WHO predicts that the number of sugar diabetes sufferers on the entire planet by 2025 will exceed three hundred million people. And 90% of them will be diagnosed «Sugar diabetes of second type». For such people, pharmacologists have created drugs that can reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood. To this group of drugs, called hypoglycemic drugs, belongs to Amaryl.

About type II diabetes

Amaryl, Diabetes, Diabettology, Sugar Diabetes, Sugar Level

It is estimated that type II diabetes mellitus is found ten times more often than type I. The number of people from which he is detected continues to grow rapidly every year.

With the first type of pancreas in the body, generally refuses to produce insulin. It is more characteristic of children or persons who have undergone 30 years. With the second type of insulin disease, although produced (generated), but in insufficient quantities and (or) for some reason, it is very poorly absorbed by the human body. This type in most cases is detected in people whose age has moved 40 years. This diabetes More cunning, it is more difficult to recognize, so serious complications (renal failure, blindness, cardiovascular pathologies are developing much more often, Diabetic stop), prevent them more difficult. Overbinding, hypodynamia, excessive body weight - all these factors can lead to the development of diabetes for the second type.

General information about Amaryil

Amaryl, Diabetes, Diabettology, Sugar Diabetes, Sugar Level

The Amarila active substance is a sulfonylurea derivative, it affects the pancreas (mainly its tail), stimulating the production of insulin (peptide nature hormone) by Beta cells of Langerhans islets. After which insulin is released from these cells by exocytosis. Such an action is called pancreatic. The drug improves the sensitivity of fat and muscle tissues to the action of its own insulin, such an action is called an extrapaccreative. That is, glucose with glucose 1 and glucose be recycled from blood from the blood (these are special transport proteins), after which there is a rapid absorption of glucose peripheral tissues. The drug revealed an antithrombotic effect, it slows down the process of formation on the vessel walls of atherosclerotic layers (plaques), reduces the severity in the body of a patient oxidative stress (characteristic of diabetes flowing according to the II type).

If Medimedin is added to the drug, then its action is: it improves in the liver circulation and «Pluckles» Transformation of glucose in glycogen, safe for sugar diabetes. Even the medical staff helps muscle cells to absorb glucose. Practice shows that the therapeutic effect of glymepiride is enhanced if it is combined with a medical. This prompted the creation of a combined «Amaryl M».

As Amaril takes?

Amaryl is shown to those patients whose diabetes occurs on the second type (mono- or combination therapy). Dosage to each of his patient the doctor selects individually (it is very dependent on blood glucose indicators). Typically therapy begins with small doses. Gradually, the daily dose can be increased by a doctor to 4 mg. In rare cases, the patient is issued 6 or 8 mg. During treatment, control measurements of blood glucose indicators are required.

Take the medicine before breakfast (or during it). Tablet must be powered by water (boiled, in an amount of at least 100 ml). Just swallow a tablet without having a. Be sure after accepting Amaryil, attempt, otherwise the blood concentration of glucose falls sharply. If you suddenly forgot to take the drug, then these days are skipped, the next day you can not drink a double portion.

About contraindications and side effects

Amaryl, Diabetes, Diabettology, Sugar Diabetes, Sugar Level

Amaryl can not be taken in the following cases:

  • with diabetes flowing according to i type (it is called insulin-dependent);
  • with diabetic ketoacidosis (complication of diabetes);
  • in block or diabetic coma;
  • with severe kidney or liver lesions;
  • with individual intolerance to this product or its components;
  • during pregnancy and during lactation.

MirSees wants to warn readers about a possible side effect, which is most often found when using this drug - hypoglycemia (condition, when the blood content in sugar decreases below the permissible norm). To avoid such a situation, patients with diabetes mellitus strongly recommend carrying several candies or lump sugar to quickly raise low blood glucose content.

Much less often discover such side effects:

  • drowsiness (or vice versa, difficulties with sleep), Dizziness, headaches;
  • loss of self-control over himself, the expression of aggressive emotions (sometimes depressed by depression);
  • Weakening of the rate of reactions and concentration of attention;
  • shiver in legs or hands (sometimes possible Causes);
  • Violations of speech;
  • changes in cardiac rhythm, heart pain, plowing hell;
  • Feeling hunger, diarrhea, Racking, gravity in the area of ​​the stomach;
  • jaundice, hepatitis;
  • In the first days of reception, vision sometimes deteriorates (this phenomenon is quickly passed);
  • Change of blood composition, anemia;
  • Septy skin rashes.

If you notice the phenomena listed above, report it to your doctor.

special instructions

Amaryl, Diabetes, Diabettology, Sugar Diabetes, Sugar Level

In addition to periodic inspections of glucose concentrations in blood tests and urine, during prolonged treatment with Amaryil, it is necessary to control the function of the liver and blood composition (especially the number of platelets, leukocytes, Hemoglobin, erythrocytes).

Under stressful circumstances (such as conflicts at work or at home, accidents, loss of loved ones, diseases leaking with high body temperatures), the adrenaline will be released into the blood circuit, while the efficiency of this drug decreases. Then the patient has to temporarily translate into insulin.

There are many drugs that can enhance (or vice versa, weakening) therapeutic effect of Amaryil, if they are accepted with it at the same time. Therefore, if you visit any unfamiliar doctor a narrow specialization, be sure to inform him that you have diabetes, name the sugar-based drug that you constantly accept. Then the specialist will appoint you those medicines that are neutrally belonging to Amaryl either change his dosage.

Alcohol is also capable of changing the Sakharosying Action of Amaryil.

If the patient is shown hemodialysis, then it is translated from Amaryil to insulin.

The place in which you store Amaryl must be not available for children, because the pills accepted by them can provoke hypoglycemia.

Many patients Amaryl helps maintain glucose concentration at the level close to normal. So that treatment is effective, it is necessary to work closely with your doctor, disciplined to fulfill its recommendations, stick to the diet, dispense physical exertion. Then there is a chance to avoid complications of diabetes or for a long time to delay them.

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