Treatment of polyarthritis

The quality of life is significantly reduced if the person hurts the joints. Statistics show that about every third inhabitant of the world in one degree or another suffers from polyarthritis. How not to miss the beginning of the disease, prevent its progression and further deformation of the joints?

Overview of the disease

The name of the ailments occurred from the merger of two ancient Greek words - «a lot of» and «joint», With the addition of suffix «IT», indicating inflammation. In other words, polyarthritis - pathology, in which the multiple lesion of the joints occurs - this can manifest itself at the same time, or in the inflammatory process, gradually all new and new joints are involved. Depending on the main reason that caused the disease, the polyarthritis is divided into exchangeable, rheumatoid, post-traumatic, infectious.

Why polyarthritis occurs?

orthopedics, polyarthritis, joints, cartilage fabric

To basic reasons that can lead to the development of polyarthritis include:

  • violation in the body of metabolism;
  • infectious diseases such as dysentery, gonorrhea, viral hepatitis, brucellosis, tuberculosis, rubella, scarlet;
  • allergies, including on their own fabrics;
  • problems with immunity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Injuries (dislocations, fractures, stretching).

Fabrics of any joint and shell, its surrounding (it is also called a synovial shell), equipped with a variety of nerve endings and blood vessels. Therefore, they instantly react to internal and external changes, most often inflammation.

Infectious polyarthritis is usually developing if the infectious process pathogens fall into the joint with blood, then perhaps the appearance of pus. And if only products of microbes are used through blood to the joint area, then the disease proceeds much easier, usually soon under the influence of general treatment, all inflammatory reactions subsided.

The reactive polyarthritis is most often provoked by chlamydial infection and is accompanied by conjunctivitis or urethritis.

Rheumatic polyarthritis usually suffer large or medium-sized joints.

The culprits of the exchange (in other words of crystalline) polyarthritis are considered to be crystalline salts (most often ultrasters), deposited in joints, traumating their synovial shell, causing inflammation, deformation.

Psoriatic polyarthritis makes itself felt about 6 months after psoriatic changes in skin.

With rheumatoid polyarthritis in the formation of pathology, the links of the immune system, heredity (genetic factors) and environmental impact are involved. At the same time, the cells of the near-furnace shell are inflated. Little vessels develop in this area, granulation tissue is formed, over time it penetrates in the cartilage layer, it acts in it destructingly, so the joint function is disturbed. Since the connecting tissue is defeated, the disease is called systemic. It happens that vessels, kidneys, heart, lungs are involved in the pathological process. It is very important to know the harbingers of the disease, because in the initial stages the disease is easier to treat.

Types of polyarthritis and symptoms

orthopedics, polyarthritis, joints, cartilage fabric

Take five grams of the laurel sheet, pour 300 milliliters of water, bring to a boil and boil on low heat under the lid five minutes. Further, write and transfer to the thermos, leave in it to insist for four hours (it is more convenient to leave for the whole night if you make a composition in the evening). If there is no thermos, then insteading is allowed to carry out in a closed bank, which we try to dry well. All liquid should be used during the day for several approaches in small portions. The course of treatment lasts three days. That is, such portions of the laurel sheet must be done three days in a row. After a week, the course repeat. In preventive purposes to drink such infusion four times a year to three days. Attention! The resulting infusion is necessary to drink during the day, but small portions (one portion - three throats). Large doses can cause side effects. This infusion of laurels has a diuretic effect. It is necessary that slags deposited on the joints. After each reception, rinse with water in order not to harm the dental enamel. In the days when drinking infusion, it is better not to eat meat and heavy food. It is recommended to lean on the cabbage, carrots, coarse, apples, grapefruits, oranges, lemons, greens, porridge.

  • Treatment of Sabelnik's joints.
  • orthopedics, polyarthritis, joints, cartilage fabric

    Take a tablespoon of raw materials (better cried roots, but you can take a mixture of roots with grass), place in the thermos, pour 250 ml of boiling water into it. After a few hours in the infusion. Dosage: three times a day for a third of a large glass (30 minutes before meals). This raw material can be reused. The course lasts three weeks, follows the weekly break, and again the course is repeated. Instead, it is possible to take a tincture that needs to be purchased in a pharmacy or prepare independently using vodka. Tinskoye is preferably twice a day to break the joints amazed by polyarthritis.

  • Still in the fight against polyarthritis, it is recommended to take herbs such as half a bed, a field of field. About them our site told in detail in the articles: «Instructions for use of floor pais» and «Therapeutic properties of the horsewa».
  • To remove the ethony, remove slags from the joints Try to resort to the berries. But this infusion can be prepared from the leaves of this plant: pour a tablespoon of raw materials 250 ml of boiling water. Inciphenation is better to spend in a thermos at least an hour. Dosage: 2 tablespoons of the fluent infusion six times a day before welcome.
  • orthopedics, polyarthritis, joints, cartilage fabric
  • Outwardly used reddish compresses of black or roots Khrena. They must first wash it out, and then grasp or scroll through the minced meat grinder. Someone from relatives received with a homogeneous cleaner, let's impose on your sick places, and then fixes the tissue bandage. From above all cover the film. Better make compress in the evening. Usually improvement appears after three procedures. If there is a strong burning distance during the compress, then the compress can not be kept for a long time (especially for horseradish), otherwise it turns out burn. By the way, the fuck can be mixed with an equal amount of steroid raw potatoes.
  • In the joints it is useful to rub the tincture made from:
    • «Kolytesev» Golden Usa;
    • eucalyptus leaves;
    • Lily flowers (white);
    • Lilac flowers (also white);
    • either apply fresh grass of the wet as a compress (her widow is in summer on the vegetable garden).

    Improve the state of the joints, can be cured by polyarthritis, but you have to work hard, a lot to change in your life. Determination, perseverance, the desire to recover, restrictions in nutrition, medicines and various ways of traditional medicine will help you cope with the polyarthritis.

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