.

To reduce the temperature, you can take nurofen, or insert rectal candles, such as cefecon. If these drugs are not enough, attach to the forehead to the patient of the handkerchief, pre-watered it in cool water. In such cases, it is well helped and wiping cool (but not cold!) water or even a warm bath. In no case do not hunt a sick angina and do not drink hot tea - it does not spare and the temperature will not fall, on the contrary, a person can lose consciousness from overheating. Warm the sick throat in the treatment of angina can be only when the temperature becomes normal. High temperature strongly pulls even the most resistant. Therefore, take patience if you happened to treat a sick angina.

Angina Precautions

Angina is an easily transmitted disease, so if it is possible, try to exclude the contact of the patient with other people, especially with young children
Angina is an easily transmitted disease, so if it is possible, try to exclude the contact of the patient with other people, especially with young children. Children are very hard to carry an angina, and their complications arise more often. If you can not insulate a patient from children, he must constantly wear a mask so as not to infect others. Ideally, angina must be treated in the hospital, under the constant supervision of the doctor.

It should be understood that if a person got angry, then only folk remedies cannot cure him. Otherwise, concomitant complications may appear. In the treatment of angina, antibiotics, which should appoint a doctor, and not take them to an independent discretion. When choosing an antibiotic, the doctor is guided by the fact that there is an allergy to any kind of antibiotics, as well as what medications it was treated earlier. And of course, the doctor knows how antibiotics are sensitive streptococci that caused an angina. Therefore, it makes no sense to call antibiotics that you would be able to treat a sick angina. Call your doctor to not harm the sick. Most likely, the doctor will appoint antibiotics in the form of injections - so the medicines are quickly absorbed into the blood and begin to act. Then, after three to five days, the doctor will allow the antibiotic orally.

In addition to internal use antibiotics, local antibiotics can be taken, such as Fuzafunzhin. This is a spray that acts only on the mucous membrane on which it is sprayed. It effectively fights microbes that caused inflammation, but it is impossible to apply it for longer than 7 days - the microflora of the oral cavity will be disturbed, because it is also an antibiotic, albeit local action.

With an angina, immunity suffers - because almonds are inflated, one of the organs providing the body with protection against infections and viruses. Therefore, after the suffered angina, it is important not only to try to strengthen the immune system, but for 1-2 months to take care of hyposheels, take vitamins and try not to hurt anything. If in a month, angina will appear again, it will have to be treated in the hospital, or an aneg will go into a chronic disease, which will be poisoned by a person life for many years. Therefore, take care of your health, and try not to sharpen.

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