Treatment of lung inflammation

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) - a common name for a group of inflammatory diseases of infectious origin, which differ from the reasons, the specifics of the flow and the peculiarities of the clinical picture. Inflammation of the lungs in all cases caused by pathogenic microorganisms is a distinctive feature of this disease.

Infection occurs mainly by air-droplet when the pathogenic microflora breaks out of the patient's body along with coughing or sneezing and gets into respiratory paths of a healthy person through a breath. There is a hematogenous method of infection penetration when pathogens reach lungs through blood (for example, during sepsis). With the endogenous mechanism of infection, the infection attacks the cloth of the lungs from the inside: it comes from already existing in the body of malicious bacteria. In all cases, the inflammatory process focuses mainly on the lung alveoli.

The most susceptible to the disease elderly, children, as well as those who suffer diabetes, any heart disease or Bronchial asthma. It is easy to see that all people unites the overall feature - weakened general immunity.

Factors underlying the disease

Lung disease, lung inflammation, lungs, shortness of breath

Cause inflammation of light bacteria:

  • Pneumococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • Intestinal wand;
  • Hemophilic stick;
  • Singny stick.

You can add mushrooms, mycoplasms and some viruses to this list.

In addition, inflammation of the lungs often becomes a consequence Allergies, affecting the respiratory organs, Influenza or launched shape of a sharp respiratory infection, which over time amazes the pulmonary fabric.

Symptoms of the disease

Lung disease, lung inflammation, lungs, shortness of breath

All that is required for the successful outcome of the treatment of an infectious inflammatory process is to choose «correct» antibiotic, The one to which the pathogenic bacteria of a particular type of pneumonia has the highest sensitivity. At the same time, the doctor necessarily takes into account that after a long-term use of a certain antibacterial drug, the reaction of the causative agent may decrease on it, and the disease will not be cured to the end. So that this does not happen, the patient will certainly have a spatiality of the patient before developing the therapeutic action plan: through sowing on a special environment, the attitude of infection to various antibiotics detects.

Practice shows that simple forms of focal inflammation of the lungs are developing when pneumococci, mycoplasma or chlamydia penetrate into the body. Pneumococcal infection is successfully treating antibacterial preparations of penicillin and cephalosporin row (for example, amoxiclav and cephalexin). Antibiotic antibiotics (doxyglin), macrolides (Summen) and fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin) are used against mycoplasm. The last two groups of drugs are also effective in combating chlamydial inflammation of the lungs.

Antibacterial drugs take at least 7 days, but the course of treatment can be extended, if during this period the symptoms of the disease will not be less pronounced.

In addition to the overall suppression of infection, they are engaged in the purification of respiratory tract from sputum, which in excessive amounts can slow down the process of recovery. One of the most sought-after expectorant drugs today is recognized by Ambroxol (Lazolyvan), which has several advantages:

  • Changes the structure of the mucus, due to this it is diluted, but its volume remains the same;
  • Stimulates cilia, lining the inner surface of the bronchi, to the active movement - it helps to save the respiratory tract from mucus as soon as possible;
  • promotes the formation of a sufficient number of surfactant. The active substance supports the alveolar walls and does not allow them to bite.

Ambroxol tablets and syrup are taken inward or use the drug to introduce into respiratory tract through inhalation.

For speedy recovery, it is also not to do without thermal and physiotherapy procedures. They are started to do after the body temperature drops to normal. At home, you can put banks or mustard pieces, and in the clinic go through the course Electrophoresis, UHF or Magnetotherapy.

Tips of traditional medicine

Lung disease, lung inflammation, lungs, shortness of breath

  1. Brew 3 C. L. Cumin seeds in 1 st. Cool boiling water and give the medium. Infusion drink a few sips during the day.
  2. Grind the dry grass of the souls and pour 2 st. L. Dry raw materials boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. Drink medicine three times a day for half an hour before meals.
  3. Connect in one container 350 g of honey, chopped aloe leaf and 0.5 st. water. Put on a slow fire for 2 hours, then cool and mix well. Take 1 st. L. 3 times a day regardless of meals.

How to protect yourself from inflammation of the lungs

Pneumonia - Heavy Disease: She, Like a Bog, can tighten his sacrifice in the bunch of indisposition and weakness. It is better to do prevention than the treatment of inflammation of the lungs, is not? Today, MPsovets will share with you simple, but effective health recipes:

Lung disease, lung inflammation, lungs, shortness of breath

  1. Check out. Infection is afraid of contrasting water procedures and pouring legs. Remember that the starting temperature for hardening should not be below 35 ° C, it is gradually reduced to 25 ° C.
  2. Slide the breathing gymnastics. The method improves the ventilation of the lungs. To strengthen the breathing apparatus, inflate air balloons and each day perform a series of deep breaths and exhale in several approaches.
  3. Get rid of chronic infectious diseases. Even a tooth amazed Caries, can become open gates to the body for pathogenic bacteria. Always treat such diseases in a timely manner.
  4. Strengthen immunity. Natural immunomodulators will help you: Echinacea, Chamomile, Eleutherococcus. These plants brew and drink tea.
  5. Tell «No» Smoking.
  6. Avoid supercooling, take care of the lungs from dust, vapor benzene and other hazardous chemical compounds.
  7. Try to avoid communicating with sick people.

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