Several earlier, our site has already talked about Female infertion, its causes, methods of treatment and prevention. It came a turn to tell about a similar problem in the male half of humanity - about male infertility, because his share in the total amount of cases is about 40%.
Men's infertility is called a situation in which the breeding function has been detected by a man, and for this reason the conception does not occur more than a year. I repeat that during this year the couple leads an active sex life and does not use any contraceptives.
Causes of male infertility
Factors that lead to male infertility are slightly less than the causes of female infertility. I will stop on them Read more.
- Inflammatory processes. They are the main cause of spermatogenesis, sperm process. As a result of various inflammations (prostatitis, urethritis and other), the mobility of spermatozoa is significantly reduced, sperm quality decreases. And this, as you understand, inevitably leads if not immediately to infertility, then guarantees low probability conceive a child.
- Infection, sexually transmitted (STIs). It is these infections most often and provoke the development of various inflammation of the male genital sphere. Microorganisms are able to influence the composition of sperm. And Gonorrhea I chlamydia can even cause the defeat of men's genitals!
It is proved that chlamydia is at times worsen the quality of sperm. Studies were conducted in which men with a diagnosis of chlamydia. None of them could not conceive a child for a long time. So after the course of treatment with antibiotics, sperm quality has improved by 40%, and most of the experiment participants soon became happy dads.
In some nations of the world, there is even a ban on the use of alcoholic beverages long before and during conception.
Types of infertility
There are several types of infertility.
Secretor infertility - The most common form, in which due to violation of the activities of the testicles, the quality, quantity and / or mobility of spermatozoa is reduced. Treatment is to clarify the cause of infertility. Next Case of Technology - Medical Treatment or Hormonal Therapy.
Obstructive infertility There is an obstacle - cyst, tumor or postoperative scar on the way out of sperm. Most often, surgery is prescribed, which in most cases solves the problem.
Immunological infertility - In the body as a result of some reasons (for example, after injury), antibodies begins to the tissues of the egg or spermatozoa begins. After the survey, comprehensive treatment is appointed.
Well, and the last look - Relative infertility, implying the absence of visible deviations. Most often such infertility is the action of stress, and psychotherapist is engaged in treatment.
Our site must say that almost all forms of male infertility are being treated. Yes, and the treatment itself, and the diagnosis of male infertility is much easier and cheaper than women's.
Methods of treatment of male infertility
Before being treated, you need to know from what. Therefore, an important stage in the treatment of male infertility is diagnosis. First you will surrender several analyzes, based on the results of which, you are either prescribed treatment, or will continue to diagnose. In the process of examination, blood tests, urine and hormones, spermogram, ultrasound of the prostate and urogenital system are surveyed. After the doctor reveals the cause of infertility, he will prescribe the necessary treatment.
- Medicia treatment. In case you find STIs, you will have to undergo treatment with antibiotics. In hormonal failures (lack or excess of certain hormones), treatment is to receive hormonal drugs. And if the spermogram results showed a low sperm quality - to treat you will be vitamins, homeopathic preparations and immunocorographic.
For several decades, it is known that vitamin D is a positive effect on the quality of sperm. Contained in fish and seafood, in all famous fish oil, as well as standing in our skin under the influence of sunlight, this vitamin significantly improves high-quality sperm indicators. So, dear men, eat fish and sunbathe!
- Surgical intervention It is necessary in cases where the diagnostics showed that obstacles arise on the path of spermatozoa. It may be groin hernia, and varicocele. As you understand, medicines are practically powerless here. But, unfortunately, the Surgeon scalpel will not always help, especially if an adult is operated. More favorable forecasts for operated adolescents. So when choosing a surgeon, give preference to highly qualified professionals.
My friend on ordinary medical examination found a groin groom. The guy was married, but he didn't even think about the baby. Doctors insisted on operations and the same removed hernia. Four months later, the operated ones learned that he would soon become a dad. And they say Medicine powerless.
- Ickey method. There are situations where spermatozadids cannot merge with an egg (spermatozoa sediments or have other anomalies). So in such cases, microindications are made - the spermatozoa in the laboratory is introduced into the egg, after which this egg is placed in the mother's uterus, which hits the child. The probability of fertilization by this method reaches 60%.
- Summer donation. This method is used in cases where there are no sperm in the partner in sperm, or any serious disease is transmitted to the family out of the family. And also when pregnant wants a lonely woman. Then doctors resort to sperm banks. Do not be afraid, because each donor is examined, including genetic. Here you can even «choose» Pope on the color of the eyes or hair, so that the neighbors did not gossip in whom you went, for example, red-haired karapuz.
- Non-traditional treatments. Now infertility is treated not only doctors. Our ancestors treated all sickness herbs, so you can try and you. Eastern treatment methods were added - manual therapy, acupuncture. As you can see, the choice is great.
Our site would like to emphasize that any method of treatment implies and the right lifestyle, full rest and nutrition. Therefore, you should not hope only on wonderful pills. As they say, they hope for God, and not the bad.
Prevention of infertility in men
Prevention of male infertility should be held from small years. It belongs to the regular visit to the urologist or surgeon in order to identify diseases, pathologies and timely treatment. It is important for a healthy lifestyle, eight-hour sleep, moderate sports (without fanaticism, and even more so receive anabolics), walks outdoor. Watch your diet. It must be present meat, fish, eggs, nuts, greens. But vegetarians, misunderstanding proteins, are in the risk area. In addition, it is not necessary to get involved in saunas and baths, wearing cramped underwear, nervous, smoking and abuse alcohol. Another good recommendation from doctors - Live regular sex with a permanent partner. Kill two hares at once - reduce the risk «pick up» STIs and remove stress (and sex for this is the best tool).