Causes of abdominal pain

Painful belly feelings - common symptom, common for children and adults. Very easy to drink an painful pill and forget about trouble for a while. However, the stomach never hurts simply and for their own carelessness sometimes have to pay health.

Diseases, because of which the belly may hurt, so much that it may be necessary not to be one day, and then the week to find out what to be treated. Let's consider the main reasons for bad well-being and learn how to behave the patient in such an indefinite situation.

What hurts

abdominal pain, pain, gastroenterology, belly, gastrointestinal diseases

It is very important to determine which part of the abdomen the problem is localized. With a well-known source of pain, the patient can provide a doctor more detailed information about his well-being - thus the diagnosis will be rapidly. So, if you visually divide the abdomen on imaginary areas, pain can concentrate:

  • in the area of ​​the stomach and heart;
  • in the area of ​​the liver and gallbladder;
  • in the pancreas area;
  • in the intestinal area;
  • in the kidneys district;
  • In the area of ​​Apandix.

Of course, sometimes I understand where it hurts, it is very difficult, since the uncomfortable sensations may have a migrating character. In this case, you need to lie on the back on a flat surface, relax and pressing the fingers alternately to different parts of the abdomen - where the pain is most likely to have a focus of defeat.

How sores

abdominal pain, pain, gastroenterology, belly, gastrointestinal diseases

Situation number 3.

If the epicenter of painful sensations is becoming the lower part of the abdomen on the left side, the development of diverticulitis is possible. With this pathology of the abdominal cavity in the thicker niche, small capsules of the rounded shape appear, which are called diverticulus. After a while, these formations are subjected to infection and inflict. Traditional for diverticulitis symptoms are also high temperature and chills on its background, nausea, frequent vomit urge, cramps, constipation.

To cure diverticulitis, you need to eliminate infectious inflammation from the colon cavity. Standard treatment of the disease includes taking antibacterial and painkillers, compliance with liquid diet and beddown for several days. The launched diverticulitis is treated in a hospital, and complications arising before the start of treatment are eliminated by surgical.

To prevent the development of diverticulitis, you need to eat correctly. Save health will help a diet based on a sufficient for the body of the food tissue. The substance normalizes the digestion process and reduces the internal pressure on the walls of the colon. Eat vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts - the most important products for longevity and well-being. Every day, drink at least 2 liters of water. Success in the prevention of diverticulitis also depends on the timely emptying of the intestine. The accumulation of food decomposition products increases the pressure on the thick intestine from the inside.

Situation number 4.

The presence of painful acute pain in the field of right hypochondrium, which increases after eating, in most cases it turns out to be a sign of a gallbladder disease. Most often, this body suffers from the formation of concrections and cholecystitis (inflammation). If you do not start treatment in time, the patient's position is aggravated by the following symptoms:

  • Skin and eye proteins acquire a yellowish color - jaundice develops;
  • fever;
  • chills.

It happens that the stones in the bustling bubble do not show themselves. When such sensations in the right hypochondrium are disturbing regularly, you need to seek help to doctors. With an attack of a biliary disease, it is possible to cope in different ways: to wait for the pain itself, to take a painful pill, improve your familiar diet (reduce the amount of oily food consumed) or discuss with the attending physician the possibility of surgical treatment.

abdominal pain, pain, gastroenterology, belly, gastrointestinal diseases

Situation number 5.

Pain in the central and lower abdomen, which are somewhat dulled after defecation, intestinal disorder in the form of constipation or diarrhea often indicate the irritable intestinal syndrome. The factor underlying this common gastrointestinal disease is not yet found. With this pathology of the intestinal wall, it is too tense, then too relaxed that, naturally, negatively affects the functions of the organ. The syndrome of the irritable large intestine accompany such signs:

  • swollen belly;
  • flatulence;
  • Chair with admixture of mucus;
  • Permanent sensation of bowel.

Medical or surgical treatment, this syndrome is not amenable to. Reduce the frequency and degree of manifestation of its symptoms, if you adhere to the diet with a high content of natural fiber, drink a lot of water and play sports regularly.

Situation number 6.

Sharp and burning pains in the upper and middle part of the abdomen (figuratively speaking, between the sneaker and the navel) gives you to know the ulcer. In this case, the disease of the tissue of the stomach or the upper part of the intestine is covered by severe wounds. Reasons that can provoke the development of pathology, a lot. Among them, smoking, frequent intake of aspirin or ibuprofen, addiction to acute food, constant stress, vital activity of bacteria Helicobacter pylori. In some cases, the ulcer causes the impact on the stomach of an overly aggressive gastric juice.

Our site considers it necessary to note that a well-known healthy is impossible to be called a characteristic symptom of ulcerative disease. It testifies, above all, on the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

With suspicions of ulcers it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Take this unpredictable disease under the power of these specialists.

abdominal pain, pain, gastroenterology, belly, gastrointestinal diseases

Situation number 7.

When the stomach hurts in a woman, the list of estimated reasons is significantly expanding, because pain can come from the organs of the system system. For example, the unpleasant feelings in the area of ​​the pelvis, which appear monthly before menstruation may indicate Endometriosis. This pathology is that particles of the mucous membrane of the uterus through the cavity of phallopy pipes settle on the ovaries, urinary bubble and other internal organs, causing inflammation.

When the bottom of the abdomen hurts, the suspicion of the doctor is likely to fall on the infectious inflammatory process in the uterus, phallopyan pipes or ovaries. In addition, acute or stabbing pain can generate an ectopic pregnancy. In some cases, the position of the woman is exacerbated by vaginal bleeding and an unstable monthly cycle. Polycystic ovarian syndrome and Fibroma Mattik also make themselves felt unpleasant abdominal pain.

We listed, perhaps the most common pathologies based in the abdominal cavity and causing various pain. However, the reasons for poor well-being are actually much more. To prevent the development of complications, the reason for discomfort in the abdomen you need to find out from a competent doctor.

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