Breast division
First, let's talk a little about why our body needs bile. The liver of a healthy person per day must produce approximately 500 ml of this product, which is a kind of colloid thick solution, in which phospholipids, bile acids, cholesterol, bilirubin and various salts are available in a certain ratio. No bile impossible normal digestion in the digestive tract of fat-soluble vitamins, lipids (that is, fats) and their suction. Only in the presence of bile, the fats emulsification occurs, they become accessible to pull the intestinal walls. And the bile should enter the duodenum when the person eats. If bile does badly go there, with its lack of fats remain undigested. Then for them «Take away» Bacteria living on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result of such a processing, a person has pain in the abdomen, unpleasant sensations, gravity, reinforced gas formation, chair disorders, sometimes slimming. If this happens for a long time, the bile is constantly lacking, it leads to a deficit in the body of fat-soluble vitamins. For example, vision in twilight deteriorates, the bones become fragile, often bold bleeding. We also add that bile helps the body get rid of excess harmful cholesterol, prevents the flow of grinding and fermentation phenomena in the intestine, showing antibacterial properties. How to understand that a person has broken division? But for what features:
- Pains appearing under «Spoon» or in the field of right hypochondrium, if a person has attempted smoked or oily, fried;
- bitterness in the oral cavity, nausea;
- excess gas formation;
- If there are concrections in the gallbladder, spastic pains, called bile colic attacks, can happen.
If some of the listed symptoms appear, then this is a signal to consult a doctor. Perhaps the body needs help in the form of choleretics.
General information about Hofitole

Hofitol is counted for a group of choleretic means. It includes an extract made from field artichoke leaf.
Produce a drug in the form of liquid, tablets, syrup and even ampoules.
Two-buckled round pills are brown, similar to lentils. Packaging them can be 180 or 60. Talc, corn starch, magnesium stearate and trisilicate are used as auxiliary substances. The shell consists of talca, rosin, gummylak, gelatin, sucrose, carnabish wax, polysorbate 80, calcium carbonate, ethylpaultsibenzoate, methylpaultydroxybenzoate, dyes. The solution intended for receiving inside, opaque, has a dark brown, allowing the presence of yellow sediment. Glycerol, ethanol, orange flavoring, purified, propyl aprichaproinsibenzoate, methyl apoxideroxybenzoate are taken as auxiliary components. The volume of fluid in the bottle is 120 ml.
pharmachologic effect
The properties of the drug are due to the presence of a thick or dry extract, extractable from the leaf artichoke leaves containing a whole complex of biologically active substances:
- Zinaart and phenolocislotes give medicine with choleretic and hepatoprotective (restoring liver cells) actions;
- Inulin, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, carotene helps in the normalization of metabolic processes, especially lipids and cholesterol;
- the diuretic effect, the medicine helps to increase the selection of urea;
- Displays alkaloids, nitrates, heavy metals.
When Hofithol is prescribed?
Usually the drug is prescribed with the complex treatment of such ailments as:
- Chronic form of non-calculous cholecystitis (i.e., when stones are not accumulated);
- Dyskinesia of biliary ducts flowing according to the hypokinetic type, that is, when their motor function is reduced;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- adhesive hepatosis;
- chronic hepatitis;
- atherosclerosis;
- CPN (chronic renal failure);
- chronic jade;
- urine delay in liver and heart pathologies;
- conditions when the content of acetone is increased in the blood;
- Toxicosis of pregnant women;
- toxicosis in alcohol abuse and in infectious diseases;
- constipation, arising as a manifestation of a lack of bile in the intestine;
- Open with sour or as if «Tukhl» air;
- obesity;
- giardiasis.
Contraindications and side effects
Our site warns that during treatment sometimes undesirable phenomena, it can be:
- Body skin rash.
- Soft chair, sometimes even diarrhea.
Most often, such reactions are observed in patients who exceed the recommended dosage of Hofitola.
And now list contraindications:
- obstruction of the biliary tract;
- cholelithiasis;
- sharp stages of kidney disease, gallbladder and liver;
- severe forms of renal failure;
- Allergies to the components included in the drug.
How to apply drug?

The most common forms for reception are considered solution, tablets, syrup, here are their methods of reception.
Hofitol should be taken before eating. Adults drink one or two pills three times during the day. Or measure from 2.5 to 5 milliliters of the solution, the amount of receptions is the same as in the treatment of pills. Children allowed to give pills if their age more than six years, depending on weight and age, the dosage is installed by a doctor, on average it is one tablet three times a day. If the child is not six years old, then it is better to give him syrup or pour a solution into a small amount of water.
Breasts better dosing medication, feeding into a small amount of water The required amount of droplets calculated by the pediatrician.
Before the admission of a syrup or solution, the vials must be stolen.
The course of treatment in adults and children the same duration, most often it is two or three weeks. On the prescription of the doctor after a while the course can be repeated.
Sometimes doctors prescribe hofithol on one or two ampoules for 7-15 days in a vein or muscle, and only then the patient passes on the reception of tablet or liquid dosage forms.
We draw your attention, dear readers our site that the drug can be appointed pregnant women, not only for the treatment of liver, but also Gesotozakh In the late dates, preeclampsia, which is accompanied by the appearance in the analyzes of the urine of protein, edema, increase Arterial pressure. But the admission of hofithol with pregnant women or nursing mothers should be appointed only by the attending physician with further control of the patient's condition.
If a side effect suddenly arise, the medicine is canceled by selecting another tool.
Special conditions for storing this drug are not required, do not forget that medicines should be placed in an inaccessible place for children. You can purchase a solution and tablets from a pharmacist without a recipe, but for buying an ampoules you will need a recipe from a doctor.