Fermatron application

Currently, unfortunately, more and more residents of the world are in one way or another suffer from diseases of the joints. Previously, many defeats associated with aging. But now these pathologies detect young people. What to do if the pain does not give movement, work, lead the familiar lifestyle? In some cases, experts prescribe intra-articular injections of Fermatron.

Why do intra-articular injections?

Diseases of the joints, intra-articular injections, hyaluronic acid, joints, fermaton

Injection of drugs in the intra-articular cavity began to do in the seventies of the twentieth century. It can be said that it was a breakthrough in the treatment of patients with dystrophic-degenerative lesions and inflammation in the femoral, knee, shoulder joints. Glucocorticosteroids are injected with patients suffering from Bursitov, Arthritis, Periatritians, synovites, inflammation after injury to suppress mechanisms provoking inflammatory pathology. But the preparations of hyaluronic acid in the articular cavity are shown in osteoarthritis. In this case of destructive disease, disorders of the production (synthesis) of the synovial fluid are observed - a kind of natural lubricant, filling the charm of the joint. Sinovial fluid provides meals and sliding joints, while reducing its friction and wear. Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the synovial fluid, gives it viscosity, depreciation properties. Some experts compare the effect of introduction to the sodium hyaluronate hollow with an implantation of artificial joint. Hyaluronic acid that fell into the hollow of the joint, trying to fill the missing composition of the synovial fluid. Penetrated into the cells, «pulling» behind them water, thereby contributing to the restoration of the articular cartilage during damage. If the intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid is in time, then you can avoid replacing the sore joint on artificial or for a long time to delay this operation. After all, hyaluronic acid can perform the role of a prosthesis that allows to keep the patient a joint, gradually restore the functions performed by him.

General information about Fermatron

Diseases of the joints, intra-articular injections, hyaluronic acid, joints, fermaton

The drug in the sterile syringe, for its introduction requires a sterile needle of 18 to 20. After the introduction and needle and the syringe are recycled.

The drug should be administered intraarticularly (i.e., in the synovial space of the damage to the disease of the joint). One-time dose is usually 2 ml, injection is carried out once a week. To achieve a steady effect, it is necessary to make 4 or 5 such injections, the interval between which is 7 days. If osteoarthritis is moderate or even moderate, then the medical effect lasts 6 months and more.

Still produced the drug called «Fermatron Plus», in two ml of which contains not 20 mg (as in Fermatron), and 30 mg of hyaluronate sodium. This drug for course is required 3 ampoules, i.e. 3 intra-articular injections will be carried out.

Intra-articular injections should only be carried out by a special qualifications confirmed by a certificate. This treatment is appointed only after a full examination of the patient orthoped, traumatologist, rheumatologist.

The procedure is carried out in the conditions of pure dressing according to all the rules of aseptics in order to avoid infection in the body cavity.

The medicine should be room temperature.

If there is a distance of cavity, then at first the doctor removes it with the needle.

When the doctor was convinced that the needle was in the articular cavity, he proceeds to the introduction of medication. The procedure is now trying to do under ultrasound or fluoroscopic control, allowing you to accurately place the needle in the right place.

2 ml - this is a dose for large joints. Less drug is introduced into small joints, but the remaining solution cannot be used again.

After the procedure, the limb for a long time should be alone (several hours). In the following days it should not be overloaded.

About contraindications and side effects

Diseases of the joints, intra-articular injections, hyaluronic acid, joints, fermaton

Fermatron treatment cannot be carried out at:

  • acute synotation (otherwise therapeutic effect is very reduced);
  • presence in the field of introduction of skin diseases, abrasion, infected wound;
  • strong joint inflammation;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of this fund.

Children Fermatron is not introduced. Data showing that the drug is safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding is not available, so the use of a specialist is solved only by a specialist.

Sometimes with the introduction of the Fermatron, short-term side effects are manifested:

  • redness, edema in the injection zone;
  • increased allocation of exudate;
  • moderate pain;
  • Allergic reactions (extremely rare);
  • Inflammation in the joint (extremely rare).

Preparation expensive. But patients who have passed this course of intra-articular treatment noted that their well-being improved after the fermaton, gradually pain decreases, restored mobility in the joint. Fermatron, acting as an analogue of the human synovial fluid, breaks the dominant link, causes the development and progression of arthrosis. In addition, the synthesis of endogenous (own) hyaluronan is launched in the body, gradually the properties of the synovial fluid of the joint are restored.

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